Moderators of Wikipedia decided that Endurance International Group (EIG)’s page should NOT contain the list of the brands (including hosting) that EIG owns. So they edited the wiki page and removed the list of EIG hosting companies and other EIG brands. Although the wiki page did not contain the full list of hosting providers owned by Endurance International Group, I’ve fixed it my way – I’ve put together all EIG companies, brands and trade marks in one place in this post. I did it because otherwise it would be harder to find out the truth about hosting.
This article was last updated on May 18, 2023
Update: In 2021 after a series of acquisitions the “EIG” name was covered by another brand – Newfold Digital. So we can consider that Newfold Digital is the EIG’s successor.
I want people to know which companies EIG controls, because I sincerely want to help people avoid EIG (you can find the reasons why in my hosting research and in this article in particular).
The last version of wiki page about EIG can be found in the Internet Archive here.
In addition, you’ll not find a full list of hosts that EIG owns on its official website. It confirms EIG’s strategy to make acquisitions silently, leave less footprints and so to hide the truth from people that many hosts do not operate independently, but belong to EIG. It makes users who are fed up with bad hosting performance switch from one host to another being unaware that they don’t really change hosting company.
EIG even removed a page from its website that said the following:
Acquisitions are a key component of our growth strategy. Using a proprietary methodology, we have completed acquisitions with more than 30 hosting companies and migrated hundreds of thousands of customers onto our platform since 2001.
(Source: a copy saved on June 28, 2012)
Why you should avoid Endurance International Group (EIG) and Newfold Digital.
In very short, the main reason is that EIG has a very bad reputation of ruining the hosts it acquires. HostGator, Arvixe, A Small Orange, Site5 and so on – we all have heard a huge mass of horrible stories from former clients of these hosts which sharply deteriorated their services after being bought by EIG. EIG “optimizes” cost structure of the hosts it buys out, fires great (expensive) support staff and migrate clients to a worse hardware infrastructure.
Another reason is a strategic one – EIG’s core strategy is to expand as much as possible and profit for the needs of its shareholders. So, this is not about making hosting better for clients, or find a compromise between high quality and profit. This is a pure target of pleasing shareholders.
Being on a client side, I definitely oppose this approach of doing business in hosting. When a big company like EIG seizes a bigger share on the market by aggressive marketing and offering bad services, it ruins the web hosting ecosystem. As a result, great hosts become less noticeable by ordinary people who have less and less chances to get a good hosting services after next EIG acquisition.
That’s why EIG’s tendency to become a bigger corporation makes me not happy at all and I share this information with others.
Full List of EIG Hosting Companies and Newfold Digital hosts (beware and avoid them!). The list is kept updated.
(The list is compiled mostly based on news in the mass media. See the sources below the list).
Also, use search on the page (Ctrl-F) to check if a company is included in the lists below and belongs to EIG.

Do you want to take this image to your website? Use this HTML code:
This image will always have the latest information, because I will update the image when EIG acquires new hosts. Use the code above to always have the latest version of this image.
2slick (
Probably belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1]
(Note from Jun 2016: I’ve sent 2slick my request twice to confirm or to refute their connection with EIG, but I’ve not got any reply yet)
AccountSupport (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1, 2, 24]
A Small Orange (
Acquired by EIG in July 2012 [3, 5]
Arvixe (
Acquired by EIG in October 2014 [4, 9]
Australia Domain Names (
Belongs to Dreamscape Networks which is a part of (which belongs to EIG) [73, 84]
Berry Information Systems L.L.C. (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1]
BigRock (
Acquired in January 2014 [3, 7]
BizLand (
Former name of EIG. Founded in 1996 [1, 2, 6, 24]
BlueBoxInternet (
Associated with EntryHost [90]
BlueDomino (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1, 2, 24]
BlueHost (
Acquired by EIG in November 2010 [8, 24]
Cheap Domains (
Belongs to dreamscapenetworks which is a part of (which belongs to EIG) [73, 85, 86, 87]
Crazy Domains (
Belongs to Newfold which is a part of (which belongs to EIG) [73, 81]
Belongs to EIG since October 2011 or earlier [2, 3, 12]
DomainHost (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1, 2, 24] (
Belongs to which is a part of EIG [73, 78] (
Belongs to EIG since May 2007 or earlier [1, 2, 24]
iPower, StartLogic and Dot5Hosting were acquired by EIG at the same time in 2007.
Dotster (
Belongs to EIG since July 2011 or earlier [2, 3, 12, 13]
EasyCGI (
Belongs to EIG since July 2009 or earlier [1, 2, 14, 24]
EntryHost (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1, 2, 24]
FastDomain (
Has become part of Bluehost since December 2006 (or earlier) [11, 24]
Bluehost was later acquired by EIG (see above)
FatCow (,
Belongs to EIG since May 2007 or earlier [1, 2, 3, 18, 24]
(by the way, here’s my negative FatCow review, filled with marketing tips and anti-manipulation advice)
FreeParking (
Belongs to which is a part of EIG [73, 80]
FreeYellow (
Belongs to EIG since May 2007 or earlier [1, 2, 18, 24]
Globat (Glob@t,
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1, 2, 24]
Homestead Technologies, Inc. (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1, 2]
HostADay (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1]
HostCentric (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1, 2, 24]
HostGator (
Acquired in June 2012 [3, 15, 24]
HostNine (
Is a sister company of A Small Orange (ASO) [6, 16], which is an EIG hosting (see above).
HostMonster (
Is a sister company of BlueHost [6, 17, 24], which was acquired by EIG (see above) (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1, 2, 24]
HyperMart (,
Belongs to EIG since May 2007 or earlier [1, 2, 18, 24]
IMOutdoorsHosting (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1, 2, 24] (
BigRock, which is a part of EIG, launched since 15, Dec 2015 [61, 62, 63]
iPage (
A tool used by iPage and turned into a brand.
Belongs to EIG since May 2007 or earlier [1, 2, 3, 24]
iPower (IpowerWeb,
Belongs to EIG since May 2007 or earlier [1, 2, 18, 24]
iPower, StartLogic and Dot5Hosting were acquired by EIG at the same time in 2007.
JustHost (
Acquired by EIG in 2010 [6, 21, 24]
LogicBoxes (
Acquired by Directi [6, 22], which was bought by EIG (see above)
MyDomain (
Belongs to EIG [2, 6]
NetFirms (
Was acquired by EIG in 2011 [2, 24, 25]
Net Logistics (
Belongs to Dreamscape Networks ( which belongs to EIG [73, 87]
NetworksHosting (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1, 2, 24]
Network Solutions (
A subsidiary of which is a part of EIG [73, 75]
Nexx (
Was acquired by EIG in 2012 or earlier [12, 24, 26]
PowWeb (
Belongs to EIG since April 2006 or earlier [1, 2, 18, 24, 69]
PureHost (
Belongs to EIG since May 2007 or earlier [1, 2, 18, 24]
ReadyHosting (,
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1, 2, 24] (
It’s a part of since 2010, which is a part of EIG since 2021 [73, 74]
ResellerClub (
Acquired in January 2014 [3, 7]
SEO Hosting (,
Was part of HostGator [6] which was later acquired by EIG (see above)
Site5 (
Belongs to EIG since the 4th of August 2015 [28]
SiteBeat (
Belongs to Newfold which is a part of (which is a part of EIG) [73, 82]
SiteBuilder (
A part of EIG since Q2 2015 [64]
Sitelio (
A part of EIG [65]
Sitey (
A part of EIG since Q2 2015 [64]
speedhost (
A part of EIG (NewFold) since 2012 or earlier [92]
Spry (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1, 2, 24]
StartLogic (
Belongs to EIG since May 2007 or earlier [1, 2, 3, 24]
iPower, StartLogic and Dot5Hosting were acquired by EIG at the same time in 2007.
TightHost (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1]
TypePad (
Belongs to EIG since 2014 or earlier [3]
UsaNetHosting (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1, 2, 24]
Verio (
Belongs to EIG since the 4th of August 2015 [28, 34]
Virtual Avenue (
Belongs to EIG since May 2007 or earlier [1, 2, 18, 24]
Vodien (
Belongs to Dreamscape Networks (Newfold) which is a part of (which belongs to EIG) [73, 83]
VPSlink (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 (Also see other EIG brands and companies in the sections below)or earlier [1, 2, 24] (
Bluehost and HostGator (forming Endurance Web Presence) combines with to create Newfold Digital
Belongs to EIG since February 2021 [72, 73]
Web2010 (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1] (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1, 2, 24]
Acquired by Directi [6, 22], which was bought by EIG (see above)
WebSiteBuilder (
A part of EIG since Q2 2015 [64]
WebstrikeSolutions (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1, 2, 24] (
Belongs to Dreamscape Networks which belongs to and correspondingly to EIG [73, 87]
Xeran (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1, 2, 24]
YourWebHosting (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1, 2, 24]
Websites owned by EIG (Newfold Digital) which are not hosting companies themselves but the front pages of EIG hosting (Newfold Digital hosting)
(Also see other EIG brands and companies in the sections below)
123domainrenewals (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
1800-website (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
1st-for-domain-names (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
995discountdomains (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Address Creation (
It’s a part of Dotster, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting.
Addressontheweb (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Allaccessdomains (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Alldomains (
It’s a part of Dotster, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40, 41]
Front site of hosting.
Allindomains (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting.
Austriadomains (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Austriandomains (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Bidfordomainnames (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Chocolatecovereddomains (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Claimeddomains (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Columbiadomains (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Decentdomains (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Department-of-domains (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Deutchdomains (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Diggitydot (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Discountdomainservices (
It’s a part of Dotster, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Domain Bank (
It’s a part of Dotster, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Domain Pro (
It’s a part of Dotster, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Domain-a-go-go (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Domainbulkregistration (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Domainbusinessnames (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Domaincamping (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Domainhostingweb (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Domaininternetname (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Domainnamebidder (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Domainnamelookup (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Dotregistrar (
It’s a part of Dotster, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Enameco (
It’s a part of Dotster, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Hostlane (
It’s a part of Dotster, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
NamesDirect (
Belongs to EIG since 2011 or earlier [12]
Front site of
NameZero (
Belongs to EIG since 2011 or earlier [12, 40]
Front site of
National CA Domains (
It’s a part of Dotster, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40, 41]
Front site of hosting.
Niuedomains (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Personalnames (
It’s a part of Dotster, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Privacypost (
It’s a part of Dotster, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40, 41]
Front site of hosting.
Register Names (
It’s a part of Dotster, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40, 41]
Front site of hosting.
Samoandomains (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Tuvaludomains (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Unitedkingdomdomains (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Front site of hosting which belongs to EIG.
Universal Registration Services (
Belongs to EIG since 2013 or earlier [40]
Front site of hosting.
Other existing EIG companies (Newfold digital companies), websites and hosting-related products:
(Also see other EIG brands and companies in the sections below)
The Britannia International Group, Inc. (
Belongs to EIG since 2013 or earlier [40, 41]
Business on tap (
Belongs to EIG since 2015 or earlier [47, 48]
BuyDomains (
Acquired by EIG in the 3d quarter 2014 [9, 10]
Capitaldomains (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Constant Contact (
Acquired by EIG in November 2015 [49]
Directi Web Technologies (Directi,
Acquired in January 2014 [7, 9, 10]
D Loja Virtual (DLoja Virtual,
Acquired by NewFold in February 20234 [93, 94]
Dreamscape Networks (
Belongs to which is a part of EIG [73, 79]
EmailBrain (
Belongs to EIG since since July 2013 or earlier [40, 41]
The Endurance International Group, Inc. (,
Official EIG website
Intuit Websites (
Acquired in August 2012 [19]
JustCloud (
Belongs to EIG since February 2014 or earlier [20]
MarkMonitor (
Belongs to NewFold since Sep 12, 2022 [89]
MojoMarketplace (,,,
Acquired by EIG in March 2013 [23]
NameJet (
Belongs to which is a part of EIG [73, 77]
It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Endurance International Group, Inc. [68]
SEO Gears (
Belongs to EIG since 2014 or earlier [3, 24]
SimpleScripts (
Belongs to EIG since the 2013 or ealrier [40, 41]
SiteLock, LLC (
Controlled by EIG since at least 2014 [30]
SiteLock operates as a subsidiary of Unitedweb [31]
Both EIG and SiteLock belong to United Web ( [32] (
Belongs to which is a part of EIG [73, 76]
Spertly (
Belongs to EIG since 2013 or earlier [40, 24, 56]
VDeck (
Belongs to EIG since 2011 [12]
WebSiteMe (
Part of (as well as Belongs to EIG since 2015 or earlier [35] (
Belongs to EIG since 2013 or earlier [24]
Ceased EIG (Newfold Digital) companies and websites (including redirected sites):
(Also see other EIG brands and companies in the sections below)
000Domain (
Belongs to EIG since since July 2013 or earlier [40, 41]
Website ceased.
24x7domain (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. Belongs to EIG since since 2013 or earlier [40]
Website under construction. (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1, 2, 24]
Now redirects to
AptHost (
Belongs to EIG as a part of since at least June 25, 2015 [36, 37, 38, 39]
Used to be redirected to Now ceased (checked on Mar/08/2021)
Athenix Corporation, Athenix Inc. (
Belongs to EIG since 2012 or earlier [40, 41]
Website ceased (checked on Mar/08/2021).
BlueFur (
Belongs to EIG since at least 25, June 2015 [36, 37]
Now redirects to
CarielWeb (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1]
Website ceased.
Chinesedomains (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Website ceased.
Cirtex Corp (
Used to redirect to which belongs to EIG [91]
Cirtex Hosting (
Acquired by HostNine which belongs to EIG [6, 16]
Website redirects to
Cloud by IX (
Acquired by EIG in Q4 2015 with IXWebHosting [58, 59, 60]
Website redirects to
Cocosislandsdomains (
It’s a part of RegistrarAds, Inc. which belongs to EIG [40]
Website redirects to
ComputersConcepts (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1]
Website ceased.
Domain Name Holding Company (
Belongs to EIG since since July 2013 or earlier [40, 51]
Website ceased.
Domain Collection (
Belongs to EIG since since July 2013 or earlier [40, 41]
Website redirects to
Ehost (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1, 2, 24]
Hosting closed. The domain is supposed to be redirected to
Belongs to EIG since since 2015 or earlier [57]
Website ceased.
Enetica (
Is now Vodien Australia Pty Ltd (which belongs to Dreamscape Networks and correspondingly to and EIG) [73, 87]
Escalate Internet (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1, 2]
Website dropped (checked on Mar/08/2021)
Fortune City (
Belongs to EIG since since July 2013 or earlier [40, 41]
Website redirects to
Gator (
Website redirects to
Globuild (
Domain belongs to EIG since 2016 or ealrier [52]
Website ceased.
Host Excellence (
Acquired by EIG in Q4 2015 with IXWebHosting [58, 59, 60]
Website redirects to
HostClear (
Bought by JustHost in October 2011 [6], which was later acquired by EIG (see below)
Business closed. Webpage suggests Sitelio and Justhost (checked on Mar/08/2021)
HostV (
Domain belongs to A Small Orange LLC [66]
Redirects to which belongs to EIG
HostWithMeNow (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1]
Website ceased.
IdeaHost (
Belongs to EIG [29]
Business closed. Webpage suggests Sitelio and Justhost (checked on Mar/08/2021)
IX Web Hosting (
Acquired by EIG in Q4 2015 with Ecommerce, LLC [58, 59, 70, 71]
Website redirects to
Launchpad (
Domain belongs to EIG since 2013 or ealrier [40, 41, 53]
Website ceased.
MailEIG (
Belongs to EIG since 2011 [12]
Website redirects to EIG site (
Marketsquare (
Domain belongs to EIG since 2013 or ealrier [40, 41, 54]
Website ceased.
Domain belongs to EIG since 2013 or ealrier [40, 41, 55]
Website ceased.
Belongs to Dreamscape Networks which is a part of and correspondingly EIG [73, 87]
OsullivanSystems (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1]
Website ceased.
PipeDNS (
Belongs to EIG since 2011 or earlier [12]
Website ceased.
Quadra Hosting (
Is now Vodien Australia Pty Ltd (which is a part of dreamscapenetworks ( which belongs to EIG) [73, 87]
RegistrarAds, Inc. (
Belongs to EIG since 2013 or earlier [40, 46]
Website ceased.
Saba-Pro (SabaPro,
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1]
Website ceased.
Belongs to Dreamscape Networks which is a part of and correspondingly EIG [73, 87]
Website redirects to, which is a part of EIG.
SuperGreen Hosting (SuperGreenHosting,
Merged with JustHost, which was later acquired by EIG [6, 24]
Redirect to
Unified Layer (
Belongs to EIG since 2013 or earlier [24]
Website ceased.
WebDevHosting (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1]
Domain for sale
WebsiteWelcome (
Belongs to EIG since 2011 [12]
Website ceased.
Webzai (
Acquired by EIG in the 3d quarter 2014 [9]
Website ceased.
World Wide Web Hosting (
Belongs to EIG since at least June 25, 2015 [33]
Redirect to
ZipitDesigns (
Belongs to EIG since April 2010 or earlier [1]
Website ceased.
YourHostingAccount (
Belongs to EIG since 2011 [12]
Website ceased.
[1] About the Endurance International Group (EIG). URL:
[2] Better Business Bureau website. URL:
[3] EIG official website. URL:
[4] Endurance International Group Acquires Arvixe. URL:
[5] (The following reference is no longer opening: Former A Small Orange CEO Reveals New Cloud-based Customer Service Project with $6M in the Bank. URL:
[6] Endurance International Group in the Internet Archive. URL:
[7] Endurance International Group Completes Directi Acquisition, Expanding Indian Presence. URL:
[8] Several Reports Suggest Endurance International Group to Acquire HostGator. URL:
[9] Endurance International Group Acquires BuyDomains, Webzai & Arvixe For $77 Million. URL:
[10] URL:
[11] URL:
[12] Los tentáculos de Endurance International Group (EIG). URL:
[13] URL:
[14] URL:
[15] Endurance International Group (EIG) is Buying HostGator. URL:
[16] URL:
[17] Bluehost, HostGator Among EIG Brands Hit by Massive New Year’s Eve Outage. URL:
[18] IPOWER, Endurance International Announce Merger. URL:
[19] Intuit Websites Acquired by Endurance International. URL:
[20] SMBs ask the Cloud – “Back me up and Sync me!” Endurance to launch JustCloud to answer the plea. URL:
[21] URL:
[22] Endurance Intl completes Directi deal; acquires ResellerClub, LogicBoxes, WebHosting.Info & BigRock. URL:
[23] MOJO Themes Acquired by EIG! URL:
[24] Subsidiaries of the Registrant. URL:
[25] EIG aquires Netfirms. URL:
[26] URL:
[28] URL: (thanks Sasha Korell for the update!)
[29] URL:
[30] (Hari Ravichandran, CEO of EIG: ” One of our board members, Tomas Gorny and I are shareholders in IBS… The revenue share between Endurance and IBS for Sitelock has been set at 55%/45% in favor of Endurance”)
[31] URL:
[32] URL:
[33] URL:
[34] URL:
[35] URL:
[36] Apthost, Bluefur and Site5 are alternate names of World Wide Web Hosting LLC (, which belongs to EIG. URL:
[37] Apthost,Bluefur and Site5 have the same affilaite department. URL:
[38] has the same WHOIS info as (Registrant Street: 1722 N College Ave Suite C-196). URL:,
[39] AptHost Communications USA, Inc. ( operates as a subsidiary of, LLC. URL:
[40] URL:, filed at September 13, 2013
[41] URL:
[42] URL:
[43] URL:
[44] URL:
[45] URL:
[46] URL:
[47] URL:
[48] URL:
[49] URL:
[50] URL:
[51] URL:
[52] URL:
[53] URL:
[54] URL:
[55] URL:
[56] URL:
[57] URL:
[58] URL: (thanks Matt from for the update!)
[59] URL:
[60] URL:
[61] URL:
[62] URL:
[63] URL:
[64] URL: [FY2015_Q2_EarningsTranscript_vFINAL.pdf]
(“…We have launched several new brands for the web builder segment through our WZ UK joint venture, including, and …”)
[65], as well as and share the same web site builder as (owned by EIG). They don’t make it transparent, but it’s very likely so. Even their Terms and Services which are very similar, if not to say identical.
[66] URL:
[67] URL:
[68] URL:,
[69] URL:,
[70] URL:
[71] URL:
[72] URL:
[73] URL:
[74] URL:
[75] URL:
[76] URL:
[77] URL:
[78] URL:
[79] URL:
[80] URL:
[81] URL:
[82] URL:
[83] URL:
[84] URL: (“ A division of Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd”)
[85] URL: (“A division of Australia Domain Names, Aust Domains”)
[86] URL:
[87] URL:
[88] URL:
[89] URL:
[90] URL: (“Blue Box Internet provides Web hosting and associated services through…”)
[91] URL: (“Redirected to…”)
[92] URL: (The employee was working for Directi, Speedhost in 2012, LogicBoxes, EIG, NewFold)
[93] URL:
[94] URL:
List of other EIG (Newfold) Subsidiaries, Brands, Trademarks
(The list is compiled based on the public financial documentation. See the sources at the end of the list)
000domains, LLC
123domainrenewals, LLC
1800-website, LLC
1st-for-domain-names, LLC
24x7domains, LLC
995discountdomains, LLC
A Small Orange, LLC
Address Creation, LLC
Addressontheweb, LLC
Allaccessdomains, LLC
Alldomains, LLC
Allindomains, LLC
AppMachine B.V.
