ThriveLeads demo: Content Lock

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This is ThriveLeads opt-in plugin demo: Content Lock feature.

To see a locked content a visitor needs to subscribe.
A locked content can be hidden or blurred (I’ve blurred it in this demo).
A locked content can be any kind of content on your post/page: it can be text, images, media etc.

This is the locked content. A visitor will see it after he/she subscribes or if he/she is already subscribed.


After subscribing a visitor will not see the content lock form, but will see the locked content. After re-loading the page or visiting this page later a subscriber will see the locked content.

Since I’ve created it as just a demo, you don’t need to subscribe actually to see how this Content Lock works. You may just click the button “Get instant access” to unlock this demo content.

Read my ThriveLeads review here.
Go to ThriveLeads website.

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