Best Website Hosting Companies – Fooling

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Choosing Best Website Hosting Companies – fooled and puzzled

I thought top web hosts are really top…

I have written this post series for not only to help beginners to choose a problem-free best website hosting, but also for other web site owners and web masters who have not heard (I wish you had!) of EIG yet.

Before we start, here is a 40-sec slide show video I made as a short introduction for this article series.

Alright, don’t want to be fooled by lousy web hosting companies? Then let’s move on.

Please look through the Table of Contents below. It will give you a general idea of what we will be talking about.

How much of it you might want to read?

  • If you haven’t heard of EIG before, then it is highly recommended to read at least first several articles as this is a valuable information. It can change your mindset about where to search for the best website hosting (as it changed my mindset when I got to know it). It is not much, the posts are pretty short.
  • If you have some experience dealing with hosts, then you may read some of the articles of your interest. There’s a lot of practically useful information (tests, measurements etc)..
    I and other readers will be happy to see what you think and discuss it.

If you want to cut to the chase, go direct to the final list with recommended web hosting companies.

Table of Contents for Best Website Hosting post series

Researches and tests on particular hosts:

If you have any questions, please contact me via email form or simply go to this blog post and leave your question in the comments. I will be happy to get back to you with my best knowledge. See you!

Last updated on May 22, 2021
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