Aspen Insurance
Athenix Corporation
Austriadomains, LLC
Austriandomains, LLC
Bidfordomainnames, LLC
Bluehost Inc.
"Bluehost Inc.,
Capitaldomains, LLC
CAT, INC. dba
Chinesedomains, LLC
Chocolatecovereddomains, LLC
Claimeddomains, LLC
Cocosislandsdomains, LLC
Columbiadomains, LLC
Constant Contact
Decentdomains, LLC
Department-of-domains, LLC
Deutchdomains, LLC
Diggitydot, LLC
Discountdomainservices, LLC
Domain Name Holding Company, Inc.
Domain Pro, LLC
Domain-A-Go-Go, LLC, LLC
Domainbulkregistration, LLC
Domainbusinessnames, LLC
Domaincamping, LLC
"DomainDucks, Inc. dba"
Domainhostingweb, LLC
Domaininternetname, LLC
Domainnamebidder, LLC
Domainnamelookup, LLC
Dotregistrar, LLC
Dotster, Inc.
dba Domain Bank
DSTR Acquisition PA I, LLC
Ecommerce, LLC
EIG Investors Corp.
Enameco, LLC
Endurance Brasil Holdings Participações Ltda
Endurance International Group—West, Inc.
Endurance Global Risk Solutions
Endurance Global Weather
Endurance Singapore Holdings PTE. LTD.
Endurance Specialty Holdings Ltd.
FastDomain Inc.
FATCOW (and Design)
GLOBAT.COM (and Design)
H Design Mark
Homestead And Design
Homestead and Design
Homestead Searchlight
Homestead Technologies Inc
Homestead Technologies Inc.
HostGator Logo LLC LLC
Hostlane, Inc.
HostNine LLC
Marketsquare and Design
MyDomain, Inc. dba dba
MyInternet Media, Ltd.
MySocialSuite (
NAMEZERO.COM (and Design)
National CA Domains, LTD.
NETFIRMS (and design)
Niuedomains, LLC
Paintbrush Acquisition Corporation (merged with Constant Contact)
Precipice, Inc
Privacypost, Inc. dba Nedekko
Register Names, LLC
RegistrarAds, Inc. dba Domain Collection dba
Samoandomains, LLC (, : JACKSONVILLE, Fla., July 31, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Group, Inc. (Nasdaq:WWWW), a leading provider of Internet services and online marketing solutions for small businesses, announced today that it has acquired Scoot)
SEO WebHosting, Inc.
Signature Domains, LLC
SimpleScripts Inc.
SinglePlatform (TripAdviser acquired it from EIG in the end of 2019)
SoftwareWorks Group, Inc.
Solid Cactus, ( : " Acquires Solid Cactus Apr. 27, 2009...")
The Britannia International Group, Inc.
The Endurance International Group, Inc.
Tuvaludomains, LLC
Unitedkingdomdomains, LLC
Wz (uk) Ltd, WZ UK joint venture
Extra information on merging and consolidation with and into:
Endurance Specialty Holdings Ltd. merging with and into Volcano International Limited, an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of SOMPO Holdings, Inc. [ source: ]
SOMPO Holdings Completes Acquisition of Endurance Specialty Holdings
Launches Sompo International [ source: ]
Sompo International to Acquire Financial Institutions’ Portfolio from Novae [ source: ]
Endurance International Group Holdings entered (as a “parent”) into an agreement and plan of merger with Endure Digital Intermediate Holdings (formerly known as Razorback Technology Intermediate Holdings, Inc.) [ source:, November 1, 2020 ]
EIG is to be acquired by Clearlake Capital Group [ source:, November 2, 2020 ]
Additional source:
Newfold Digital news:
You can (could) find the most recent EIG acquisitions at and in EIG’s press releases at
Financial news about EIG are at
News and press releases are at
There is a clear tendency in the world in monopolization (not only in hosting industry by the way). Putting aside conspiracy and social and technological development, and talking only about shared hosting now, it’s obvious that more and more companies will be swallowed by EIG in the future. For you, as a hosting client, it means less quality for more money.
That’s why I recommend choosing non-EIG hosting.
And my choice is presented here.
Please feel free to let me know in the comments below or via a private message if you think there should be any updates in this post.
P.S.: I’ll be updating this post when new EIG acquisitions take place. Bookmark this page to refer to it one day you decide to buy hosting to make sure it does not belong to EIG.
Last added hosting entries: and all its guys, Newfold acquisitions,
Last important notes:
– EIG (Endurance International Group Holdings Inc.) was acquired by private-equity firm Clearlake Capital Group L.P. The quality of the hosts is not likely to improve.
– Newfold Digital backed by Clearlake Capital Group acquired Yoast.
– Hostopia Australia (with the brands Anchor, Digital Pacific, Crucial, Panthur and Web24 behind it) was acquired by US ecommerce firm Newfold Digital (I will add the brands to the list on the page shortly)
- Steve Cooke from
- Neil Robertson from
BTW, I respect your privacy, and of course I don't send spam, affiliate offers or trade your emails. What I send is information that I consider useful.
Thank’s much Michael. The threat is more dire than can be imagined. I had moved a clients domain from Netfirms to Google Cloud Platform because They required a VPN. After setting them up on Google Workspace for email service I found I couldn’t even complete their SPF Ddark and DKIM correctly because those services need to be credentialed by the registrar. (When I reached out to Netfirms they told me the Registrar was To date tech support doesn’t exist. I called and they told me isn’t one of their registered companies. and are all part of Newfold Digital. They don’t even recognize they should be able to work together. Luckily my clients emails are trusted because it is sent from Google Workspace but the evidence that one hand of Newfold Digital doesn’t know what the other hand is doing is pretty bad.
Yep, I would do the same! 🙂
This is a great page, thanks for updating it too.
My story is related to recently acquired by the EIG conglomerate. Previously with namesdirect and also consumed. Anyhow, I moved all domains away from mydomain and they promised to delete my personal and payment details. Never trust those call centres, the lie outright. 9 months later, I noticed that Mydomain had transferred all my details, old domains, and credit card over to during the takeover.
My take on this is that data privacy means nothing to those idiots at Mydomain, they just wanted to pump up their customer numbers to boost their valuation before the takeover. Hence risking ex-customers details to being hacked and compromised. How can a company move your supposedly deleted account to another company without telling you about it? Not knowing your details and credit card are floating around the web in random companies such as is mind blowingly bad.
Shame on, shame on for making excuses and still not deleting my account and credit card details. These guys in Private Equity deserve to go down with their shitty companies. Never trust a banker. The more sites that publish this EIG list, the better for consumers. I was about to go one of those hosting companies above, but will now go elsewhere. Thanks!
Yeah, it sucks. Thanks for sharing your story, Jonas!
Ipower charged me $304 out of the blue last month. I thought it was the yearly bill, but then they charged me the regular $290 today.
I went to Ipower’s billing page and they had removed the $304 charge from the billing history! It was there last month.
But they have not refunded the charge.
That’s not only slimy, that seems criminal! I don’t know what to do about it.
Very sorry to hear about it. I guess you could go to your bank and try filing a chargeback to get your money back.
You are doing the lords work, I work closely with an SEG mail filter and work with our partners to change MX records often.
Network solutions,, and a good amount of DNS hosts you list here are complete garbage. DNS hosts like cloudflare and godaddy will propagate an MX record in under a minute, EIG owned hosts on a good day take 30 minutes minimum, on a normal day….maybe 30-90 minutes….its absurd.
Also a good amount of DNS timeouts occur for domains with DNS hosted on EIG sites, compared to the other ones I listed.
Thanks for sharing the details, Jared!
Wow, this list is eye-opening! I had no idea how many brands were under the EIG umbrella. It’s crucial for consumers to be aware of this, especially when choosing a hosting provider. Thanks for shedding light on this!
No problem!
Wow, this is incredible! I’ve bookmarked it. Thanks a ton for investing the time to compile this. It’s incredibly useful! I was completely unaware of the fact that EIG owns such a multitude of hosting companies. It seems they prioritize quantity over quality in their approach.
No problem!
Hi there! I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your article on the EIG companies and brands to beware of when it comes to hosting. As someone who runs a website (, I know how important it is to choose a reliable and trustworthy hosting provider.
Your list of EIG companies and brands was incredibly comprehensive and provided a wealth of valuable information on each one. I appreciate the time and effort you put into researching and compiling this list, as it will undoubtedly help many website owners like myself avoid potential headaches and pitfalls.
I’m definitely going to keep this list in mind when it comes time to choose a hosting provider for my site. Thank you again for sharing your expertise and helping us all make more informed decisions when it comes to web hosting.
Great you’ve found the article useful!
Wow, essential information. I had familiarity with Bluehost and Netfirms but that is a wild long list of companies and domains. Appreciate the heads up.
Thank you.
You’re welcome! Yep, it’s a long list 🙂
Hi Michael
Thank you for your research, it’s very helpful
I just see the news that Newfold Digital has acquired DLoja Virtual
I don’t know if this can be included in the list or not. You can decide.
Have a nice day…
Hi Kyung!
Sure, I’ve added it to the list of other companies and brands.
Feel free to let me know if you need any credit mentioned on the page for your input 🙂
Michael, thank you for all the hard work that you have done in order to produce this excellent article. I greatly appreciate this news article about EIG, which, in 2021, changed its name to “Newfold Digital.”
Thanks for the input, Paul! Indeed, I have some mentions of this name in the article. Perhaps it even makes sense to mention it in the article’s title.
Having gone through most of the mentioned ‘EIG Group companies”. And for me as a digital marketer it would be now helpful to grow all of my projects on secure non-EIG ones.
Sounds great!
Thanks for sharing, this is amazing stuff. Can you recommend for me the best shared hosting provider? Which is based in the USA?
My recommended hosts are on this page. Most of them are based in the USA.
Hi Michael, here’s one more Australian web host to add to the list: Crucial.
I could not find quickly any official notes about it. Could you tell me how did you know about it?
The report at confirms Newfold’s acquisition of Hostopia. Hostopia’s LinkedIn page at shows the related brands: Anchor, Digital Pacific, Crucial, Panthur and Web24.
You nailed it, Neil!
Thanks a lot for your input!
I will add this information to the page shortly.
By the way, let me know if you would like me to add your credentials (your name, URL) to the page to the Contributors section on this page. I’ll be happy to see you there 🙂
Thanks Michael, feel free to add me as a contributor! I’ll let you know of any other EIG / Newfold acquisitions in Australia if and when they happen.
Neil, done! Thanks again!
I also believe that, Additional information: SiteLock, the website security company is also owned by EIG
Yeah, SiteLock is already in the list in the “Other existing EIG companies” section
Just looking for new hosting provider, but after reading this article I found so much information. Thanks so much
Hope you will find a good one!
Thank you for this site. I get so sick and tired of getting the same shit service from a hosting company only to find out it is once again part of EIG. I’m going to blog about this on and include the link to your data. This information needs to be all over the Internet!
I “think” is also part of this group though I don’t see it listed. Same shit service. Same adds, same everything.
Here’s the post.
Hey Roland,
Yeah, there are quite a lot bad hosting services out there. 1and1 is not a part of EIG though, at least I have no information about it.
And thank you for spreading the information and giving me credit on your website!
Thank you for this site. I get so sick and tired of getting the same shit service from a hosting company only to find out it is once again part of EIG. I’m going to blog about this on and include the link to your data. This information needs to be all over the Internet!
I “think” is also part of this group though I don’t see it listed. Same shit service. Same adds, same everything.
Thanks, Roland, for your input!
Hi Michael,
Thanks for this post. I don’t know that Site5 is also acquired by EIG.
Yep, almost 7 years ago 😉
Hi Micheal,
Great Information first of all.
Can I ask how do you get these data?
Hi Devik,
I have a list of sources provided in the post.
I got it. Thanks for your explanation.
EIG companies are like hornets, once they attach their stingers into you.
They’ll hurt your online presence.
Constant Contract, Bluehost, HostGator, ResellerClub, iPage, TypePad, WebSite Builder
those owners would have never made wealth without you
I like your analogy with hornets very much, Prahlad! Thanks for your input!
Hey, thanks for clearing my doubts, that why do WordPress recommends some of hosing providers. That all the game herein 😛
If to put it simply: EIG (the parent company of Bluehost) invests in Automatic (the company behind WordPress). And in return WordPress promotes BH. It’s just business.
That explains a lot – I have been wondering for years why promoted Bluehost.
But what is your source for this? I’ve been trying for a couple of years to find out who is on the WordPress Foundation board (given that Automattic’s board is now stacked with venture capitalists, including Matt Mullenweg himself), but I haven’t been able to dmfind that information anywhere
In theory, what happens at for-profit Automattic should not influence what hosting companies are promoted by the nonprofit WordPress Foundation on WordPress org, but sadly, IRL doesn’t necessarily work that way…
BTW, maybe I missed it, but Yoast SEO sold out to Newfold in August 2021 and I didn’t see it in your list.
Hey Morgan,
I’ve read several years ago about EIG supporting WordPress and investing into Automattic. Here are some quotes I’ve found:
The source:

The original EIG’s press release (available only on Waybackmachine now):
Here’s a screenshot of it:
And yeah, I already have Yoast acquisition mentioned in the “List of other EIG Subsidiaries, Brands, Trademarks” section and some other places on the page, but anyway, thanks for keeping an eye on it!
adequate information…!
And as full as possible 🙂
Thanks for sharing the amazing list. I found this stuff very useful. IT really helps beginners like me to choose desired hosting.
No problem, Deepak!
Hi Michael,
I have no idea that the list will be so big under EIG. I am familiar with only BlueHost and HostGator. Great information shared. Good compilation. Thanks for it.
Glad to be helpful. Share the knowledge, Sai!
Hey Michael,
I never know that EIG companies own most of the companies. Definitely, I am going to bookmark this post for future reference. Thanks for saving people from buying crap hosting
Sounds good. Feel free to share the page, Jones!
Thank You for the list on GOOD Hosts and Registrars.
I’ve been doing a lot of reading, with a lot more to do.
I’ll start out with shared hosting to get my feet wet,
but I want my own at home website and email server.
I know I’ll need an Internet static IP address.
Have you done any research in at home servers ?
Linux OS research ?
It’s common point of view that you can develop your site on a home computer and get your feet wet with it learning Linux OS. But as soon as you open your site open access your site via internet it is highly advised to get a hosting for this. Home hosting is not a viable option for a number of reasons.
Get a shared hosting if you don’t want to deal with technical stuff like a command line and Linux stuff. Get an unmanaged VPS if you want to dive into server management.
As regards email server, it’s one more story. If you need to handle a small amount of emails, then shared hosting options may suit you. But it’s recommended to use some third party email solutions, like G Suit (Google Workspace), Mailchimp or send grid to name a few, maybe even a free Gmail or other email platform will e fine for you. Building totally new email server may be justified only in very limited cases, like if you are going to scale it and you have budget to hire developers etc.
So, my advice for you is to get a shared hosting. And for emails, get something like MailChimp or Google WorkSpace.
Massive Website info.
Some of these hosts are domain name registrars.
Do you maintain a list of GOOD domain name registrars and website Hosts ?
Arthur, I watch carefully several hosts and recommend a few of them on this page. As regards domain registrars. I use these ones.
I used to be a customer of Verio and Site5, both acquired by EIG in 2015. I terminated my subscription with them in 2016, when their services and their support were flushed down the toilet. Since then I had nothing to do with them or any other EIG company (I am very careful on that).
Nevertheless, a couple of weeks ago I noticed that my credit card was charged by EIG for hosting services. I immediately had the transaction reversed and had my credit card reissued with a new number.
Today I received an email from “YourWebHosting” informing me that because of the chargeback they suspended their services to “my account” and that they will cancel “my account” in 3 weeks if I do not pay them (be my guest). I never heard of such a company before and never had any relation with them. Neither have I maintained any relation with any other EIG company since 2016.
Beware of your credit card information. It is at risk at the EIG companies. It seems our credit card information is preserved forever and disseminated among all the EIG companies which may charge us at any time for services “they WISH to provide us” without our knowledge and acceptance.
Yeah, it’s a total mess. It sounds depressing. Nowadays the financial security risks have become indeed high. Take care.
Many bloggers and website owners say “avoid from EIG Group companies”. But WordPress Recommends
Bluehost and Dreamhost.
Welcome to the world of sponsorship and blatantly biased recommendations 🙂
I.e. EIG sponsors WordPress.
Dreamhost has lost a lot of quality, but it’s still not part of EIG. AFAIK, it’s employed-owned.
Not all bad hosts belong to EIG.
Not belonging to EIG does not guarantee that it’s a good host.
It’s sad that WordPress advertises for the wrong companies
Nothing personal, just sponsors 🙂
Hey Michael,
I never know that EIG companies own most of the companies. Definitely, I am going to bookmark this post for future reference. Thanks for saving people from buying crap hosting
Thanks for your feedback.
EIG owns not most of the companies, but probably most of the companies that most people know 🙂
A couple years ago I discovered this post. I still refer people here up to this day. I wish all site owners were familiar–even just a teeny bit–with the evil EIG. Thank you for putting this up. Please don’t ever take this down!
Yep! While EIG does not file and win a suit against me, this page will be up and running! 🙂
Since got out of shared hosting and used Dedicated Server, glad to know that my old hosting and new provider is not part of the EIG yet.
Do you think they also have some connection in server like VPS and Dedicated Server Area?
I don’t think that it has.
Thanks for sharing info, It will help me with my decison about picking the right hosting company and how to host it.
Sounds cool, Sergey. Feel free to know if you need a hosting advice!
Thanks for sharing useful details about hosting.
I am going to start travel blog, Can you suggest some best hosting so i can host my new site easily?
My selected hosts that I recommend are on this page.
I was shocked after read your post, means some where i am still using hosting service from EIG host.
i would like to know more about if they having any data center. is not part of EIG as they are taking from, i am using their service since 2010 and can say it is good service provider. as we are also provide hosting service and having server from Indian Data center.
EIG owns lots of hosts. You can look at a particular EIG host and see where its datacenters located (if there is such information on the host’s website)
I used your post to set the ball in motion to get the wikipedia page patched (done) but your list remains more comprehensive for sure
Yes, the wiki page is not independently maintained 🙂
You are absolutely right. EIG hosting companies are struggling with performance and quality service. It’s good to avoid them and get a better WordPress hosting. Thanks for spreading knowledge and valuable information.
You’re very welcome. Feel free to share it to let other people know it too!
Hello Michael,
I would be happier if I had the chance to read this article before. I deeply regret the decision of purchasing Blue Host server(Shared) for 3 years. I can easily spot fluctuations with loading speed. Are there any possible solutions to increase my loading speed without buying CDN?
Can Dedicated Ip resolve this problem? This article will be a lifesaver. I won’t buy any server form EIG hosting anymore!
Hello Aria,
Sorry to hear your issues. Yes, EIG hosting is not the best friend for a long-term contract.
CDN can help if you use tons of static resources such as images, CSS etc. By default CDN does not improve speed really.
By the way, I made a research with Cloudflare’s default settings and it did not improve speed to any significant extent.
However, a very aggressive caching (e.g. the Cache-Everything rule at Cloudflare) can really help (my research). But not all sites can work appropriately with this rule enabled.
Dedicated IP will not help to improve speed.
What you can do to use a caching plugin (use any free one if you don’t use any, a free plugin is enough to see if a caching plugin can help you at all in your case). I compare two most well-known caching plugins (W3 and Super Cache) in this research and they give similar results.
In summary:
Using another hosting is the best option for you, of course.
But if you can’t switch hosting now, try using a free Cloudflare CDN with Cache-Everything rule enabled.
Using a cache plugin (a free version is OK) is a good idea.
Hope it helps.
Thanks, Micheal. I have saved many from buying EIG hosting in recent days. I have used W3 Total Cache and seen good results. But the problem is fluctuation. I will try free Cloudflare CDN and let you know. If it does not work, I am planning to go for SiteGround. If there is any best option other than that, please let me know.
Aria, performance fluctuation is most likely because of the hosting instability. A free Cloudflare with Cache-Everything rule enabled may help you (although some websites can function not properly with this rule enabled).
SiteGround is known to be one of the best hosts out there and it has been showing a great and stable performance in my tests for years. So, it’s a good option regarding both speed, stability and customer support.
If I have to promote one these hosting what will you suggest
These hosts are to avoid, not to promote.
informative post i did not know about brands under EIG.
Thanks for sharing.
You’re welcome. Feel free to share the knowledge!
I was solicited by a fundraiser that has a domain name owned by ‘The Endurance International Group, Inc.’. Is it possible they themselves are faking a fundraiser, or did the people soliciting money just pick a really boneheaded domain hosting company.
The domain is
As far as I can see the domain belongs to EIG, is registered in EIG’s registrar and is hosted on EIG’s hosting company too. I don’t think EIG is faking anything here. I’d rather assume EIG is indeed connected with newcitykids organization. EIG is quite a big corporation and functions in different niches/spheres.
Very Very Helpful article about hosting companies.
Thanks for sharing.
Glad you found the information about EIG hosts useful, Henry!
Thanks so much for compiling and posting this info! Once upon a time (2007) I did my own due diligence, selected BlueHost, and they were fine – even great – for a decade or so.
Things there have clearly changed dramatically in the past few years: their quality and service has gone into the toilet, and now I know why. I also know who to avoid as I figure out my next moves, thanks to you.
Recently, I tried using their staging environment (provided by Mojo) and it crashed absolutely everything on my account when I tried to publish. Even my email!
I’ve been arguing with them for several days about restoring my backup files, because they also removed the ability for you to restore them yourself. “Site Restore is not available on cPanel, sorry” – and when you force them to give you the direct link, it is so slow that everything times out.
Last year I got hacked, and BlueHost tried to sell me recovery services at over $100 per site. Instead I used the Site Restore tool to do my own hacking recovery work — and that’s probably why they throttled it.
I think they now figure that poor security brings them in more money in hacking recovery services, and I think they also figure that too many savvy people will fix their own issues if they have the right tools available.
This behavior is so destructive. I can’t even imagine how many budding businesses might have been capsized by these kinds of extortionate policies.
Thanks, TessM, for sharing your story. Although it’s unique experience to you, this sounds too familiar when reading mass reviews on BlueHost. EIG brands have great marketing and even if their services are destructive in many ways, they are still going well in terms of getting new clients. Hope you will end up with your hosting issues soon. Feel free to let me know if you have questions or need advice.
Can you tell me plz the best host company in Pakistan i really want the ans.
I suggest using one of my recommended hosts with Asia location. If you are a technical person, use DigitalOcean, it’s the fastest for the money.
Thanks for this list! I’ve been on A Small Orange since 2008. I have basic needs and rarely needed to contact support. In the past few years, I’ve noticed that when I did need to get in touch with someone it’s been really sub-quality. It was no longer possible to email with an actual IT engineer, just someone in a call center. It would take hours to do something basic b/c it could take several minutes for them to respond to each comment in the chat window.
Recently I figured out that they blacklisted my email addresses in their own outgoing servers! If I had links in my messages (which are most of them b/c of a sig file with my web address in it), then they’d filter it! They never told me. I have no idea how long this has been going on. They have supposedly whitelisted me and I can send email again. When I asked them why they would blacklist their own customers, they told me that they recommend their shared host customers not put links in emails. I mean, WTH?
I had no idea that A Small Orange had been purchased by this horrible company until the help desk guy copied the message from their mail server and it said that a Hostgator gateway rejected it. So, I started asking the guy questions and he spilled the beans. Now there’s a whole cottage industry about how bad this parent company is. I’m so sad that this happened to such a great little company. I feel really sorry for the migration headache I’m about to go through. I only have a few weeks before my next annual billing cycle. Fun.
Thanks, Jen, for your story. Yes, ASO is one of the biggest disappointments in the EIG’s acquisitions history.
I’m trying to post this in as many places as possible. This site was very informative and enlightening.
While waiting for the overseas support LiveChat attendant, I decided that I will spend my time posting about the absurdity of being charged for a renewal for web hosting for an account that was cancelled in 2018. 2 years ago.
On 1/1/2020, I received an email notification that my domain would expire on 1/312020 and then another email 1 minute late that thanked me for my payment for another year of renewal.
Arvixe apparently can’t publish a phone number and all support is handled via LiveChat. I’ve now wasted almost an hour typing to someone in Who-Knows-Where and am being told that the money cannot be refunded.
I’ve shared screenshots and texts of my 2018 email confirmation. The email confirmation shows up in my email history on their website too.
This is ridiculous!
Thanks for sharing your experience, Brian.
Yes, unfortunately, it looks like it’s not rare when former EIG clients get charged for the services that they cancelled long ago.
Hi Michael, I have referred to this post often–thanks! But I could swear that Tucows was an EIG owned registrar. But I don’t see it listed here. Am I mistaken about that, or did EIG maybe sell them? I’ve been using ENOM, and unbeknownst to me, they were acquired by Tucows, who has just been acquired by a company called Hover. I’m trying to figure if this is an EIG company, but I don’t see any of those three brands (ENOM, Tucows, Hover) listed here. Am I EIG-free, do you think?
Hi Tom.
Thanks for the question.
To my knowledge, when Netfirms was acquired by EIG, Netfirms’ domains were transferred to Tucows. But Tucows is not a part of EIG.
So, Tucows and its companies including Hover and ENOM, do not belong to EIG.
Interesting, I have a couple domains I’ve (unknowingly of course) been paying for which are on my Small Orange account that I don’t use anymore. BUT when I ran a whois, it said that my domains are registered with Tucows! Seems like they’re connected somehow.
Well, it just confirms that one day your domains were transferred from ASO to Tucows.
I am a victim of EIG, I started buying domain from Dotster in 1999! back when the people working there were so nice and easy to work with. Now 20 years later I have no choice but to move all my domains to a new registrar. I Almost fell for HostGator, and last minute I found your site! I am very thankful for all your research, I had no idea that EIG is such a monopoly, it is almost impossible not to fall for one the their site trap, pretending not to have any connection. I also wonder how much of a monopoly they can legally have. After all, they are a public company and already been charged with fraud by SEC.
Can you recommend a registrar for a bulk transfer? I own over 500 domains and at $10 per transfer its a big investment. I must transfer my domains since I am going to sue Dotster for damages and I know they can make my life harder every time I sell a domain and need to modify it.
Thanks You!
Hey Ron,
Sorry to hear your said story about EIG. Technically EIG is not a monopoly, but indeed it’s hard to avoid jumping occasionally from one EIG host to another.
As regards bulk domain transfer, I have not dealt with this before personally, but I like Namecheap as a domain registrar the most. It allows to manage the domains in bulk too.
The other domain registrars I use the most often are here. But Namechep looks like the most comfortable and the most professional option to me.
As regards the transfer fee, usually the fee includes the payment for the next year. So you don’t lose the money on transfer actually.
Hope it helps.
Dear Michael, Thank you for Such a informative blog shared by you, keep going on!
Thanks Ravi, glad you enjoy it.
Thank you for assembling this Michael. As you noted, them stripping the Wikipedia link has done buyers a big disservice.
You are welcome, Hansika. Trying to play dirty with Wiki was just the most obvious failure that EIG has made. Even recovering the page did not help. As a result the reputation of this company has seriously dropped.
You rock!!!!!!!
Thanks 🙂
Wow. That’s amazing. I never expected Eig hosting to hold this many clients which some big fishes of the market including Blue Host and Host Gator etc. It is a great bunch of information that you have compiled. I have never expected to encounter this sort of post. Interesting write.!
However, I was wondering you haven’t wrote anything on the managed Google GCE hosting server which is powered by Cloudways.
Yes, EIG is a big one.
Hey Michael, Great list you have put together.
After seeing so many horrible reviews of EIG, we decided to do some investigating.
I hope you don’t mind me passing along what we found. We will publish it very soon.
I would love to get some feedback from you.
Sure, Jordan!
Enought get all info from google.Com
Yes, Google plus verification of the information on the official websites of EIG companies and EIG’s releases mostly.
A complete list. Thank you for sharing it.
You are welcome! Feel free to share this EIG list.
This was incredibly helpful! Thank you for this article
Glad you found the information about EIG hosts helpful, Alexender. If you are interested feel free to check out the selected hosting alternatives here.
Thanks Michael for all the list of host. Surely gonna share these with my colleagues. Followed your post for great articles ahead
Yep. Warn your fellas about EIG hosts 🙂
Hey Michael
That’s huge! A great valuable list of all Host. This is such an informative article. There’s always a confusion while choosing a host. I’ll share it with my colleagues. Also, What would you recommend, the best one?
Hey Chakrr,
The best host depends on your requirements, priorities and budget. It’s like asking what’s the best car. It depends.
I have a list of my recommended hosts here where I explain what advantages and disadvantages each host has and for what kind of user each host suits better.
Feel free to share it!
Amazing Article. it is best information for post.this useful tips and idea for Endurance International relative post.i am reading your post best great topics for post.thanks for sharing us…..
I’m glad that you found the information about EIG useful!
I had a site at BlueHost for one year. After a year, they began to notify me it was going to expire and that I should re-up. I wanted to let it lapse, so did not reply. Without my permission, they renewed the site and charged my credit card $108. They failed to inform me of the renewal or the charge.
I noticed the charge in my credit card statement, called the company and had it canceled.
Yeap, not cool. Not ethical customer care. Even if a customer is going to leave, the customer should be as happy as possible. But not in case with EIG in many ways.
I need you help in choosing a right hosting plan for my new website. I have tried hosting betheme WP theme in Godaddy but I am facing issues always (” Error: Unable to allocate memory Hope this is due to RAM limit if I am not wrong. After reading through multiple forums and reviews I believe HOSTAGOR is the right option. Having said I just wanted to know what is the RAM limit provided by HOSTGATORS hatchling and baby plans. I appreciate your suggestions.
Alisha, HoStGator is an EIG hosting and I don’t recommend it. This is what this page and many comments here are all about.
I think you are right. I don’t recommend HostGator.
Thanks for your comment, Mary. HostGator had been very good some time before EIG acquired it. But not any longer. And still, HG’s former great reputations brings dividends to EIG,
Hi Michael,
Great research article you have here. I can’t wait thanking you for such an amazing list of EIG Companies. I believe for those who are seeking for non-EIG companies can find this article really useful as they can compare here. Also, I have shared this piece of information on my social media for large number of audience to benefit too. Kudos!
Thanks Nirvana! This page is indeed very popular (and useful).
Hi Michael, thanks for sharing this listing brands and companies with us and I will follow up your blog for future posts.
Feel free to share the list to let others know about EIG!
This is much informative and valuable post. I was going to start my blog on Bluehost hosting and you saved me. what is your review about hostinger hosting?
BlueHost is better in my opinion 😉
Thanks for this valuable information I was planning to purchase hosting from iPage you saved me.
Glad I could help you to avoid EIG!
I understand Servint is also acquired by them.
ServInt is acquired by LeaseWeb, not EIG.
Thanks for the info Michael, very helpful..
Concerning Siteground, what do you think of this ? >>
Raffi,thanks for the question.
Time To First Byte is not a reliable way to estimate hosting speed. A couple of reasons: TTFB depends on how many plugins you have, what caching options you use (by the way, CloudFlare is known to have awful TTFB, but its speed results are great if you use “Cache-everything” option- here’s my research on that).
Besides, you need to run tons of tests to make the judgement. Running several tests is not enough since the TTFB results (as well as speed test results) may fluctuate quite a bit.
Also, it depends from which location you test. TTFB is all about network latency plus server response time.
My TTFB test of SeteGround (US server) from two US locations were great (my latest TTFB research on several hosts including SiteGround is here). But again, it’s the speed that matters after all, not TTFB. TTFB may be better whereas speed may be worse. And vice versa – TTFB may be not that great, but speed after all may be awesome.
Finally, SiteGround is one of the best technically performing hosts (regarding speed and uptime). My cumulative report on 2018 year (speed tests are done each 20 minutes from two locations non-stop is here).
Hello Michael,
incredible rundown and extraordinary article thank you for your assistance and keep doing awesome.
Thank you so much 🙂
Hello Gita,
I keep an eye on this stuff. Feel free to share it!
Thanks for sharing the list of EIG. The article shared by you is very helpful and useful so keep sharing.
Feel free to share the EIG list too!
Thanks for sharing this amazing listing of web hosting, I’m looking for a reliable host and this guide really helps me.
Yep. This article helps to avoid EIG hosts. And if you need reliable hosts – there are quite a lot of out there, but my selected list is here.
Michael – outstanding job.
Looks like i won’t be going with bluehosting after all
Also great to see you prepared to put forward some recommendations for hosting sites.
You are welcome. There is quite a number of great hosts. I’ve picked out the best bigger hosts and also a number of smaller hosts that I have experience with and can recommend.
That’s a great article. I never knew that so many Brands were under EIG! Great to know now. keep up the good content.
Yeah, they are. Feel free to share it!
Thanks for sharing this information
You’re welcome. Feel free to share it!
Hi Michael,
I have no idea that the list will be so big under EIG. I am familiar with only BlueHost and HostGator. Great information shared. Good compilation. Thanks for it.
You are welcome, Sathish.
BH and HG are probably the most well-known in the EIG’s gang 😉
I am an EIG customer. My site is hosted on iPage. I am exactly the inexperienced one you described. And what I feel about it,: it’s a big dangerous Nutshell, Umbrella… called Endurance International Group.
EIG presents itself as a great imminent danger for America and Americans, and to all gov in American and European continent. Because small American companies and other are being bought by an Indian, Hari Ravichandran, and all customer information is being cross-referenced in the two continents (American and European), I think I already know that the EIG Data Center could be even in India. This is becoming far more dangerous for governments than the NSA. Remember that India is a country with nuclear weapons.
EIG has Over 2,500 employees (2016)
acessed in Tuesday, December 4, 2018
2,500 employees are not much employees taking into account the number of employees who have worked in the past in the many companies acquired by EIG. i.e.: EIG has not preserved jobs from the hosting companies that claims to have saved from the great bubble. It is only a single undertaking in disguise, using many different names (brands) to create a false idea of competition between small independent companies, when in fact it is a unique mega enterprise.
Probably there is no more physical infra-structure belonging to acquired companies, everything was dismantled and sold like junkyard, there is only one centralized power, probably in “Mumbai” (figure of speech).
“….It achieved its size by acquiring a large number of smaller companies, which it continues to operate under the original brand names, while moving their IT infrastructure to India”
accessed in Tuesday, December 4, 2018
I suspect that EIG also owns CRM Salesforce.Com:,29_KO30,58_IL.59,65_IC1154532.htm
Just to complete my argument:
I always had an uncontrollable desire to tear my hair out in the mid-nineties, when a such BizLand had an unethical tendency to saturate Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer with spam and fake… To me such thing at that time acted more like Hackers and Spammers. And today what has become such scammers ???? EIG, formerly BizLand !!!!! Is this the future of the global information network?
Former sites from Spammer, Scammer, Hackers, Gambling sites, Porn and fraud from the nineties are gaining in internet more, reputation, power and influence in the twenty-first century than good people and democratic governments?
Sorry for my macaroni English:)
Liny, thanks for your comment.
There are a lot of great hosts out there. EIG is not going (hopefully) to conquer the hosting world. But in many ways it dominates as a hosting provider for newbies due to its aggressive marketing and successful targeting.
As regards flooding the Web with scam etc, it’s inevitable, because the Internet gives a perfect infrastructure for it and because there are more consumers of such “products”.
“As regards flooding the Web with scam etc, it’s inevitable, because the Internet gives a perfect infrastructure for it and because there are more consumers of such “products”.”
But becomes unsustainable for any civilized society when such fraudulent practices, monopoly, (including all social engineering present in the largest social networks and modern companies) are considered the DNA of the successful entrepreneur and brand of innovation beloved by the great criminal mobsters and employed by the largest multinationals and conglomerates from Silicon Valley.
When I write “unsustainable for any civilized society”, I am saying that everything that is considered technologically modern is not as modern as it seems. Many civilizations have disappeared in the past because of unfair practices. History repeats itself in spirals.
The EIG should already be under FBI investigation.
There are some actions:
Faruqi & Faruqi, LLP is Investigating Endurance International Group Holdings Inc. (EIGI) on Behalf of its Shareholders–faruqi-llp-is-investigating-endurance-international-group-holdings-inc-eigi-on-behalf-of-its-shareholders-300204120.html
SEC Charges Online Marketing Company for Inflating Subscriber Numbers
It makes a good sense, Luny. Thanks for your comments and the links. EIG seems to cheat not only its customers abut also its shareholders, lol.
EIG does not own Salesforce CRM.
EIG Is a Salesforce customer.
EIG hostings are not too bad, even big hosting companies too have downtime and bad experiences. Hosting should be 24×7 and high speed throughout.
The point is that EIG is not only about downtime and occasional bad experience. Users notice something more sensitive than that. For example, have a look at this comment. At least this looks like too way expensive deal even if there was a true malware contamination.
Besides, the price vs value ratio for EIG hosts is not that good anyway compared to many other hosts.
“Sir, I think Hostgator is one of the best wordpress hosting provider, because i am using this hosting service from last 4 years. because of outstanding customer support and server quality.
For everyone else: I don’t remove this spam comment (just removed the website URL) for demonstration purposes. At least one the same comment dates back to 2016. Today is 2018. So that anyone could see that someone promotes HG in a spammy way.
Thanks for sharing useful details about hosting.
I am going to start travel blog, Can you suggest some best hosting so i can host my new site easily?
Sure, Simran. Here’s the list of the hosts that I recommend and watch closely. Im not sure why nobody has taken this corporation down, or at least fights back. They tried to extort $6k from my website IT guy, who has several client’s websites that he manages. When he pointed out that my site didn’t actually have any “malware”, and wouldn’t be paying them to remove it, nor would he pay the $150/month per domain for this wonderful “Sitelock” service, they retaliated against me, and tried to ruin my reputation. Bluehost (EIG) allowed him to put my website back up. However, by the next morning my lawyer website was re-routed to an escort service. Contrary to what some people believe, a lot of lawyers are not wealthy (like me). I work very hard, and this company tried to ruin my reputation, take away my livelihood, because I wouldn’t pay their (mafia style) protection money. After this extremely distressing thing happened, I started researching, and was blown away by the sheer number, and amount of time, these criminals have been getting away with this. Because, lets call a spade a spade, this is a criminal enterprise. I have no fear of a defamation suit, because truth is a 100% defense to defamation, and I have proof. But, this is a HUGE company. One little lawyer in Florida would be like swatting a fly to these people. I could sue them individually, and I’m sure they would pay me to go away. Except, Im equally sure they would make the settlement contingent on me signing a nondisclosure. THAT I WILL NEVER DO. This is wrong, and I’m fighting back. Please join me. There is strength in numbers. There are a LOT of us. If we ban together, we can stop this company from stealing from, lying to, intimidating, and harassing anyone else. Join me. Jennifer Ford Send me a message through the contact form of my website, or call me: (800)961-1909
Thanks for your story.
As regards your question why nobody fights against EIG, I guess this is simple. For an ordinary website owner changing a host is so less pain than going to the court. And even a class suit demands some efforts that people are not willing to make to participate in.
Anyway, I’d be intrigued to hear about a successful suit against EIG. Good luck!
I get that changing webhosters is easier than suing. However, at some point, there won’t be any other webhosting companies to switch to. They operate with complete abandon. They harass, pressure, re-route websites, and hold websites hostage. This company’s practices are not just unethical and unfair; they’re also illegal. This is nothing short of a protection racket, like the mafia used to do to local business owners. Class action lawsuits cost A LOT of money. I’m bringing that to the table, in the form of a large firm that has the resources to fight. As one of many plaintiffs, there isn’t really a lot the plaintiffs will have to do. Only the main Plaintiff really has tasks, and I’m not asking anyone to be the primary plaintiff. I already have a primary plaintiff. Apathy is what got us here. This company doesn’t even bother to hide their unfair business practices and illegal activities. They are bold, and obvious with their scams. Why wouldn’t they be…? Everyone gives them a pass. Sigh…
Jennifer, I agree with what you say on the whole. And I do what I can do, i.e. inform people about EIG.
If this information continues spreading out, I think it will have quite a big effect in the industry. It already has the effect.
Since you are a lawyer and you know your stuff, please do what you are doing.
By the way, feel free to let me know when you achieve some interesting results. I don’t mind to write and publish an article about your fight against EIG.
Form logic as in how the form handles user input. Albeit the referenced “previous post” is no longer visible.
Either you took it out manually or I may be needing glasses. I’ll keep a copy of the next mail matching and repost to further clarify.
I have been posting regularly two times a month, so I don’t have an idea of what post you are referencing, sorry. Everything seems to be in place.
As regards logic of how the form handles user input, I still can’t understand what forms you mean.
Anyway, if you feel like letting me know any additional information, feel free to contact me via the contact form. Thanks!
Hello, do you have a list of reputable webhosting companies I can list on my website? I’m exposing, and suing, this awful company due to their outrageous business practices, and personal attack on me. But, I want to give clients alternatives. I’m hoping they don’t own every webhosting company in the US, at least not yet… Jennifer
Hi Jennifer,
There are a lot of great and reputable hosts out there. My preferred list is here and it contains few of the hosts which I can trust and have been watching closely for a long time).
Thank you!
Hi Michael. I’ve been following this thread for a while and still find it well worth the read. However, you’d probably want to check the form’s logic to better filter all that totally unqualified crap like the previous post and plenty of it’s kind
Thanks for the feedback.
However, I did not understand what form’s logic and what the previous post you mean. Can you please expand on that?
Thanks for your informations.
You are welcome, Thomas! Feel free to share the EIG list 🙂
Can you please provide your list of EIG brands in a simple text format using flex wrapping so it fits on one page instead of a huge list that nobody will ever really look at or a confusing graphic where the text is barely visible?
Seriously I appreciate what you’re doing but some design aesthetics are needed. I can help you with the CSS required to achieve this, if you need.
Hi Simba,
Thanks for your feedback.
My intention was to provide the EIG hosting and brands list so that people could navigate by alphabetical order and see additional information. Also, using an on-page search (Ctrl-F on PC) is a good idea. And I have not thought about the way you want to present the list.
Could you send me the example of the CSS/HTML code so I could see what final result you want? You can send me an email to researchasahobby at gmail dot com. Thanks.
Thanks for this list. Have you ever tested Namecheap hosting? I need to get a whole bunch of sites off one of the EIG-owned hosts and think I’ve narrowed down to Siteground or Namecheap.
Hi Linda,
Both companies are worth using. Namecheap is cheaper, whereas SiteGround has more tools and more focused on beginner user friendly support.
I have not used Namecheap hosting. But I use their domain registration service which I very shortly review and recommend here.
thanks for sharing useful details and post, i need to ask if i start travel blogging only with content and images so which hosting should i buy?
Swanky, from a technical point of view, any modern hosting would suit you. Since travel blogging implies posting a lot of images, make sure your hosting plan includes at least several GB of disk space. Other than that choose a hosting by other factors such as big/small company, spirit of the hosting, and of course classic criteria such as great support and speed/uptime performance.
More details about choosing a host considering different kinds of expectations/requirements you can find here.
Thank you for posting this article. My website has been hosted with iPage, and it kept getting hacked almost every month. I had to spend a lot of money on SiteLock, to clean the malware, each time it was getting hacked. Now I switched to blue host, and same thing is happening here. They hacked my website again. I think this is done on purpose. SiteLock is being sued by many of its customers for being dishonest. Now I am trying to transfer my site again, this time to a non EIG company. It’s so frustrating. They make a lot of money by lying to their customers.
Gabriel, thanks for sharing your story.
There are many good hosts out there (as well as bad ones) apart from EIG. According to my experience, I’ve got my own preferred list (if you are interested).
You are also welcome to contact me if you have any questions.
Once a year I read your pages. I am with Hostmonster for a long time, 14 years? Support is not as good as it was, but not terrible Uptime is good. They do remove features I liked and wanted. But the reality is I am deer in the headlights moving to another host. And Hostmonster has my Domain Reg as well. The last thing I would want is to lose any email. And I want all my Account Filters and Spam Assasin lists to move with me as well. And I consider myself a geek, but not so much on servers and directory structures for all my stuff.
Not sure what to do. I have 20 days left before I need to extend my subscription.
Hi Bob,
I believe that if you contact the hosts of your choice and ask them if they can take care of your concerns (i.e. move your emails, filters and lists), you will feel more confident.
Besides, before all, I suggest making a backup of your website(s), full backup of your hosting account (it’s simple to do using a cpanel functionality) and additionally copy all the files using an FTP client. This will contain all the data at your finger tips just in case if the migration to a new host goes not ideally.
Anyway, a hosting support should take care of all of it if it offers a free migration. I suggest just to emphasize the importance of your emails, filters and spamassassin lists etc.
As regards your domain it’s advised to have a domain at a domain registrar and a hosting at a different company.
We just decided to break away from bluehost just this last few weeks. I had hosted with them since 08, and had noticed a downward trend in quality of service after their acquisition.
They use overseas (read: Asian continent) customer service centers, and was so frustrating to deal with over the years. Finally switched to kinsta and am so happy to have real support again!
Thank you for compiling this watch list.
Jason, glad to hear that!
Kinsta has much higher prices than Bluehost, but if you could afford it, it’s great!
iX Web Hosting was once a pretty good company. However, they’ve been jerks since EIG took them over.
For what it’s worth, if you complained loudly enough, iX will provide
a refund as they close down service and ‘migrate’ to Site 5 (another EIG company).
For months they ‘promised’ they were going to migrate my account to
Site 5 (big whoop). Then they finally notified me that nope, they’re just shutting it down and I’m out of luck. “Wait a second — you jerks took my money for a year’s contract just weeks before you announced you were closing!” That’s not right!
I complained hard (and suggested a class action suit would be easy to
put together). I had renewed my subscription last November, just weeks
before they announced they were closing. Unethical behavior — not
surprising from EIG.
After being notified they were not going to move my account, I got notice that they would — then wouldn’t. Make up your mind! They don’t know what is really going on. Anyway, I thought I would pass along that iX Web Hosting will refund part of any unused subscription (and domain name registrations) if you complain.
Once you get your refund — stay far, far, far away from EIG!
James, thanks a lot for sharing your story.
It’s a very illustrative example of what EIG is in action.
By the way, even if potential clients are aware of EIG, without a research the potential clients will not notice that the host is under EIG. IXwebhosting belongs to Ecommerce LLC, and it’s noticed on IXwebhosting’s site. But the fact that EIG acquired the assets of Ecommerce LLC is not mentioned on IXwebhosting website.
Micheal — You’re more than welcome.
…and thank you for all of your journeyman’s work on helping us sort the good from the miserable!
— James
You are welcome, James!
Is EIG still acquiring hosting companies? Is this list being updated? I wonder who comes next under the EIG radar? I hope not my host, though even if it did, I would switch to another.
Ray, I keep the list updated. EIG has not been acquiring hosts recently. But it still acquires companies from other fields.
As soon as EIG buys out another host, I will update the list.
Did they buy Siteground recently? Something is off over there.
Hi Tamie,
No they did not.
Sorry to hear about issues on your website.
My site hosted with SiteGround (server in Chicago) is feeling fine. And I don’t remember when I had any noticeable issue last time with it although my site is monitored 24/7.
If it’s not an isolated issue, I believe it should be fixed very soon on your server.
Anyway, I suggest contacting tech support. if it’s an isolated issue, it will let you get it fixed sooner.
I thought GoDaddy was purchased by EIG??
Jakk, here and there some people hear about it, but EIG and GoDaddy are different companies and one does not belong to the other. Although they have many things in common.
Just as an update, the ever reliable URLJet has been taken over or merged with Homepage Universal [ neither EIG ]; there seems some concern in some places, but so far service is as excellent as before.
Thanks, but this page is entirely devoted to EIG.
Hello Micheal
Good Information. Just let me know about Unisecure Data centers US – Web hosting
Hey Martin,
Sorry, I did not quite understand your question (if it’s a question).
This time, I did it in an organized fashion, listing my “must-have” and “would-be-nice-to-have” features, with one absolute necessity: must NOT be an EIG holding. After a few months of research, I settled on SiteGround.
I actively share my low opinion of EIG and just as actively sing SiteGround’s praises. Their techs are the most knowledgeable I’ve ever come across at any hosting company (and I’ve worked with clients’ sites on many different hosts) and their attitude toward customer service is excellent.
Thanks for going to the effort to build the list and keep it updated, Michael. Keep it up!
Thanks, Doc, for your input.
Avoiding EIG is a good start on the way to find a great host. And this is one of the reasons why I keep an eye on it.
EIG had been aggressively expanding their hosting holdings for a few years and they had two typical styles. One is to acquire a hosting company and allow it to continue to operate as before… same staff, same policies and procedures and same pricing.
The other is to acquire them and let most of their staff go, send in a couple of folks from their own team and install their own policies, procedures and pricing. At some point, some companies will transition from the first category to the second.
JustHost was allowed to stay as before, so I remained with them. Then one day a couple of years later, one of my sites was hacked (server-side exploit which killed several sites hosted there). Unfortunately, I was relying on the “daily backups” that JustHost boasted of. When I contacted them to have my site restored, I learned that the most recent of those “daily” backups was 3-1/2 months old. When I asked, I found out that EIG had announced a huge layoff and restructuring just a couple of months before. So I started looking for a new host.
You know that, but I wanted to emphasize it for other folks too that backups is something everyone needs to take care by themselves additionally even if their hosting promises to make regular backups.
For example, it’s important to have (an additional) backup copy separately from the hosting. This just decreases the risks.
Several years ago, I had a couple of sites hosted on Globat and I found their service to be acceptable. Then one day, I started having issues and when I contacted their customer service group, I learned they had recently been acquired and all their old service techs had been laid off. After repeated problems, I ended up moving to BlueHost. At the time, I had never heard of EIG, but it didn’t take me long to figure out that BH wasn’t going to work for me. So I moved to JustHost.
I received excellent service there and built a friendship with one of the techs who I often called on when I needed help with something. One day, I called him with a problem and he told me I’d called just in time, because the next day was his last. They were being acquired by EIG and he was going elsewhere to avoid working for them. Here’s what he told me:
Hey Doc,
Yes, this is a quite typical story of getting a host which gets acquired by EIG and stops offering acceptable services.
Thanks for sharing yours.
By the way, looks like you did not finish your comment… (Upd: I’ve seen your other comments below)
Yeah, it wouldn’t accept it, saying it was too long. So I had to break it up.
Thanks for letting me know, Doc! I’ve increased the comment size limit to let longer stories be posted.
Thanks for keeping this list updated Michael. I’ve moved hosts four times after noticing degraded quality of service, rapidly inflating pricing with no added value. I was with Bluehost and HostGator where I noticed the biggest changes. Most recently I switched from from Site5 right after they ‘proudly’ announced the acquisition. With Site5 the transformation was seemingly overnight. I switched to A2Hosting soon after and have been with them for over 2 years. In fact, before making the switch I asked their sales reps if they had any plans on selling out to EIG and the quick, paraphrased response was: “hell no!”
In addition to listing the ‘bad’ EIG hosts, I’d love to see an honest list of the really good, non-EIG hosts. We can’t rely on web searches as EIG pours a lot into ranking their sites at the top of searches.
I found this article:
Hey Sam,
The hosts that I recommend are here.
Also, you can see the continuous testing of the hosting performance in this series of reporting posts. I have anonymous testing accounts with 15 hosts which have been monitored in a 24/7 manner since 2016.
Already switched one of my domains over to SiteGround. was switched this morning, and it appears everything is working. The nameserver switchover was very quick, maybe an hour or so.
I’ll switch over another domain next week.
Sounds good, Steve!
I was just migrated from IXWebhosting to Site5 yesterday. What a nightmare that I
‘m still fighting. I’m not even sure they know how to make ftp work. I had 4 domains automatically transferred (they said an email was sent… but I must have missed the memo). I woke up the other morning to my sites not working.
I’m in the process of searching for a new hosting provider that actually knows what they are doing.
Steve, both IXWebhosting and Site5 belong to the same EIG group.
I suggest looking at these hosts as much better alternatives.
your post is too good
Thanks for sharing!!
No problem, Aastha! Feel free to share it!
We can all honestly appreciate that you took the time to list all of the companies that Endurance International Group owns. I would hate to see a company like EIG being able to hide because this list was eliminated from being easily accessible to the public. People should have access to this information, and know that there are many other options for network services on the web. Thank you for also sharing the archive of the Wiki page before it was edited!
You are welcome, Dennis. Feel free to share this page with the audience that can benefit from this knowledge.
Wow, I had no idea EIG had acquired so many Hosting companies – I was with HostGator for years the support was fantastic until EIG took over. Quickly there were subscription charge changes and add on costs to receive a lesser level of support. Such a shame. Happy to say, so far my current hosting company remains independent! I have bookmarked this page and will refer friends to is and keep popping back myself.
Thanks for keeping and eye on such things for the greater good, Sadie 🙂
Thank you, Sadie.
HostGator played a trigger role when I started my research on Endurance International Group.
And now, keeping an eye on it and receiving information from my readers makes this list of EIG hosts the most accurate on the web.
Holy crap, bookmarked! Thank you so much for taking the time to put this together. It was very helpful! I had no idea EIG owned so many hosting companies. Looks like they are focusing on quantity, rather than quality.
Yes, EIG has a wide net of hosts. But what is more appalling, people being unsatisfied with one EIG host jump to some other host and that’s the trap – it was another EIG hosting.
It’s probably true that EIG was focused solely on expansion by acquisitions at the expense of customer experience for a long time, but there is a new CEO and the company is now focused on improving customer experience and is pouring a lot of money into fixing things.
Hi Dan,
Thanks for your comment.
Could you provide any link to the EIG board meeting or anything confirming that EIG admits there are problems with user satisfaction and that EIG wants to do radical changes in its strategy to indeed improve the situation in its hosting segment?
Thanks for doing all the research and compiling this list. I’ve recommended my clients to some of these hosts in the past and will no longer do so knowing they’ve been swallowed up by EIG. Good work, Michael and thanks again!
You are welcome, Tara. Glad I could clear out the things with EIG hosts for you.
I chose Bluehost and Im pretty pleased. Their dashboard is good, but the service is pretty bad. Their price is pretty good comparing to other hosting companies.
Thanks, Jenny, for your feedback.
There are much better hosts for this price. For example, you can compare the prices on the page with my recommended hosts.
There are few other websites which calculate the number of domains for many years. One example is
WHTop have cases where hosting providers give them exact numbers, making their reports certified.
It makes sense, Steve. Thanks.
You did an excellent report of EIG brands, however, peoples cannot really see the brands info from your post, apart of domain name.
I found a very detailed info about EIG on which include all brands info + rank + reviews + numbers of domains!
Hope it helps peoples to stay away from these brands, most of them went bad quite fast after being acquired. Best employees already left these hosting companies!
Thanks, Steve, for the information.
I’ve looked at the page. But I did not understand the sources of information about the number of domains.
With this data the table would look more trustworthy I believe.
Our company has put HostNine on notice… 24 hours to meet our demands or we will form a Class Action suit against ALL EIG hosting companies. In the event this does happen, I do believe this site will be the best place to make it known and guide the dissatisfied masses toward compensation for the many, many flaws of this conglomerate. We will need input from many in order to bring the strongest charges against EIG should we deem it appropriate to move ahead. And one thing about this guy, I DO NOT LOSE, I DO NOT BACK DOWN. So if it’s “go”, it’s ON! This site is awesome! So glad to have found it!
Hi Martin,
Thanks for your comment.
If you let the class action suit against Endurance International Group or any of EIG hosts let go, don’t hesitate to let me know. I’ll help spread the word out.
Apparently, they just started migrating Arvixe customers though desertion us behind meaningless and inaccessible websites.
Thank you for sharing.
Hi Robert,
Thanks for your feedback. There are a lot of great hosts out there instead of EIG hosts.
This article is astounding; I connect to it a considerable measure! The data in this article helps ex-EIG shoppers locate a more dependable cPanel web facilitating administration. In the meantime, it likewise enables the littler medium to web facilitating suppliers increase new clients. The littler medium facilitating suppliers would more be able to than oblige ex-EIG clients because of the littler medium suppliers not having over-burden/oversold servers. EIG beyond any doubt means much slower servers and poor reaction/determination times; that is without a doubt.
Incredible research Michael.
I’m glad you found the article useful!
PowWeb was actually sold/moved about a year earlier than your 2007 date:
At the time, PowWeb was the largest host EIG had ever acquired, and the experience of watching them gut and then destroy the company that a lot of us here in Los Angeles helped to build was unpleasant. To put it mildly.
Thank you, Michael, for the information. I’ve updated the reference for PowWeb and added your URLs under [69].
Thanks Michael!
It was very nice to get an informed feedback from you.
I do not mind higher pricetag but would like reseller – ssd – serverlocation.
I know of A2 and will check it out once more.
Thanks for info!
Will keep coming back to this site.
Very good content combined with a kind of ninja support in fast reply in the comments.
Have looked on Thrive before and it looks very nice and attractive with the offers you have on the site.
Very good plugin. Will combine it with beaver I think.
Ok, See you!;)
Thanks Mike for your warm feedback!
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions in future. I do my best to reply as soon as I can.
Hi Michael!
Very nice site – full of reviews and info and interesting comments(Think of Cris Lema) – I will follow it!
Completely agree with EIG. Are on Hostnine now.
For some years ago they really had the very best support in the business.
When EIG came it went downhill fast.
Have long searched for a new hosting but have not find any.
On Hostnine I have Reseller 24,99 S for 99 GB and servers around the world on hybrid SSD.
Can change location any time. Very neat.
I would change for a reseller hosting that has SSD – comparable price and change servers location function.
If there are any you know of please tip. (or why not write a whole article on it…;)
I would even pay or buy or give favors för such info.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your feedback.
It’s true that after EIG acquires great hosts they go downhill.
As regards shared hosting reseller recommendations, my general list is here. All hosts should offer SSD options (full SSD or at least hybrid SSD).
Please mind that the list includes both bigger and smaller host companies. I personally like smaller hosts more for the sake of more technical support from a limited number of people (i.e. personal support).
I’d suggest looking at StableHost (my short review) first. It has a good variety of server locations. And I consider this host as one of the best in regards of price-quality matter. It’s a bit more expensive than your current option though.
Another option is A2 which also has a lot of server locations to choose from (my short review). It’s a very popular host that resellers choose, and it’s probably the best option I can suggest regarding the flexibility of options and the prices (especially for the first billing period).
Hope it helps!
EIG also owns
Thank you, Skreeves, for your input! I’ve added the company information to this article.
The migration was the first problem. I was told it was going to be scheduled and done through out a weekend, but they left it at 40% and I had to finish it manually. Then problems continued. Lots of downtimes (which weren’t refunded or received bonifications for them), and also a lot of problems with email delivery. At one moment I was about to leave A2, but I was told I would be receiving mailchannels for free, that it was going to solve all my email problems, so I decided to stay…. I was left 3 days without emails, because the support service started to set that up in my VPS and left it unfinished and left for their weekend. I chatted 20 times during that weekend with their support level 1 (really level -20) and no solution was given to me. I just had to wait, and meanwhile I lost 2 big clients that had hosted with me for over 6 years. After that email worked for some weeks and it started to have problems again, and they decided to disable mailchannels without my permission, and when I said that, and that I wanted mailchannels to be activated they wanted to charge me for this.
The support service had been a real disaster. The Level 1 support is like talking to a grandma, they will just me able to guide you to configure a new email account in a cpanel, but if not they will just ask you to create a ticket. The tickets are dealed really badly. I waited for more than 20 hours for a ticket to be answered, and the average time was 4 to 6 hours. (continues…)
That was the reason why I decided to return to this list and try another provider. I chatted with a couple of them and chose StableHost.
For the moment (5 weeks, everything is working really well)
The only doubts I had were answered in 20 to 30 minutes via ticket as they guarantee. They also seemed to take care and helped me with solutions without making me loose time.
No downtimes at all. Quick speed. Seems I’ve reached a good port finally.
Hope my review, though long, is helpful to someone.
Site 5: Service 3/5 – Support 2/5
GreenGeeks: Service 3/5 – Support 2/5
InMotion: Service 2/5 – Support 1/5
A2: Service 2/5 – Support 1/5
StableHost: Service 5/5 – Support 5/5 (for the moment, hope it continues this way)
Hi BachuArg,
Thanks for sharing your experience in details.
Right after the first part of your message I thought you need to try a smaller hosting provider.
As it turns out, your need the support which is not just personal, but also highly technical and specific. This is where some small (but well-established) hosting providers can really rock.
Sorry about my long comments, but I thought it could help someone to avoid going through the same wrong steps I made.
Thanks again for your help.
No problem, BachuArg.
I’m sure your experience will be useful for other people being in your situation.
Thanks for taking time to write your comments.
I hosted 30 cpanel accounts (reseller first and VPS afterwards) in Site5 since 2011 until September 2016. The first years were great, quick attention, few problems, the service was great, but March 2016 approximately problems started. I started to face several problems, and every day support service was a little bit worst. In September I took the decision to leave, but where to.
I decided to migrate mi accounts to a VPS in GreenGeeks. At first everything appeared to work well, but when email delivery problems started and some malware appeared in my VPS I was given no support at all, and I decided to move to A2 Hosting.
I had hosted my first reseller plan there and had left to Site5 before 2011 because I had some problems with emails. but on early 2017 I gave them another chance.
I hosted there for just 4 weeks. My VPS ran constantly out of memory, and after I had left I was told that between the A2 support team and the cPanel support team they had found the solution and that I won’t be facing the same problem again. But it was too late, I had migrated my accounts and left to InMotion hosting. The first problems was that I was given 2 blacklisted IPS, so the first week was a huge mess for me and my clients. There were 2 times in a week in which all the hosting stopped working for some hours without any explanation, Problems continued so in May 2017 I decided to return back to A2, because I trusted the problems had been solved. (continues…)
In the case of EIG – the gobbling up of Mom and Pop web servers and watering down the soup is EIG’s business plan.
And that plan is completely legal.
But if a professional reputation manager masquerading (with Jimmy Wales’ imprimatur) as volunteer Wikipedia moderator suppresses one iota of the truth about EIG on the basis that “Oh – that is not noteworthy” and “Oh – they don’t need to know that”: then that suppression of the singular most noteworthy truth about EIG is a crime.
Noteworthiness is what distinguishes “a thing” from “all other things”: gobbling up of Mom and Pop web servers and watering down the soup is what EIG is all about.
And gobbling up of Mom and Pop web servers and watering down the soup is what completely distinguishes EIG from all others and is the singular most noteworthy truth/fact about Endurance International Group (EIG), formerly BizLand.
Hence: if EIG CEO Hari Ravichandran has dabbled (if only even once) in engaging professional reputation managers to hover over the Wikipedia article on EIG – then EIG CEO Hari Ravichandran and Wikipedia’s CEO Jimmy Wales should go to jail.
Lock them up!
I have never worked for EIG, so I don’t know about its business plan. However, whatever it is and whatever connection could be between EIG and Wiki, I suggests avoiding EIG hosts.
If one compares the revert stats at EIG/Wikipedia to Scientology/Wikipedia – it can be plainly seen that the revert stats for each are of the same order of magnitude.
Jimmy Wales who operates Wikipedia as a personal fiefdom has a long history of giving free rein to professional reputation managers.
If this is true – then it is possible that Jimmy Wales may be a criminal: as it follows that Jimmy Wales’ affection for professional reputation managers masquerading as volunteer Wikipedia moderators ( suppressors of inconvenient truth) may have an emolument connection [read “bribe”].
I don’t watch for what is going on EIG Wiki page any more. I have my own EIG page now 😉
Thank you again Michael!!!
Unfortunately this is the ugly face of imperialism and capitalism.
Money rules.
The bigger and stronger swallow the others. And then what happens ?
Obviously, the higher you get the more painful will be the fall.
Yes, Zal, once it’s going to fall. But meanwhile it’s still on its way.
Thank you for keeping this list! It’s really helpful when explaining to clients why I need to move their hosting.
You are welcome, Linda. Moving from EIG is a good idea.
This research is so important.
I am writing in regards to the abhorrent practice between SiteLock and Hostgator.
I received messages from Hostgator cajoling me to to use SiteLock and after some research, I saw it was an extortion style scam.
I should have taken that as a warning to switch hosting providers.
But silly me did not and stayed with Hostgator.
Well, this morning, I received an email that my websites were taken offline due to abuse and that I should get SiteLock to fix it and let them know when this has been completed.
There is no way that I will be paying mafia style extortion money but at the same time my business is getting screwed every hour that I am not online.
Earlier today, I was in touch with an attorney at a firm that specializes in class actions and i will be exploring starting a class action to put an end to this disgusting business practice.
For anyone interested, please email
Hi Harry,
Thanks for your comment.
I guess you are not the only victim. A lot of people suffer from poor services of EIG hosts. Hopefully, you’ll manage to do something about it.
You gathered such a great info about eig hosting companies quite helpful.
You are welcome, Abid!
Thanks for sharing, it helps others to find suitable hosting for their ecommerce stores, I selected cloudways, .
And I’ve picked out these hosts.
Yes, anyone looking for hosting should avoid ALL EIG owned companies. A sad Arvixe victim here. Without your lists we could have just wound up at another EIG hosting company. Even if that particular host if not as bad as Arvixe I would just refuse to use anyone associated with them on principal alone. Thanks for your work.
Hi Phil,
Thanks for your comment.
EIG hosts are indeed may have a bit different quality (e.g. failures may happen in different times). But what unites them all is that it’s inevitable influence of the common management, direction and strategy which play against clients. Not to mention the same technical base and support in many cases. That’s why any host from EIG list is a big no-go.
Howdy, thank you for gathering this, now I comprehend why most hosting companies sucks giving pointless excuses, servers going down constantly, no reaction from customer service, a server could be down for a considerable length of time, and no one does nothing. Incredibly pitiful.
You are welcome. It’s called “optimization” of costs, lol.
Hi… Michael this is awesome article ever. I just wondering about the list your said cause i don’t know how to Choose the best hosting, but im using hawkhost for many years and it has no problem and running well. But again and again this is very awesome and iinformative article…
Hi Ican,
HawkHost has been good for its price. It’s in my recommended hosts.
Can you recommend a group that shares their experience about web hosts, either on Facebook or another social site?
Hi Robert,
My favorite place for all hosting discussions is
Looks great though registration requires a birthdate
Well, I don’t think they need a proof anyway 😉
Has no one raised the issue with the forum owners?
I have no idea, Robert.
Thank you for assembling this Michael. As you noted, them stripping the Wikipedia link has done buyers a big disservice.
You are welcome, Ziba. Wikipedia is not the whole internet, fortunately.
Nice article please keep it up…
Thanks. I will.
Michael: You are doing a REAL HUGE SERVICE to the people whose livelihood depends or could eventually depend, upon hosting a decent website, and specially, to those learning the ropes. Moreover, and i’m sure you re very aware of it, you are filling a vacuum in true, reliable and non-strings-attached information as just a couple more reviewer in the wide www do. It is EXHAUSTING and daunting to find honest reviews!. Most lead back to EIG’s Mordor!
I had a HORRIBLE, ABUSIVE experience with ipage, from EIG, including but absolutely not limited to credit card fraud. Desperate to escape from their paws, I almost sank into another one of their shit-holes, but found a full list of their companies as I was searching how to avoid them. They are crooks, and they operate in a manner that’s borderline criminal. It blows my mind they can be in business. No. That’s how naive we can be. They are successful AND in business PRECISELY because they are lawless shit and as you pointed out, they respond to their shareholders, not to their clients. Wouldn’t be shocked if they also own one or two banks. Particularly the one that allowed them to charge MY EXPIRED CREDIT CARD WHICH I HAD INSISTED THEY COULD NOT KEEP IN THEIR SYSTEM. I will share with you my experience at a later time, if it is helpful in any manner.
Thanks for the great article and Ii will be posting a link to it in my own website, once is up and running (among other things, my first website got lost when ipage tried to migrate it and then, the new attempts at rebuilding it, were defaced and corrupted by them when I refused to buy “sitelock”. They must be a virtual reincarnation of the Bonanni or the Gambini, selling “protection’ the old fashioned way. That’s how they kill real competition in the market and lower the bar for everybody. EIG is the Spirit Airline of the web-hosting world!
Thank you, Ellle, for your detailed feedback and spreading a word about this article on your website!
Indeed I created and maintain this list up-to-date because people continue getting trapped by EIG hosting net and their poor practice of upselling. EIG does good in sales. Unfortunately most people start digging deeper about EIG too late when already having suffered from EIG host one or multiple times.
If you want, you can go on and share you experience here in the comments. I believe other people like you may benefit from it.
Thanks again for speaking out loud about EIG.
Please delete first comment.
Here are there true reviews They have a 1 start. They are a good service unless you have ANY problem, then every call just makes things worse.
All I did was create an add-on domain. The online system tried to add on additional services without consent so I unticked them, then I was charged the correct cost but Cpanel showing domain canceled. They finally restored it and now the problems start.
I wanted that one to be my free domain for life. I also asked if my backup can be used on my other site “sort of a clone” to avoid having to redo the site. I could do the minor changes just wanted the template and plug-ins. They said no problem, sir. Now both my sites don’t work, both sites WordPress gets 404 error, and they can’t restore my backup since my primary domain is now my add on.
I spoke with many agents and now supervisors. All they do is open a ticket. The email people seem to be the most competent but everything is 24 hours, 24 hours etc. I need to speak with them to ensure nothing is lost in translation.
I found out I can do my own clone via WordPress within five minutes of research but I thought why not use their “great 24/7 tech support”.
I don’t know what to do now. I wish I never joined their 3-year service. My next step is speaking with my credit card company, the BBB and the consumer affairs in their area. I never do that since I believe in handling things internally but this takes the cake.
*1 star
Sorry to hear your story. Most hosting companies avoid to have responsibilities for keeping the backups or their (incompetent) actions. But some hosts fail at that much more often than others.
As I see from their ToS, eHost might keep just one backup which is no more than one week old. And “eHost is not responsible for files and/or data residing on your account.” If they can’t restore the backup, then either there’s something wrong with the backup, or it’s again their incompetence. If you have not made a backup on your own (looks like you don’t have a backup), then it’s only one way to get your site back – to make eHost bring your site or data back somehow.
If it appears finally that your site is unfortunately gone, and if you don’t have any copies of your website, then all I can suggest about restoring your data is to go to (Wayback Machine). You can probably find there some saved copies of your pages.
I know that it’s not much, but this is all that can be done. The best thing after all is to try to make eHost restore a backup or give you a backup if it’s possible.
In future, I suggest always keeping your own copy of a backup. Especially before doing any changes it’s highly recommended to get a fresh backup. By the way, here’s my own backup strategy that you may refer to when you get your site back.
Also, a good piece of advice is to keep you hosting and domain at different companies. Don’t fall for a free domain with a hosting if you don’t want to have issues with getting your domain back or migrating your host. Some hosts play fair and will not give you any problems. But the life is unpredictable and it’s better not to risk with that, especially if you are not experienced with it.
Besides, avoid EIG hosts. There are a lot of other bad hosts out there. But there are also very reliable and competent hosting companies.
Wish I could help you more, but this is all I can do.
Thanks for this list of EIG companies. It’s good that they are gathered at one place, so people who are looking for non-EIG hosting companies can easily make an inquiry and see if the host that they’re about to choose is in this list. I also tend to prefer hosts that are not related to EIG. I personally have no experience with companies like Hostgator and others, but I’ve heard many negative opinions so I prefer not to risk. And as people often tend to say negative things, or state what they don’t like, I intend to do the opposite – I would suggest a host that I’m very satisfied with. The web hosting that I’m currently using provides SSD storage and thanks to it my website is a lot faster than before. And it comes at very decent price. For those who also want to try it, here’s the company:
There are lots of both good and bad hosts out there. EIG is a consolidated pool of the hosts that has a poor reputation. But it’s good at sales and has a big portion of the hosting market. many people have had experience with many EIG hosts jumping from one to another without realizing they stay within one EIG corporation.
You’re absolutely right, Michael.
Thanks for your feedback, Alex!
great list and great article thank you for your help and keep up the good work
No problem.
Glad you found the list of EIG hosts useful.
I keep it updated, so you’re welcome to stay tuned.
Nice list , yes that’s true we see many customers just moving from hostgator to bluehost to site5 , ultimate they land in EIG basket which is a big mess.
Few days back I read an article about change in CEO of EIG and they are also planing to add 600 new employees , not sure where they are heading but this never looked liked improving with them in all this years.
As far as I can see from the open EIG’s job listings, EIG are looking for much more sales than technical support staff. And this is logical. EIG has been strong in sales and upsells.
Hi I have noticed an international transaction from my bank- £208 or $269 I have never heard of EIG Globat so I have asked them to investigate for me.
I don’t have any sites or webs in completely useless with technology!! Not a happy bunny.
Hi Angel,
It’s good that you keep an eye on your transactions. Since you reported about this issue to you bank, you should get your money back.
It’s amazing to see that the comments are still coming in though I shouldn’t be surprised. I worked for EIG for several years until I was hit in one of the rounds of layoffs recently. It was a blessing in disguise. Working there gives you something akin to PTSD. Every person you speak to is pissed off nearly, and for good reason. We’d be expected to bullshit you all the best we could (if it was a downed server we couldn’t fix), while we were never really given much if any information about what was truly screwed up. I could sometimes get info out of higher level admins. Most of the time we weren’t told shit about what happened. Of course “I apologize” was a common statement. The mid/upper management is mostly based of ass kissers that barely know their ass from a hole in the ground. I honestly don’t know how EIG can keep running if something doesn’t change. They buy a brand and destroy it. I felt horrible for so many of you all posting in here when I was working there. They would fuck up servers, not tell anyone or even billing systems with the same result. It was one of the worst companies I have ever worked for. But maybe I’ll be making lemonade from those lemons as a couple of us are working on starting a cloud based hosting company only for CMS’s… which will hopefully end up being as far away as possible from the experiences you’ve all endured at Endurance…LOL. If you’re still there, get the hell out while you can access your files.
Hey Z,
Thanks a lot for sharing your story.
EIG is a corporation and it acts like a corporation (and you have felt it with your own skin).
In my opinion, the future belongs to those who can take care of their clients extremely well. And EIG loses on this field badly. However, it’s still successful at marketing and getting newbie clients. It looks like getting newbies who can’t compare yet is a part of EIG’s business model. And unfortunately, this business model is sustainable as long as EIG’s sales/affiliate marketing keeps on working well.
Thanks again for your input. And hopefully, you’ll overcome your PTSD soon. What you felt working in EIG is detrimental. I’m glad you quit.
I don’t often post comments on blog sites, but your site and your featured article on EIG and their near monopoly of hosting companies has touched so many nerves in my own day to day experiences with hosting providers, that I had to say in my own small way, “Right-On-Man”.
First of all, you put a tremendous amount of effort in researching and then constructing this very thorough list. In addition, your communication skills are very good, leading to a very easy to read and understand blog post.
As I was reading through your article and then noting the hosting companies that EIG now owns I was struck by the fact that every hosting provider that I have tried and used, and then have left due to poor service or performance, has been an EIG property. Conversely, the one provider that I am still very pleased to be associated with, is a non EIG property.
As luck would have it, I came upon your website as a direct consequence of one of my hosting providers, iPage, (and yes, you guessed it) trying to do a number on me by tripling the renewal fee for hosting services on one of my sites. I then went shopping around for a new provider and came upon a website with some recommendations with a subsequent link to your excellent research site.
Most appreciated. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for your warm feedback and support. It really means a lot to me.
EIG stuff touches nerves of a lot of people, it’s for sure.
Jumping from one EIG provider to another is very typical for an ordinary user. And I believe it is how
EIG wants it to be (at least, EIG enjoys this fact).
This EIG list is the most socially referred and the most commented article on my blog so far. EIG drives people nuts in many ways.
Thank you again for your detailed comment and support!
At all costs let me warn everyone to avoid I submitted a request to cancel my service on 4/4 because it was expiring on 4/27 and i wanted to move it to another company. they still charged my credit card they had on file on 4/27.
they provided me with instructions for moving the domain, which still is not done as of today, but will not respond to my requests to refund my money that they stole. They are disgusting conniving con artists that have figured out a way to legally steal your money by providing you with half the instructions so that you cannot complete the process giving them the right to charge you again. Run, run far away!
Thanks, Paula, for sharing your story.
Judging by people’s horror stories, Arvixe is one of the worst cases of EIG acquisitions ever.
Hope, you will sort out your issues soon. Good luck!
Hey Michael,
Thanks for the extensive list! This is a great post on why people should avoid EIG and their brands. I used to work at HostGator back in 2008 and it was definitely something different. Fortunately there will always be new people trying to offer better services.
Hi Lucas,
Yes, there are hosts which are not as well-known as EIG, but offer better services for the price.
Thanks for stopping by.
EIg recently acquired a hosting company that I belong to and over charged me 16 time the amount. (it’s a long no story, don’t have safeguards in place like the hosting company once did) I want I had to fight tooth and nail to get refunded but they are refusing to pay my over draft fees, I had bills that were late. Has been a nightmare.
I want to contact their insurance company, how can I find this information out?
Hi Brandi,
Sorry to hear your story with EIG.
I’m afraid, I don’t have much more information than on this page about EIG.
As regards researching information on companies, perhaps this link can also help.
Brandi, (and everyone else out there!)
Please do what I am doing and write a letter to the Attorney Generals office explaining your issue. CC your state senators too!
These people have to be stopped!
I knew it! Hostgator was amazing when i first started out with them back in 2009.
Then I got a hostgator VPS in April 2016. My sites were slow and sluggish. Back in the day, HG support would get it fixed no problem.
In June 2016 I got on their customer support. And it was horrible. They transferred to different people and nothing got resolved.
Damn EIG…
Anyways. I moved to siteground. Im happy now.
Right, Ike. A lot of people experience something similar.
Has DreamHost been acquired by EIG? They had an April Fool’s joke on their blog, but they’ve deleted it. What’s up? Have they actually been acquired?
Hi Nick,
No, DreamHost is not a part of EIG. It was a marketing trick to attract some attention 🙂
They have not deleted this April Fools’s joke because it still attracts attention and potential clients.
Thank you for answering so quickly!!!
Ok, thanks but Linode have add-ons I don´t understand if the VPS is manged or not cause they add CPanel; and they don´t say the price of addons or are free? Well, by the way I I I try to learn Linux but the problem is that I am a lawyer and I do not have much time. My blog and other future (in construction) are for hobby only.
Thanks again!!!
Hi Claudio,
Linode way is not for ordinary users anyway even with their addons (not free of course). Its target audience is web application developers and webhost owners who build their hosting on Linode’s infrastructure. But if you are an enthusiast (looks like you are) nothing wrong with learning Linux and trying Linode. But if your aim is to use a WordPRess website and write content, then spending time on dealing with linux maybe too overwhelming.
As regards managed/unmanaged VPS. Imagine you site all of a sudden started loading slowly or just not loading at all. With managed service you contact support and they sort the things out for you. With unmanaged service, you need to analyze possible network, CPU, RAM etc issues on your own.
If I were you, I’d go with a shared hosting. If you are just starting out (looks like you are), it will be even cheaper than using Linode or VPS now. Going with shared hosting will let you focus on making your website and writing content. And as you grow (thousands and tens of thousands visitors per month), then you decide whether you want learn Linux to go to Linode (or unmanaged VPS) or upgrade to a more expensive shared hosting plan (or managed VPS).
But again, if your hobby includes learning Linux, nothing wrong with going with Linode. But it’s much more time consuming way. And since you say you don’t have much time, shared hosting is what I’d actually want to consider above all.
Thanks for your answer Michael! Yes, you have reason; “Time is gold” and for this moment I´m in a shared hosting (IfastNet) and it´s decent; I can change php options like: max_execution_time, memory_limit, post_max_size, upload_max_filesize; I believe that´s good for me, cause I have bad experiences in my country, all is expensive, bad service and bad support; for this reasons I have a shared hosting in UK, and works fine at the moment. I don´t in your list of EIG this provider (Byethost=IfastNet).
Yes, Linux is complex and admin a VPS is so difficult because I don´t and IT or developer. I like computers and make a decent page. May be in the future try a VPS (Linode of course).
Thanks again Michael.
Best regards.
Good luck, Claudio!
“Information is power” they say, and you help us to select a good hosting for our sites. I see in a group of Facebook that recomend siteground all the time; and I don´t like this. I´am in IfastNet (Byethost bah) and the support is so bad: I teach them!!! And I´m not a programmer or an expert!!! Well I see you recommend Linode, so cheap and very secure. I have WordPress and I live in Argentina (Southamerica), it´s recommended for me? I see that they use CPanel! Great, I´m not an advanced user.
Hi Claudio,
Linode is not meant for average WordPress users. It requires Linux management skills (using command line). Yes, you can install cPanel there, but you need to buy a licence for it. Linode’s support is also very different from what you may expect from a shared hosting. If to say it very roughly, there’s (almost) no support. If you are comfortable with it, then Linode offers a great price for the performance it gives you.
Security at Linode is also something you need actually to care about yourself. Of course, it gives you a secure infrastructure as is. But as soon as you install software, it’s up to you to take care of security. On a top of that you still need to apply security solutions to your application (WordPress) like you should do on a typical shared hosting.
Try to read Linode documentations and tutorials. If you are comfortable with it, then go ahead. But if you have never dealt with Linux management before, you will need to invest quite a lot of time in it to make everything not only workable but also safe.
If you prefer focusing on your website and business, then shared hosting (or managed VPS) would be a more efficient way to go. You just need to choose a hosing provider that does not suck.
If you decide to choose a shared hosting provider (or VPS), then I can recommend a number of hosts on this page. There are suggestions for users with any level of technical background and with different requirements and budget.
Anyway, if you learn and become an advanced Linux user, then it will pay you back very well – using Linode (or Digital Ocean) or unmanaged VPS would give you much better performance compared to any shared hosting. However, you will need to forget about support and do everything on your own.
Just so you know, they closed Bluehost down- it was the one company that was making money for them. They are moving it all to Tempe AZ. Ipage CEO is friends with Hari, and they conspired to get rid of bh, they didn’t like that it was in Utah, or that the people in it are honest. Anyway, They are removing the center int he worst possible way you could for a big corporation.
Anyway, thank you for letting people know about the brands they own. I have seen it first hand of how they ruin lives.
Thanks a lot for the link. It’s sad that people are “impacted” by closing BlueHost Orem office. It’s all about “optimization of costs” which leads to relocating some staff and getting rid of some others. No good for staff, no good for clients, but it saves more money for the company. This is what EIG is like.
Hello Michael ,Good point
Glad you found it useful, Azartash. Feel free to look around on my blog 🙂
Hi Michel,
You have done a great job for the avid online publishers, bloggers and the site owners. I have a bitter experience with EIG hosting company.
I would say that the hosting server is the backbone of the website that could decide its success. I have been blogging since 2013 and I use GreenGeeks and InMotion for my blogs.
Do you have any better suggestion?
Hi Nirmala,
My recommended hosts are here.
Damn, reading this is like reading a list of the fallen, or an obituary. There are a lot of once great hosts on this list. Truly Sad.
Thank you for keeping this updated, juts helped me avoid making a huge mistake!.
Hi Jay,
The reality can be sad. Things are subject to change. We just need to keep an eye on it.
Glad I could help.
Wow, thank you for the valuable information. I made my own research since I want to stay away from EIG and I have few companies in my shortlist. I am very close to joining RoseHosting because of their fully managed support and their fair pricing. Do you have some recommendations? I am looking for SSD VPS hosting.
Hi Josh,
Thanks for your comment.
My recommended VPS are here
Thanks for the link Michael. In the past I’ve tried both KnownHost and Rosehosting and both offer high quality services for affordable price.
You are welcome, Giorgio!
I’ve hosted with a few of these companies mentioned in the article and their ridiculous. Endurance International Group is the most ridiculous company in web hosting. I switch from A Small Orange recently to WebhostFive and I’m astounded by how stress free I feel knowing I won’t have wrestle with support any further.
It’s great you left EIG and found the host that works for you!
I worked for EIG. It’s a mess. There were times that I was working on tickets that were 4 months old. Sometimes it took weeks to get a reboot request in on a dedicated server. They put the newest people off the street on tickets and they usually give the customer canned or generic replies. I often saw the customer frustrated by replies that have little to do with their issue.
Management didn’t care. In fact , anyone who tried to push to make the place be a better company was fired or demoted. I think in the time I was there they fired about 3 managers and had one quit.
Yes, support is far not the strongest sides of EIG hosts.
Thanks for sharing this info.
By the way, after one of the last EIG acquisitions (Site5) its support stuff was fired (optimized). I think the best ones (and probably the most expensive ones) were fired. SiteGround hired them soon after that. So, after such reformation, including support stuff “optimization”, Site5 went down the drain.
Hi Michael, thanks for the re. Had alook at the non-EIG list and have taken three into the final round. Was to go with SG first, but am now between Hawk and A2. Any suggestions from your perspective? Thanks.
In general, I like SiteGround more than Hawk or A2 because SG has a very good balance between performance and customer support. SiteGround invests more in support than A2 or Hawk.
A2 focuses on performance, and my automated tests during several months revealed a brilliant speed and uptime (I’ve been monitoring US server). But in December its performance dropped a bit and SiteGround outperformed A2 (I’m going to publish a monthly report in a couple of days).
HawkHost is a great affordable option. But its performance is a bit lower than SiteGround or A2 (but still very good).
So, in general, SiteGround seems like a less risky option for me. It’s a universal hosting of a very high quality that is very likely to satisfy you. In my opinion, SiteGround is the best alternative to popular EIG hosts (people leaving EIG feel very happy with SiteGround).
A2 is likely to have a bit better performance.
HawkHost is a cheaper host that maintains high quality of its services (but not as high as A2 and SG). And it’s a smaller host compared to A2 or SG.
These hosts target a bit different types of audience: SG is for those who needs very approachable support in addition to a high performance plus some tools (staging, git) on advanced plans; A2 focuses on performance; Hawk is just a very good budget option.
I used to favour SG myself. However, compared to the competition, I feel a certain lack of features in their starter plan; albeit HTTP/2 is one of the goodies sure to have my attention 😉
Still somewhat undecided about Hawk. Seems to have a good balance of features and price, but well, reading the specs is one thing, while the actual hosting may well turn out not all that thrilling.
A2 has me wonder again and again. Price of the starter VPS more or less equals medium shared. Tempting, but of course VPS features are quite basic, and none of the SG candy.
By the way, I’ve taken the liberty to back-link to _this page_ in my news section. Let me know if that’s OK or if you’d rather have me take it off. Um, I guess I’ll have to self-promote myself a tad to announce the URL. Feel free to edit 😉
I have not tried A2’s Entry VPS. I see its pricing is similar to DigitalOcean (DO).
If you do development, perhaps DO could be a more preferable choice.
I guess you could try one host or another if you have something specific to test. Hawk has 30 days money-back period. And A2 has also 30 days, plus pro-rata refunds (but note that pro-rata is based on a regular price, not the price you pay for the first invoice).
By the way, thanks a lot for linking to my article! No worries about self-promotion as you make your input in sharing the information about EIG 🙂
This has been SOOOO helpful. I had 4 great years with HostGator and then in August of this year it all started to go downhill. It has been a nightmare. Loooooong wait time with customer support. Tickets not being written. Stuff not being migrated. Techs not reading my profile and recommending changes for me that completely screwed up all my domains and sites (I’m not a natural techie). Extremely frustrating.
After viewing this article, I see that I’m not the only one experiencing problems with HostGator. At this point in my journey, I don’t CARE if I loose every dime I invested into HostGator, I want a non-EIG company that will do what they say and not confuse me with computer-speak.
Took your little quiz and am going with SiteGround. Thanks for the help.
You are welcome, Kim!
SiteGround is indeed a very good choice as an alternative to HostGator.
This has been SOOOO helpful. I had 4 great years with HostGator and then in August of this year it all started to go downhill. It has been a nightmare. Loooooong wait time with customer support. Tickets not being written. Stuff not being migrated. Techs not reading my profile and recommending changes for me that completely screwed up all my domains and sites (I’m not a natural techie). Extremely frustrating.
After viewing this article, I see that I’m not the only one experiencing problems with HostGator. At this point in my journey, I don’t CARE if I loose every dime I invested into HostGator, I want a non-EIG company that will do what they say and not confuse me with computer-speak.
Can you recommend a good non-EIG hosting company that has great tech support for non-techies?
Hi Kim,
Thanks for your comment and sharing your story.
EIG has let down so many people.
As regards hosting recommendation, please see this page and especially this section (great host with very approachable support for non-technical clients).
Too bad I only now came across your post. I recently ventured into hosting my own little site with and that was a BIG MISTAKE!!! Patched and broken, zero support, you name it. Actually, it’s even worse than some of the free hosters! While this may be off-topic, you; or anyone reading this; wouldn’t have any advice how to best dump them? Hosting is paid for three years, but I’d rather move out ASAP.
It’s sad to hear about your horrible experience with this EIG host.
If the money-back period (30 days with eHost) is over, then unfortunately you can’t do much about getting a refund.
As regards “dumping” eHost, a good and publicly accepted way is to leave truthful and detailed reviews on hosting reviews sites.
One more thing you can do is to share this post. I keep the list of EIG hosing updated and so far this is the best page in the Internet spreading information about EIG hosts.
Hope you’ll find a good host soon and forget about your nightmares with EIG.
I’ve been a raving fan of but since they got purchased by EIG it’s been downhill.
1. They migrated my server to the wrong server the tech quit his job and left me hanging. Took them 2 days to “resolve” the issue. Half my sites DNS pointed to the wrong server and I could not edit the DNS either.
2. They reset half my domains DNS to random IPs they dont even own! I had to manually fix all the DNS records since their support was clueless.
I tried 8 hosting companies afterward and ended up with inmotion VPS.
Apparently a ton of techs left site5 and are working at places like siteground.
This does not even touch the depth of the issues I had and still having while I tediously migrate all my clients.
Thanks Sean for your story.
Sad to hear about the problems you have been coming through.
Site5 has let down a lot of people (both clients and employees) after being acquired by EIG.
Hope your business will be fine now.
Thank you very much for your report.
I came here from WHT forum after I realised the support problem with HostGator.
Thank you for your job.
If you have a detailed review and suggestion for GOOD hosting companies – this will be great!
all the best!
Hi JT,
Thanks for your feedback.
As regards hosting recommendations, I’ve got a list with some details here. There’s a number of great hosts targeting different kinds of users.
You are welcome to have a look at it and let me know if you have any questions. I’ll be happy to tell you everything I know.
What are you, an ex EIG company employee?
My guess is their janitor.
I tried one of your alternative companies. They were pathetic!
You are just an as&hole.
Please don’t use cusswords in my blog. I edited two of them in your comment.
I’m not an ex-EIG employee.
And I don’t go against something or someone because of my (inner) problems. I wish anyone could do the same.
As regards my hosting recommendations, please go ahead and share your story. It will be useful (and likely fun) to find out who has really screwed up.
But please go on only with you real email address and your website to identify that you are indeed the customer of one of my recommended hosts.
Great article. I’ve been a web designer since 1998 and a reseller of several hosting companies – all but one now owned by EIG. Do you have an recommendations for eCommerce platforms for B2B – preferably where the eCommerce company hosts the store?
Hi Mary,
Thanks for your comment and your question.
Unfortunately, I have not had any experience with B2B eCommerce platforms yet.
Hey Michael, It’s the most comprehensive EIG brand list, I have ever seen so far. I really appreciate the way you do extensive research on EIG brands, and list them here to spread awareness among newbie web hosting seekers. My past experience with one of the EIG brands is no different than others. Few years back, I had been using one of the EIG brands, and I accept that, they had been excellent for years.
Then out of nowhere, EIG came into the picture, and it ruined everything from support to server performance. Frequent downtimes without announcement, and we keep ticketing support without a single response for days. Eventually, several years of great web hosting experience became a nightmare. Though, I learned my lesson that a big name does not guarantee a reliability and great hosting experience.
I switched to I must admit that I was little skeptic but their price attracted me . I am having small reseller hosting account with them and they have been excellent so far. I came here to double check whether is listed here or not, and I am glad that they don’t belong to EIG. Michael, please correct me if I’m wrong.
I don’t have the information whether this host belongs to EIG. I guess it does not. At least for now 🙂
Fortunately, I am not hosted with one of the EIG brands. I have confirmed with AccuWebHosting support guy and he said,.. they don’t belong to EIG group.
Great 🙂
Thanks you very much i was looking for some deep down details about
You helped me very much 🙂
Glad I could help!
Wow, Micheal you have put all the information about EIG at one place. And I am sure you have invested too much time to discover this info.
Thanks for sharing, really appreciate.
M Imran
My pleasure!
I used arvixe hosting but it was terriple then i moved to they are awsome very fast answer for tickets.
I am happy with them now
Hi Rachid,
Glad you found the host that works well for you!
Hi Michael,
I would say that it is an eye-opening post for the bloggers and internet marketers not to go with the EIG hosting. I agree with your viewpoints as I experienced badly with this type of hosting.
Then, I have migrated my blogs to Inmotion and WPEngine managed hosting service. Both are offering their good service and I don’t have any complaints.
Thanks for writing the helpful stuff, keep your good work.
Hi Mathew,
Yes, there are other hosts which are much better than EIG. My favorite ones are here.
Hi, Michael, Thank you for your considerable research here. I came to your site because someone online stole my credit card information and made 4 charges to EIG on Nov. 7. My husband and I did not make the charges. We’ve never heard of EIG. I went through your complete list of companies fronted by EIG, and I don’t recognize any that I even remotely would have done business with. Why would the thief make 4 charges to EIG in one day? Is there any way to catch such a person? The fraudulent charges are being credited back to my card, but I would like to see the perpetrator charged in court.
I’m a retired librarian, so I know the great amount of time and effort you have put into your website here. Thank you, and thank you for keeping it updated.
Hi Sue,
Sorry to hear your story about your credit card being stolen.
Glad that you’ve got your money back.
Stealing credit card information is unfortunately quite common nowadays. Even banks get hacked.
To be honest, I’m not sure you how you can catch the thief. Usually credit cards’ information is stolen in masses. So, I guess it was not the only your card that was compromised.
However what you can do in future is not to have a lot of funds on your credit card which credentials can be known to the third parties. For example, if you paid with your credit card in the Internet, don’t keep a lot of money on this card. And if you do need to have money on you credit card, have a special one for this purpose.
I’m afraid, this is only how I can help.
Anyway, thanks for your comment!
Great list of web hosting site. thanks for share with us.
Just in case, this is the list of EIG hosts that I do not recommend.
Hi Michael,
It is a massive list.
I was completely shocked to see that EIG owns that many web hosts.
I was sure for Bluehost, Justhost, Hostmonster, Hostgator, ResellerClub, Bigrock, Directi, iPage & FatCow but I had no idea that this web hosting group is so big.
Great research 🙂
Hi Tauseef,
Yep, EIG owns a lot of brands and hosting companies.
When I did this research I actually did not expect to find out many more hosts than there were on the Wiki page about Endurance International Group. But it turned out that Wiki did not contain everything.
Thanks for stopping by!
Today I talk to and their customer suppoer claim themself under EIG. then I decided not to go with them..
Thanks Zowapboy for your comment.
However, I’ve contacted this host by email and received a reply that they do NOT have any connection with EIG.
I presently have two hosts; one, Dreamhost, has always offered excellent service for nearly 10 years hosting a small WordPress blog: never anything wrong.
However I have moved away from WordPress, mainly as their over-frequent — and over-frequent whining nagging about — updates involve hideous changes to the UI, much as with Firefox, that indicate the platform is more about the egos of the devs than for the blogger — their fascist mantra is ‘Decisions, not Options’ : your choice is to not have any choice of your own.
On the back end they are now presently compelling the dreary minimalist Fat Slab flat style that makes all the web the same: it got simpler just to junk WordPress.
Contrary to your sour suggestion of ‘not yet’, Dreamhost jeered at EIG a few years ago by announcing they were being swallowed by EIG — *Not*.
The other host, for a vBull forum is probably the best in the world: UrlJet [ owned by Host Ventures ultimately ]. They are superb. There is none better.
For domains, I stick with a good small firm that does nothing else, NameAlerts.
Thanks for sharing your experience.
Of course, after all the most important thing is to be satisfied with hosting, blogging platform etc.
And I’m glad you’re happy with the choices you’ve made!
EIG is a India company. I guess the nature of “Indians always are late” is the main reason. As a result, they cannot resolve problem immediately. They like to postpone their works. It explains that most companies acquired by EIG are becoming poor in customer support.
That’s a fresh idea, Bruce! Although EIG is a corporation and as any corporation it’s an international entity, I guess your point of view makes sense to a certain extent.
Thanks for your interesting comment.
Honestly I’m noob, but I read many times on WHT people said to stay away from EIG, so I came here, and it make me shock, EIG looks like very BIG company.
I’m glad my favorite site (hawkhost) not listed there. lol
I’m not a fan of big company, because in my experience their support is very bad, and they don’t care about customer, because they’re already have a lot of customer, and doesn’t matter if just lose a bunch.
Hi Kris,
Exactly. EIG is “famous” for its lack of making their customers happy. Their marketing is very aggressive, so losing a bunch of people does not matter as they can get more and more at the same time.
HawkHost is cheaper and better from this perspective.
By the way, it’s one of my recommended hosts 🙂
We moved from hostgator to GreenGeeks and have been there for 2.5 years. We have a VPS and host over 50 sites (our own and a couple of special clients). We’ve been frusterated over the years, but really didn’t want to move…out of the fire into a frying pan. But in this last week, after we got shut down for $12.50 (never been late before) for IP addresses that were for an wrongly installed SSL certificate. It was time to move. That’s when it gets worse. They wanted to charge over $250 to back up our server, (to transfer to the new hosting) then NO refunds on the SSL certificates. The sure took our money fast enough, when we got the SSL certificates, wrongly installed. Then the worst insult, is the SSL certificates can’t be transferred to our new hosting. Wrongly installed and then no transfer. That was a was of over $150, and with the backup it would have been $250. And probably, if the back was not done correctly, we would pay for that, and they aren’t responsible. They say its’ in their term of service (TOS) and they aren’t responsible for anything. I have never seen a worse company for accountability. I now call them Greedy Incompetent Geeks. If you read reviews through the internet about them, you will see, people are happy, until they have a real problem. Then Greedy Geeks turn their back and claim they aren’t responsible. That’s not what I want in a hosting company, I want a partner who we can work together and solve issues and problems. Me think…Green Geek…NOT EVER.
Thanks Sue for your story. Sorry to hear about your issues.
Yes, if a company is not EIG it does not always mean that it’s a great company.
Hope your new host will be great from both technical and support/client satisfaction point of view.
I have hosgtator hosted websites, and i am trying to move to non EIG hosting. Your artile is very helpful. thank you so much
Hi Yukari,
Thanks for your comment.
I’ve got a list of the most reliable hosting alternatives on my blog.
Feel free to contact me if you need an advice for your particular case.
First this is a Great list Hosting Information Sites , Superb Work helpful Information , Post I like Its Thank You very Much For Sharing me , keep it up Really Great Staff ,
Hey Raghs,
Hope I got you right 🙂
Just in case: The list of hosts on this page is EIG (Endurance International Group) which are not great hosts 😉
The hosts I consider great are on this page.
Thank you so much, I wanted to make sure I never have an experience like I’ve been having with EIG owned Arvixe for the past 18 months. I was in the process of moving my sites to… either HostGator or BlueHost. Can you imagine?! I would have been jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. Thank you for your hard work, I appreciate you saving me time, grief, and money!
Thanks Sass for your comment.
Yes, EIG is working like that not advertising and even hiding the information that all of these companies belong to them, so that you and others jump from one of their host to another without realizing you are actually within one and the same.
Michael, do you use a paid version of Sucuri and the paid version of Bulletproof?
Hi Mike, thanks for your question.
I’m using a combination of paid Sucuri CloudProxy WAF and free BPS.
Why not just move to a Google CDN? I also like Pagely for WordPress themes Rackspace.
Jeannie, thanks for your comment. Pagely is just from a much higher pricing category, and the clouds which are billed per CPU time or bandwidth target a different audience rather than shared hosting providers.
I have been with bluehost for about 3 years and truth be told never really been satisfied with there service, but foolishly continued to give them my money. Today, however was the last straw.
I had a website launch planned for midnight last night, and I noticed the site was going quite slowly. I went on Live Chat to talk about some options, including VPS and Cloud Performance Hosting. The salesperson (I believe named Daniel G), said that the performance on Cloud would be better, less managed for us, and that migration would take 1-2 hours. I confirmed with Daniel multiple times about it taking that time. I underlined and stressed that I had a launch at midnight and the site had to be usable by then. He said it would be certainly done in that time and, when it was done, I would just need to re-install my SSL on it.
So, I bought this service, and waited. I waited for 3 hours before going on Live Chat again, asking if the migration was done and if, perhaps, the email had simply not arrived. This customer service rep now said–“Sorry, it’s still under way, and will take 4-8 hours.” I began to get frustrated at this point, realizing that the first person had lied. I voiced these frustrations, and the rep simply kept saying, “There’s nothing we can do, you have to wait, it’ll be done within 4-8 hours for sure.”
I moved the launch to 8am the next morning, thinking this would give me plenty of time. I ended up going to bed at 1am (6 hours after the beginning of the migration) and it was not done. I set the alarm for 5am, thinking I would get up at that time and do the SSL. Still not done. Then, after a sleepless few hours, 7am. Still not done.
I have been on Live Chat since then, and have received appalling service again. The first person said, “Well sorry but migrations take 24-72 hours” and said there’s nothing I can do. I kept at it and she managed to give me a phone number for the migrations department. When I called, it said they’re closed until 9am MT (which would be 11am my time). When I asked, I was told there is no one on call.
I was offered nothing but a “sorry”. I asked to speak to another person. She then told me that migrations take 12-24 hours. And the kicker is–she claimed that she “consulted with the technical experts and they said it would be done within then.” Who did she call? The closed department?
Needless to say I will be cancelling my account with them ASAP. If you are thinking about using bluehosts services, consider yourself warned. I highly suggest you stay as far away from them as you possibly can.
Thank you Jamie for sharing your story. I understand your frustration.
That’s what EIG is about – great marketing and sales and awful at delivering results.
This article is excellent; I link to it a lot! The information in this article helps ex-EIG consumers find a more reliable cPanel web hosting service. At the same time, it also helps the more smaller-medium web hosting providers gain new customers. The smaller-medium hosting providers can more than accommodate ex-EIG customers due to the smaller-medium providers not having overloaded/oversold servers. EIG sure does mean much slower servers and poor response/resolution times; that is for sure.
Excellent research Michael.
Thanks Christopher for your feedback. I totally agree with what you said.
Hello Micheal
What Web Hosting service do you recommend? I read the Terms Of Service for A2Hosting and its a complete nightmare. I don’t know who else actually reads TOS for anything, but I sure do.
Hi Britt,
My recommended hosts are on this page.
Reading TOS is a very good thing 🙂
Thank You Michael! & Sorry for the misspelling of your name earlier. I’ve read the article and am currently set up with BigScoots. Its great & so are you. I am highly appreciative of your generosity.
No problem Britt! I’m glad I could help.
Hi Michael,
I have been with ix webhosting for 10 years now, and this year they started having hosting issues. They are currently down for the second time in less than six months, and it is multiple days without email while they do unannounced “migrations”. After reading your article I remembered back to when they had an 800 number, and non-scripted American techs answering the phone. I see now why these days it is so different. THANK YOU for posting this list of EIG companies!!!
I am now looking for a new hosting company – I live in TN, and welcome any recommendations you might offer.
Hi Michelle,
Thanks for sharing your story.
I have a list of the hosts I recommend on this page. It has only great hosts for a wide variety of requirements. Please have a look at it and feel free to ask me if you have any doubts.
Also, it does not really matter where you live when choosing a web hosting. But it’s a generally good idea to choose a server location closer to where your audience live. But this is not the first thing that you should pay your attention to. Also, if you have your audience all over the US, then any location of hosting server in US is good.
So I’m on the verge of leaving BlueHost (after being a customer for about 5 years).
I am very very unhappy with them @ this point, quality has decreased steadily over the years to the point that they don’t even seem to be able to handle simple things without damaging my access etc…
Anyway wanted to let you know that EIG also owns this completely bogus trash:
NOTICE: This is an EIG site with a rated list of EIG only hosts, not much room for honesty there.
Hi Matt,
Thanks for your comment.
As regards Editorsreview, some time ago they even did not mention that this site is sponsored with EIG (can see that in WayBackMachine). So it was a total fraud. Now at least they added a line about that.
Also, I would not be surprised if I find out that they sponsor other hosting review sites without disclosing the relationship.
I HATE EIG. They ruin every company they touch. In 9 years I have to move all my reseller clients 3 times.
They bought ipowerweb way back in 2008 or 9. Then I moved to HostGator, which was great until Brent sold out to EIG and they totally went down the tubes. I moved to Site5, and asked them, are you going to sell to EIG? They said no, but they did a year later!!!
Now I am with A2 hosting and I am happy with them. I just pray EIG does not make them an offer they cannot refuse.
Hi Mike,
Sorry to hear your continuous moving the hosts. Unfortunately, it’s the story that can be told by many users.
I keep an eye on EIG acquisitions and once EIG gets something new, I’ll be one of the first ones to let people know about it.
Just an add-on to this but A Small Orange Orange which include HostNine, Cirtex & HV ( already absorbed by H9), Arvixe,, ( Which have been merged ), Site5, and IXWebhosting. I was a shot caller there and can say all are being merged with Hostgator, every brand mentioned. They’ve stopped acquisitions at this time since due to the stocks dumping and the fact they really have no clue on what they are doing to be honest.
Hiring process in meetings.. We don’t want anyone that knows anything about hosting, we will train them because we can get them for minimum wage. ( No Joke, I even laughed in that meeting ). They have roughly 20 ‘Web Advisers’ that support all brands physically in the US. Ticket outsourcing is being used 24/7 by a company named DiYA which is also owned by EIG CEO Hari. With this being said we as a company had to pay the outsourcing company large amounts of money that would in return just go back in to Hari’s pocket ( not sure if this is owned by his sister or his parents. Everything goes back to Hari’s family. he SEC even has a current investigation on them as a subpoena for ‘certain information ‘ had been sent months back.
Bottom line is EIG kills everything in its path and is working towards a ‘unified’ support system ( DiYA ) to handle all companies. They push hacked accounts to third party company instead of dealing with the customer directly.
If you have any questions about anything, drop a line here 🙂
ASO is dead tho. All brands including Hostgator are stale and are only looking for the dollar, nothing more
Thanks a lot for your comment!
This is a great add-on for those who wants to know more how the things are done in EIG.
I’ve been on Bluehost since March 2012. I wasn’t aware of the EIG connection until a year or two ago. I haven’t had huge problems (though the online descriptions of things like redirecting between URLs and switching from to plain name are incomprehensible. There has been downtime, but looking at ‘isisdownrightnow’ shows that for every person complaining about bluehost, there’s another complaining about HostGator or whatever. Another problem is their cloud: my site is supposed to be on 4 servers (2 in USA, 1 London, 1 Hong Kong) but online timing sites don’t seem to recognise any cloud.
There are two things that worry me.
[1] I’d like a better host, but of course it’s a pain to move, and my problem is improvement, if any may not be worth the trouble. And realistically the price they charge is tiny when you think of what you get. (I’m old enough to remember computers as vastly expensive…)
[2] EIG *may* have the ultimate policy of controlling information. It was only c 20 years after Marconi and others invented radio, that the BBC clamped down on it; and it’s about the same time lapse now from (say) 1995, a typical date of the start of internet. I fear a day when suddenly the shutters descent and we have full censorship.
But anyway — thanks for the very good article. If I may suggest it, a missing chunk of information is the entire size of Internet: what % do EIG own?
Hi, Thanks for your detailed comment.
EIG and Bluehost particularly have no good reputation for the services they offer.
Also, you are right that you can find negative reviews on almost any other hosting which has been long enough on the market.
However, EIG (and especially some of its hosts) have made generally much more negative impact on their clients that an average host. Mathematically precisely speaking, I can’t back up this statement with solid research data right now, but simply judging by clients reviews and the buzz in the Internet it seems to be true.
The question of whether changing a host due to its performance or client service is always upto a client. If after all you are generally satisfied with BlueHost, then it makes no sense to move. However, you may want to monitor the performance of your website (e.g. uptime) to have an objective data (not just your feelings or assumptions) on your hosting performance for better decision making. For example, you can see how I monitor my sites on several hosts here.
Also, I share your worries about centralizing hosting resources in one (or a few) hands. And as I can see that these hands are not very good ones, I make my input to hold it back. Although I don’t know exactly how much % EIG owns the hosting in the world, it’s very noticeable share (just search in the Internet for “best hosting” and see how much of the hosts in the results belong to EIG). And if FTC worked well regarding the monopoly (or oligopoly) regulation, I wish EIG could be their target.
Thanks again for you comment.
I have 4 sites running on Arvixe – who was very good up until last 6 months – Now – they don’t even respond to ticket requests, phone calls or chat. One of my sites has been offline for 5 days- I was at least able to download a backup on Saturday – but now it looks really ugly.
I need a Windows host for DNN – I’m looking at (not yet an EIG company (thanks for the reviews) – If not them- then who (shared hosting- low use sites. (3 Non-profit), 1 for profit, 1 -Other)
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your comment and sharing your story.
Unfortunately I can’t recommend a great Windows shared hosting and feel totally fine about doing this. I can recommend a good VPS-grade windows hosting (LiquidWeb), but as I understood it’s out of your budget.
Sorry, can’t help you with your request right now.
This well-informed and well-sourced article definitely explained to me some verifiable reasons why HOSTGATOR’s quality of service AND sheer lack of helpful tech-support have become a huge pain for me and my several hosted-websites! Gee! It TWICE took over three weeks for them to reply to a submitted support ticket. Not only that, but for website security-related issues, they try to pawn you off on SITELOCK (owned also by E.I.G. ???). I have very limited finances to be able to afford these additional “professional services” for basic things that your average web-hosting provider should have with their basic hosting plans.
Because of my websites being hacked (and crashed), and the fact that HOSTGATOR staff want to give me the run-around instead of actually pointing me in the right directions for some assistance, to include the very slow response to my emails and “support tickets” requests, I will be swearing off from HOSTGATOR. (Apparently, away from any and all hosting companies owned by E.I.G. too!) They have the nerve to jack-up my hosting fees, and then tell me a thousand reasons why they can not help me with basic questions and some basic technical assistance. – SCREW HOSTGATOR!!!
Thank you very much for doing all the good work of compiling this large list. I did not see NAMECHEAP anywhere on your list, nor did I see anything similar about them elsewhere. So, if it be safe to “assume” that NAMECHEAP be a little better a choice, I may be looking towards their direction.
Perhaps I will FINALLY be able to get a good E-Commerce website up and running.
– Jim
Hi Jim,
Thanks for your detailed comment.
SiteLock and EIG have very close connections. I don’t think SiteLock is a worthy product (I prefer protecting my sites in a different way)
NameCheap is a good company. I recommend it as a domain registrar (I’m a supporter of having domain and hosting with different companies).
Thanks again for stopping by!
Yes, I completely agree to separate the domain registrar from hosting. In case your hosting provider goes down the hill, you can easily move to another provider easily by updating your dns on the domain registrar for particular domain.
Great compilation, but now the list of EIG companies is even bigger
Hey Jake.
Hm, I’m monitoring EIG acquisitions and update this list regularly. But I did not spot any new hosts acquired.
Can you please let me know what is missing in your opinion?
I got burned in a big way when EIG bought HostGator. Support went downhill several 100%. Then the Provo Utah data center went online and I had no hosting for a full two days and slow hosting for weeks. This was several years ago. This was for over 400 email accounts on a VPS mail server I had and 60 websites I hosted on another VPS. I looked into non EIG hosting and found Hostek for my my mail server since they specialized in SmarterMail mail servers and they hosted ColdFusion. They have been above average, but their network was less than reliable in the first couple of years, now it seems to have settled down and has been highly reliable. And their support is above average, especially on response time. I switched all of my Joomla sites, now around a 100 domains to SiteGround several years ago which has been the best host and support I have ever had in the 20 years of hosting I’ve been involved in. So glad to see you have them in your list of good host. Their support is super fast, they are constantly working on improving site speed, they are very current on versions of PHP, etc. Lots of tools in their hosting, especially their VPS’s have huge amounts of great features, love the dynamic RAM and CPU per month. And they know Joomla, WordPress and Drupal very well and are at all meetings of these 3 top CMS’s, so they are heavily involved in the community. Keep up the good work on your research, it’s valuable info for people looking for good host and non large corporation hosting.
Thank you for your story, Bruce.
I’m glad that SiteGround has been working great for you too.
Hope SG will keep up on a very good job for as long as possible.
I also got burned from that disaster.
What’s more, the server my sites are (soon-to-be-“were”) runs very slowly as if they do not even do good maintenance on them anymore! Every time I have had to modify or even delete some folders in my website root, these folders would magically “reappear”, several times.
I don’t know exactly what happened to cause their outages, but the problems are still there, and there are new problems with their FTP server since then.
Reappearing files is a bad sign. I’ve experienced it several times on very cheap hosts. I assume it could be the result of a hosting company restoring my websites from their backup without any prior notice or my request (probably because something went wrong and the host wanted to pretend as nothing has happened). Maybe there are other reason of such mysterious reappearing but anyway it’s not good.
Your most welcome,
you are truly doing hard job for quick update in your post,
have you know EIG having any data center?
I have not investigated this deep enough yet. For now I just know that EIG has a data center in Provo, Utah in US where there was a major outage affecting a huge number of clients not long ago.
Thanks Micheal,
I was shocked after read your post, means some where i am still using hosting service from EIG host.
i would like to know more about if they having any data center. is not part of EIG as they are taking from, i am using their service since 2010 and can say it is good service provider. as we are also provide hosting service and having server from Indian Data center.
Hi Ramiz,
Thanks for your comment.
I have in EIG list since it has been listed on EIG Wiki page. Although I’m not 100% sure this company belongs to EIG as I don’t have strong evidence.
However I contacted a couple of months ago with this inquiry and they did not reply to me. So I’ve left this company in the list for a while.
I’ve just contacted them again (and made a screenshot of my ticket this time) and would be happy to get an official response from them. After I get the response I will remove it from the EIG list.
Update: I’ve also contacted them by live sales chat and they confirmed no connection with EIG. So I’m removing them from the list.
Thanks again for your input.
This company is apart of eig, how do I know? They refused to give me a refund so I filed a completed in the BBB to EIG and they told me they have checked their records for that website and see a refund was forcefully processed by you then returned by myresellerhome as it violates terms (basically I done a chargeback and they detested/complained about it to the bank and got it reversed.)
Sorry to hear your bad experience with this company.
However, I could not confirm if it belongs to EIG so far.
I migrated off of HostGator to SiteGround recently.
EIG cannot control its outgoing e-mail servers for Hostgator. Its servers send out spam, presumably from hacked hosting accounts. As a result, its servers are periodically blocked, especially by Yahoo and Microsoft e-mail servers. This went on for years, and there is absolutely no solution to the problem.
Also, the back-end database would periodically get overloaded. This took my site down, leaving only an error message for our customers.
Response time to tickets was around a week. That’s not much good when the site is down now! Getting a response from tech support on chat or the phone could take an hour or more. The techs I got usually were not much help, and had to file a ticket, although phone support was sometimes good.
Siteground migrated my site for free. They moved over the files, the databases, the e-mail accounts, and all the mail. They waited to do the work until I told them I was ready, then had it done a few hours later. Everything worked perfectly.
Since then, the site has worked flawlessly. It’s also clearly faster. I haven’t had any e-mail blocked due to blacklisting.
Chat support answers in seconds. Tickets are picked up in ten minutes or less. Support usually knows the right answer.
They aren’t perfect, though. They had a hard time understanding some concerns about SPF and would not help me contact other hosting companies that were interacting badly with their e-mail.
I wish I had moved over years ago. I had no idea it would be so easy and fast to move.
Dan, thanks a lot for sharing your story in details.
EIG hosting is definitely not recommended.
Also, any hosting have their weak sides which can be revealed in some particular cases (like yours).
However, when making a general recommendation it’s possible to say what hosting is better than others.
And SiteGround is surely much better than EIG hosts.
Glad that you are happy with your new host after all.
Thanks again for your comment.
This is truly an amazing article as well as the depth of information in the comments. I started my e-commerce site and blog with Hostgator back in 2010 and absolutely loved them. Yeah, the site went down a lot, came back up after contacting them and back down. After 2012 it got progressively worse, hours on hold (in chat and on the phone). I moved to Netfirms, BlueHost and several of the others on the list. It took more time to tell them which upsells I didn’t want, than sign up and transfer the site. Fast forward to now, I’m using who specialize in WordPress and Magento, and is fully managed on dedicated vps servers. My server shows an uptime of 251 days and counting, so no complaints here. Wish I had seen this blog post YEARS ago before wasting my time and hurting my business with overpopulated and customer-ignored shared hosting.
Thanks Albert for sharing your story.
Having a valuable website on EIG hosting is too risky, so it’s great that you have found a non-EIG host that works very well for you.
Thanks again for your comment.
You might not know how deeply I appreciate your action in this regard. I am one of the business owners who has greatly suffered because of this conspiracy. Yes, I call it conspiracy. I believe it is possible because they want to somehow control the hosting in their own favour.
As a semi retired person I started and put lots of my savings into this web site. Although I have not gone live yet BUT I have already suffered (financially & reputation) because of this conspiracy.
The second reason of my message is get your permission to put your web site’s link in to refer my possible visitors to a more detailed resources to help them open their minds. I have dedicated a page for this case including your HTML code.
Kindly confirm if I am allowed to put in my web site.
My present hosting provider is BUT not for long.
Hi Moe,
Thanks greatly for your appreciation.
Sorry to hear your story with EIG conspiracy. I agree it can be called so because in many ways EIG hides their acquisitions and people simply are not aware of EIG when they switch from one EIG host to another.
Sure, you can link to my site. The internet works the way that the links are not just the information sharing but also the sort of appreciation and a network capital. So I will be happy if you link to my site or any of my articles.
Also, feel free to let me know if I can be of any help for you.
Hi Michael…
Thanks so much for your efforts..
what is you opinion on A2Hosting.. Would it be possible for you to do some research on them… As I live in Asia and not many Hosting providers have server locations in Asia. except the HawkHost you’ve mentioned.. (I’m more than happy to buy it through your link.)
Thanks again for your great work.. Keep it up.
Hi Kan,
A2 is really not bad according to my researches. I also started monitoring its the cheapest plan with a test account (US location, not Asia though). And according to my tests (will publish the report on the first week in June) it’s pretty fast. Its uptime is good. When I gather a monthly data for my next Hosting Performance Contest I will publish it. Feel free to subscribe to my blog (if you are not subscribed yet 🙂 ) and you will get an update as soon as it’s published.
HawkHost is a little bit slower, but the uptime is comparable with A2. HawkHost is more affordable though.
I have not put A2 in my list of recommended hosts yet, but I likely to do so if A2 shows good performance in my tests after a while.
A very good thing in A2 is that they offer pro-rata refund. It means that you can cancel the service any time (even after several months or years) and you will get a refund for the months unused (calculated on the regular price though, not the discount price when you make your purchase). I’ve got an affiliate link for A2.
So, I do some more tests with A2, but for now it shows very good performance so far (high speed – about 1 sec in my tests with 15-min interval checking which is very good, uptime is above 99.9% checked every minute which is great) and in general it’s not bad host according to my researches. The only negative thing I’ve come across when researching feedback on A2 is that they have been late on support tickets sometimes. But it was not a frequent issue as far as I can judge.
Another thing that puts a little shade on A2 is that they have comparatively big affiliate commissions (see here the comparison here). They are not critically big, but simply pretty bigger than other hosts that I recommend.
Hope this info will help you.
Also, if you want, I can send you my 3 private weekly reports on A2 performance (if you can’t wait till I publish my monthly Hosting Contest report for May). But again, this is for US location. I can’t be sure if Asia location has the same performance, but I guess they should be close.
You are welcome to ask any questions here or contact me privately via email.
Thanks so much for you feedback.. As i’m based in Asia, I’d like to have my site hosted on a server closer to my location.. I’ll try to make a decision whether to go with HawkHost/A2Hosting.. Thanks again. Appreciate it.
You are always welcome, Kan!
Hey Michael,
I appreciate you making this list and providing references unlike many of the other lists available online. However, I think some of the referenced websites have errors that led to you having some non-EIG brands included in your list.
I had suspicions that Dollar2Host, SoutheastWebGroup, MyResellerHome, and 2slick were not owned by EIG as I couldn’t find strong evidence. I’ve since contacted Dollar2Host and MyResellerHome. Both explicitly denied being owned by EIG. I was unable to reach the other two entities. My list (and the relevant references) are available online–HostDepth–EIG Brand List
Thanks Chris for your input.
SoutheastWebGroup and SoutheastWeb look like different companies. And as regards other hosts you’ve mentioned I’ll check them out additionally.
Your totally right about those being different companies–my mistake.
I’m also suspicious the SoutheastWeb is not owned by EIG, but uncertain. I’ll let you know if I find anything conclusive. I think some sites using the WHMCS platform have been mistakenly considered EIG-owned according to many lists of EIG brands that are found online.
By the way, SoutheastWeb has been mentioned on Wikipedia EIG page. Although I can’t say it’s 100% EIG host, I still keep in in this list for now. In general, perhaps my source #1 is not very precise, so I’d need to double check it.
Thanks again Chris for your input.
Actually i was going to buy resellerclub hosting but after reading this ur detailed article i saved.
Thanks for ur truth, transparency & courage to write against EIG.
Thanks Dablu for your support!
Feel free to contact me if you need my opinion on hosting or any kind of assistance.
I am Italian. I like American customer care and QoS, for that reason I decided for an American VPS. I choosed AsmallOrange. At the Christmas time there was a blackout for fifteen days. I started a new research for another service. I read this article and I tryed to choose another service, far from EIG services, as you suggested. I landed to InmotionHosting. I subscribed to a VPS to start the migration of my websites. Now I have two VPS, the first is ASO and the second an InmotionHosting VPS plan. The INH is the double of the ASO one, in power terms and PRICE! But it is very very very SLOW! I read this article and I found a Fake situation! The ASO is the half of CPU, the half of ram and the half of price! But doubled in speed tests. I don’t write links but if you want I can send you two website adresses to test! I am loosing money and next expiration I will retourn back to ASO services! I trusted you and Hostingtalk forum and something was wrong.
Hi Gian,
Sorry to hear your sad experience with VPS services.
Not all non-EIG hosts are good.
Also, IMH shared hosting looks not bad on my tests so far, but I have not tested their VPS services. Hosts like IMH target mass audience and are good for beginner users first of all who don’t have much server requirements and look for beginner-user friendliness.
You use VPS and this is not a beginner users’ segment. That’s why you need to look for a VPS providers who probably focus less on marketing and much more on quality.
I have a recommended VPS hosting providers list that you can find here. These are reliable VPS services.
By the way, there’s not much sense in comparing VPS services only by advertised CPU, RAM etc. You need to choose VPS at the first place by real VPS clients reviews and companies’ reputation in the VPS segment.
Feel free to contact me if I you need any further assistance.
Good list. Thanks.
I’m hosting an with Arvixe, which was recently devoured & ruined by EIG. I’m looking for a replacement site, but hosts are hard to find, especially at Arvixe’s former excellent pricing. Any chance you have any research on non-EIG ASP.Net Hosting Services? I see you have a list of hosting services on your “EIG Sucks!” (yes it totally does), but it is very light on ASP.Net hosts (only two in the list offer Windows hosting, and only one of those does ASP (Liquid)”. Any chance you might do some, or have done some, research on this as well? That would be awesome. Thanks!
Thanks for your comment.
Unfortunately I have not made a deep research on windows/ hosting.
And the budget hosts that I have come across seem hit or miss.
What I can recommend regarding reliable asp hosting is using VPS, but this is not as affordable as the shared hosting.
@vbwyrde, I’ve been using WinHost for a few years now and have had good results with them. I host about four or five sites there. I use them for Classic ASP, but I’m almost certain they offer .NET. Can’t imagine a Windows server not. Check them out (
For better or worse, almost all of my needs have been ASP needs for the past 15 years. I’ve been through the block a number of times on EIG companies. Started with ReadyHosting, and it was okay, but then they got bought by EIG. Didn’t know who they were at the time, just new that RH was “migrating” to a new hosting platform, which didn’t offer the same functionality as I had had. They also turned off autorenew for a domain and let it expire and then charged a $250 ransom to get it back–they owned it themselves.
Anyway, I moved my few sites at that time to WebHost4Life. They were a really good host. My business grew and I added more sites there. Then EIG bought them. I got the same migration announcements. And sure enough, I couldn’t do a number of the things I had chosen WH4L specifically for. I was really ticked. This is when I started to find out about EIG. I tried to get refunds on the annual payments I had made, as what I had paid for was being taken away. They would not refund my money. A couple were even still within the original free trial period. That’s when I learned that EIG was truly evil (that and the domain ransom above).
I moved the sites to Dotster. They were not as good as WH4L had been, but they were at least acceptable. I was there for a few years, and then they got bought by EIG. I knew enough to get out fast, and found WinHost. That was in 2010. Fortunately, WinHost has stayed out of EIG’s hands thus far.
We also had a client who handled domain registration themselves and moved things away from where we had registered them, to Blue Domino, an EIG company. I warned them that there could be trouble, and sure enough, a few years later, they too had the auto-renew on one of their key domains mysteriously turned off, and the domain expired. At least in this case, we became aware of it when the site didn’t respond anymore and we were able to go in and manually renew without being charged a ransom. I was actually quite surprised that EIG did not make us pay a ransom fee.
My company does not do development anymore, so the number of my sites has decreased. And some of those have outgrown shared hosting, and we are using VPS hosting at LiquidWeb (which I’m happy to see is recommended on this site). But I do have a few legacy customers that we still coordinate the hosting for on WinHost, as well as our own company website. It’s been the most stable six years we’ve had, hosting-wise.
Hey Tom, thanks for sharing your experience.
EIG has been really following you, like many others. Hopefully you will not need to switch your hosts anymore.
Hi Great researcher.
the informations that included in this is very very helpful it’s not just some words it’s a knowledge that lead you to do the right choice for your business or small website.
I’ve read all topics that you give me sense last night and i decided not to use any of EIG companies.
after deep reading i found this hosting providers are the most reliable for me.
1- hawkhost
2- siteground
3- stablehost
great -_-
now i have a question did Stablehost have a Unlimited Email Accounts ? because is not mentioned there
could you please tell me which one is good for me.
mention that i don’t care about website builder.
and i have a very good TECH knowledge i have secure my website with .htacces as you said and do the backup and a lot.
Hey Murad,
You did a very good job 🙂
Yes, StableHost has unlimited email accounts (see their features section –
All these three hosts are great.
If you need chat or phone support, then you may want to go definitely with SiteGround.
If dealing with tickets is enough for you (answered within a couple of hours usually) then StableHost or HawkHost are really fine.
According to my tests they both perform nearly the same.
You choice may be dependent on some details or your liking.
Here’s some more information on the hosts:
StableHost has Phoenix, Chicago and Amsterdam, Netherlands Datacenters.
HawkHost has Dallas, Texas; Washington, DC; Los Angeles, California; Singapore and Amsterdam, Netherlands server locations.
If you have your audience concetrated in a specific area, it makes sense to choose the closest server location.
StableHost has both storage-limited plans (starting from 3 Gb) and unlimited plans. HawkHost gives you storage starting from 10 GB.
For StableHost I’ve got a 40% discount code for the first invoice (you might have already seen it here).
And HawkHost is running a special 30% recurring discount on its website. So it’s a good chance to take it too.
So, they are both more or less the same to a big extent, but differs in some details.
You may also contact both hosts and ask them some questions to see which one you like the most.
However, I find both hosts efficient from this perspective.
Thanks for sharing this information. I am a non-tech savvy person when it comes to website controls and I was tasked with trying to get a website for our local church. We’ve been having problems getting into the website for changes. I just tried calling the number on my credit card where there is a charge and the number connects and then it drops, so I have to resort in email/messaging. Would it be easier to cancel with them and move the website name to another service provider?
Hi Colleen,
Sorry to hear you have had problems with your website and hosting.
If you can’t access your website and your host does not respond, then the only the way is to go to another hosting.
Good hosts usually respond to your support request within tens of minutes (with emails or tickets). For average hosts it may take up to 24 hours.
By the way, keep in mind that it’s always better to keep your domain in one place (domain registrar, e.g. I’m using NameCheap for this website) and hosting (where your website files are located) in another place (see my recommended hosting list here).
You are welcome to contact me and ask any questions if you need. I will be happy to help you.
Hey! thanks for sharing the information. You did a great thing by providing the list. People can take sound decision taking this as a consideration.
Thanks Ravish. This definitely helps people make a better decision choosing a host.
Yes, it does.
Thanks once again.
No problem, Ravish!
If I have to promote one of these hosting what will you suggest?
I would not recommend promoting one of EIG hosts, because they have very bad reputation.
You may choose great hosts from my hosting list to recommend or maybe you can find something in this table.
If you insist on recommending EIG hosting, then probably Site5 is still performing not bad. But no one knows when and how sharply it will go downhill. So I would not recommend it too, because there are good and more promising alternatives.
Thanks a lot for your suggestions 🙂
No problem!
Hi Michael,
Great extensive list of EIG brands !
I had been a very loyal customer of Arvixe since 2011 as a Windows Reseller.
Once EIG purchased them in 2014, service started to go down quick.
Now last week they finally got done with the server “migration” which took them 3 times each having our server down for at least a day.
After the migration was complete our server was basically down for 7 days.
We are now in the process of moving every thing to Azure to future proof our web hosting from EIG buy outs.
I don’t think Microsoft would allow them to buy them out ? 🙂
I am so made about what EIG has done to the hosting industry and now they are branching out to
Email marketing (Constant Contact)
Payment Processing (transfirst)
These people has to be stop before they destroy the entire Internet.
So I am in the process of developing a website:
For people to file their EIG horror stories with links on how to take action to prevent them from spreading any more.
Reports for Investors, Web Site and Business Owners, Current and Former Employees.
Will serve as a centralize repository of information so we can be united to take a stand 🙂
Hi Brian,
Yes, it looks like EIG is taking over not just hosting, but all the parts of the Internet infrastructure piece by piece.
Good luck with your website.
Feel free to let me know when it starts getting some traction 😉
Great read…. thank you. One question, what is your take on ZappyHost?
Hi Timothy,
Have not heard of them before.
But quick research shows this.
Although I’m not sure if it’s the company in question.
It is now officialy confirmed EIG acquired for 27 million. ix is giving 15 ips shared hosting plans which saves the company so far. EIG already changed popular web host plans like 1 website and unlimited as different. Same time they were the once who promoted unlimited during 2007 to 2012. Like Arvixe, ix customer get ready for downtime soon.
Thanks Matt for the update! With IX EIG has got HostExcellence and CloudByIX too.
By the way, I’ve added a link to your website from the article 🙂
if you try to visit, you get redirect to
Thank you Alain! I’ve updated the information in the article.
Again, if you try to visit or, you don’t go anywhere, not even redirected…
Well, I do get redirected to bluehost on both URLs. Anyway, I’ve updated the information in the article. Thanks a lot for the heads up, Alain!
Yes, now is redirecting…
The weird thing here is that is recommended by They even have a WordPress Pro plan…
It’s all about money, or if speaking neutrally – partnership. EIG (and BlueHost company in particular) sponsors
Excellent list of research about EIG. I switched my host from goDaddy to HostGator in 2010-2011 and I was very happy with HostGator until the EIG purchase in late 2012. Then they had small outages, crappy customer service & a huge outage. I decided to switch to a nonEIG host in 2014 but now they are getting more & more unreliable. I don’t know if it has anything to do with Cloud Equity Group purchasing them a year ago or not. Anyway, I am now searching for a new host (again) and have been using your list to steer clear of EIG.
I want to thank you for the awesome research but I also want to let you know that is a division of and therefore an EIG brand. source:
Hi Brian,
Thanks fr your comment!
Yes, Froghost is a sister company of Hawkhost. I say this on my recommended list when I review Froghost.
But HawkHost is not EIG brand.
Perhaps you mixed up its name with some other host? 🙂
Yeah, I guess I confused myself. I could’ve swore HawkHost was on your list. Oops!
No problem! 🙂
Great resource!! Thanks so much for wading through all this information to provide us with the knowledge of companies to avoid.
My pleasure, Susanna!
Thanks for your comment.
Holy Cow! Thanks so much for the exhaustive work to create this resource. Experiencing a nightmare after they acquired the hosting company I was using. Appreciate your best website host list as well. Bravo, well done.
Thanks Diana 🙂
Please enjoy!
So who is EIG? Why are they buying so many hosting companies? It’s almost like they own the internet.
Any thoughts on any of this?
Hi TechyGal,
Thanks for your question.
EIG is Endurance International Group. It’s a corporation, one of the largest hosting companies in the world, that has very bad reputation among professional hosting community for offering comparatively low quality hosting services for high prices and moving towards monopolizing the market using aggressive marketing and acquisition strategies. EIG does not own the whole hosting world (e.g. here’s my list of the best hosting providers I recommend), but it’s true that a lot of well-known hosts have been acquired by EIG. It’s had the consequences that these hosting companies have become worse or much worse from clients point of view because EIG ‘optimizes’ its costs increasing the revenue but decreasing the quality.
Michael, Great article. I found it after I noticed that hostgator and ehost had remarkably similar feel to their websites, so I googled “are ehost and hostgator owned by the same company”.
Do you have a list of non-EIG hosting companies or better yet those with strong (un-reimbursed) references from actual users?
Hi tsb (sorry, don’t know your name), thanks for your comment.
I’ve got a list of companies I’ve picking out out since 2013 for my own use and my clients here. I highly recommend them based on the best performance, superior reliability and highest reputation among both real users and professional hosting community. Of course, it’s not the full list of great companies, but only the best ones I’ve come across that are worth being with.
Feel free to ask any questions.
Michael, thank you for the list, i am another sad arvixe user, after years of great service from arvixe when it was bought it was like hell, they take days to solve general problems on the server like, server can’t resolve external names, no emails going out, no webservice can be contacted, but they take days and days, an i lost hours and hours begging for support on online chat.
I am looking for an alternative to unlimited sites, unlimited sQL databases, with ASP classic. I was looking that and have the features i need and the price range that i can afford, but i like to know if you have any feedback from his support service and if you have any recommendation i will appreciate (and my doubt why they have exactly the same price on every plan, i see that prices in a lot of companies too). Thank you again for the list i will not subscribe any hosting plan on one of their companies.
Thanks Hernan for your comment. It’s sad that Arvixe let down so many people including you.
Unfortunately, I have not researched windows shared hosting in-depth yet. And I can’t recommend anything for now.
Although, a solution that works very well is to take a VPS from a reliable provider for that, but this solution is comparatively expensive (e.g. $64/mo on EuroVPS).
Hi Michael –
Like many others, I found your site while trying to figure out what to do about my no longer functioning sites that are hosted on Arvixe. Thanks for the useful info on avoiding EIG; they really seem to be bad news for hosting consumers.
I was interested in the two hosts mentioned in the comment above ( is a requirement for me) and did a little more research. Turns out that they were both started by people who had previously been with Host4Life, now an EIG company. These two companies have all but identical plans and pricing, only the formatting of their websites are different. I can’t help but wonder if they are not just building a customer base before selling out to EIG as well.
Thanks for your good work!
Hi Helenmary,
Thanks for your comment.
Unfortunately I’ve not done a proper research yet to recommend any really good windows hosting.
By the way, one of the commenters above (Brian Davis) moved his site from Arvixe to Microsoft Azure and it looks like he was happy with the move.
As regards selling companies or customer base to EIG, it’s obvious that selling hosts after getting customers can be one of the aims when starting a hosting business 🙂
So, your assumptions may be correct, especially if you have found out that there are similarities in those hosts.
The slow responses from Arvixe over issues are even worse than just taking days. I had an issue where my site was down for hours, continued email issues (both incoming and outgoing), and random loading errors due to the PHP or MySQL service intermittently shutting down. I initially contacted them about it and on April 7, 2016 and later processed a cancellation on June 2, 2016 as I felt that nearly 2 months to fix the issue and issue credits for the downtime was more than generous. I figured I would never hear anything about it after that, but, to my surprise, I did.
On December 2, 2016 I received an email from the person that handled my cancellation request. Apparently they saw fit to issue the credits I had requested! And only a little over seven months after my initial contact and six months since my cancellation request was processed and completed.
I suggested to them that they should contact Guinness to see if their ticket response time was a world record for slowest response to a support ticket.
The unfortunate part is that I will never see the money I was credited as I will not return to that or any other EIG brand and they refuse to write a check for the amount of the credit. That said, I think I can eat that loss rather than deal with the frustration of having to deal with EIG at all.
Thank you, Michael for the wonderful research you have done. Your list of EIG brands, and your list of recommended hosts were extraordinarily helpful to me. I am hosting my site with StableHost now and I am happy to report that there has not been a single issue since I started hosting with them around June 1, 2016.
Thank you T J for letting me and others know about your experience with Arvixe.
I think it’s one of the most damaged by EIG hosts considering the number of the horrible stories from its former clients I’ve heard.
I guess EIG could be a Guinness record breaker in more than one nomination 🙂
Very happy that my information has been helpful to you.
I switched off Arvixe back in September after my site was down for an entire week. But now my domain name registration will expire in about 10 days, so trying to contact them to get the EPP code, unlock the domain, and whatever else needs to be done so that I can register at a different place and never have to deal with Arvixe again.
But, I apparently forgot my arvixe password, clicked on ‘reset password’ and its been 2 hours and no reset email has been receive. Also, it took 2 hours to be connected to someone on their live chat, since they have no phone support on the weekends. The person I’ve been connected to keeps asking for my ID ticket number even though I keep saying I can’t even access my account. Looks like they might finally be getting it done after another hour of waiting. They claim their senior staff are working on it now. Hopefully I get a response by end of day.
I hate arvixe. I switched to LiquidWeb per the advice of a friend in the industry, and nice to see it at the top of your list. I switched from Arvixe shared hosting at $4/mo to LiquidWeb VPS at $60/mo, but downgraded to their professional shared hosting at $25/mo as the VPS was nice but too costly for my needs. The VPS was definitely the most reliable, I had a couple days this week with LiquidWeb where my 2 sites were down intermittently throughout the day. The support was quick to respond though. There’s only been one time where their support gave poor answers and led me to believe I’d have to delete my entire site and rebuild it. That would take at least 20 hours of redoing the posts and content, but luckily a friend in the industry understood the issue and literally resolved it in just 2 minutes and that LiquidWeb should have been able to resolve just as easily but I just got unlucky with a not so knowledgeable support rep.
So for anyone on liquidweb, they should be able to solve any issue you’re having, and you may get one support rep who just doesn’t fully understand your issue or just doesn’t care enough, but they’re definitely more than capable of doing it and just need to prod them. That was the only time their support was unsatisfactory out of the 6 months I’ve been with them.
Thank you David for sharing your story.
It’s highly advisable to have hosting and domain registered in different places.
Sorry to hear LiquidWeb support was not top-notch. It’s not often to hear their support sucks. Hopefully they’ve learned their lesson.
Thanks for the list 🙂 Found 3 hosts that I used in the past that all ended up sucking, no I know why 🙂
Yes, Carl, jumping from one EIG host to another – that’s a well-known and sad story.
Thanks for your comment.
Hi Michael,
Wow what an informative article, and stream from this post! I have landed here from within HG forum trying to sort out a lost page. Then stumbled upon the fact that no tickets, nor live chat are available. Hardly ever used the HG support but when I did, it worked up until 2013. Now I know why.
Great list and would definitely go with your suggestion to move into Euro region, since I live in Africa I am in the ‘middle’. Would love a concise procedure list on how to move a cPanel – am on WordPress. Older site from 2009 not very big, never made a move before.
As for Sitelock I got an email from them on the 29th December with a long story, checked Bing and Google and found no malware problems reported. A couple of days ago I wrote an article and found my page missing on my site (still to be rectified)….
Big thanks for all this information, sure to share it since I am not sure many are aware of the problems happening in the back ground. I read extensively, never even heard about the HG buyout!
Hi Joan,
Nice to meet you on my blog!
As regards moving to another host, it’s a good decision in your situation. Just contact a new host and ask them to move your site from your old host to them. They will do it for free (since your are using WordPress and cPanel it’s easy for them). You will not notice changes when the move is done 🙂
As for SiteLock, I don’t trust them. For better security options you may see my article here.
Regarding missing page, I may assume that it might be that something happened to your account (your host’s fault) and they restored an older backup without your new page. Also, it might be a user fault (deleted page by mistake?). I can’t think of any other options at the moment.
Thanks for your thoughtful comment and feel free to let me know if you need any advice.
I’m with Arvixe and have had no real-time support as the 24/365 support claim states. An automatic email is not support. Reading the reviews it is obvious that EIG have total contempt for their customers and it is about time that they get justice. The definition of fraud is “deception to make financial gain” and they are committing fraud on a grand scale. Normally, flying below the radar is the way to avoid litigation, as an individual can not afford the cost of litigation as the reward is smaller than the cost, but when fraud is committed on a wholesale basis, the outcome is so obvious that a class action is worth while. The reviews of Arvixe alone is sufficient to get the EIG directors a stint in prison, and a full refund and costs and damages remunerated. Lets wipe these a$$holes off the face of the Earth! In prison “clean skins” have a very romantic time, weather they like it or not:-)
Hi Tony, I understand your frustration and sorry to hear your story.
But as regards litigation, I’m not sure this is possible. Arvixe offers hosting, very bad one, but it’s still hosting 🙂 I’m not sure it can be considered as fraud.
But I’m not a laywer.
Anyway, Terms of service of hosting companies usually (I guess always 🙂 ) state it clearly that they are not responsible for anything. Many hosting even say in their ToS that they can close your account anytime with no explanations and with no refund (thus, hosting just make it safe for them, not for users).
For instance. Arvixe say it:
Right to refuse service: Arvixe reserves the right to refuse service to any customer at any time within reasonable means/requests.
So, probably the most realistic thing disappointed customers can do is simply leave mass negative reviews and switch the hosts ASAP.
There are a lot of much better companies with even less prices which are safer, more reliable and simply better place to host.
You may have a look at my recommended picks here and also my new analysis here.
Hi Michael,
Very valuable information, helped me greatly. Now with another host after my Arvixe site has been unreachable since early January 2016, despite having about 10 months left on my hosting plan. After reading your article I did some thinking and came to the conclusion that something like this is unlikely to happen by accident, more likely by design.
So what could it be?
After a little bit of checking I found that Arvixe had about 70,000 – 200,000 hosting accounts. (
Most of them probably low cost ~ $4/month.
Let’s further assume that most people who like me finally got fed up and left had about 10 months of paid for service still left and leaving behind services worth about $40. Most people are likely to take this loss and not pursue it after learning that Arvixe is not reachable by phone, email or chat room. Instead they will find a new host and eventually set up their site there. Judging from your list, Michael, is likely to be another EIG host (as they have a huge market share in low cost hosting).
Now let’s see how that may affect the $$. Assume that 50,000 users in this manner terminate their hosting 10 months early with, and sign up with another EIG company at the same rate. The net effect of this is that EIG is getting a $40*50,000 = $2 million windfall revenue. This does not consider any domain name windfall, and the fact that the new signups could be higher than $4/month,. If it involves 100,000 users the sum doubles, and do not forget that there are continuing revenues beyond the 10 months. So my guess is that the problems that Arvixe is experiencing may add $2-5 million into the EIG coffers. Nice piece of change, and each individual account is small enough that it does not pay to sue.
But there is this thing called a class action suit, where a lawyer may take on to sue on behalf of all the individuals in the class. Assume that the total loss of the class is $3 million and the lawyer gets 1/3 of the proceeds; that would be a full $1 million for the attorney. And there could also be some punitive damages. I’d say that there could be some attorney out there who would want to look into this.
It would also not surprise me if, after enough attrition has taken place, Arvixe will recover and people will be able to get their data back. There is likely to be some kind explanation of server failures, hacking or similar that caused the problems.
So who knows there may still be some room for legal action here.
All the Best to you Michael and keep up the good work.
Thanks for your detailed comment.
Maybe there’s a room for legal action against Arvixe.
I’m not a lawyer, anyway.
As regards that EIG did the Arvixe mess-up on purpose, I think in this case it could bring them more financial losses than revenue (just consider that EIG paid $17.6 million for Arvixe plus initiated bad reputation). So I think it was done not on design, but simply because EIG decided to cut the corners (optimizing Arvixe) too sharp. I think EIG simply screwed up this time too evidently. But this is just IMO.
Thanks again for your input and take care!
I think I suffered a scam EIG SPRY department . In February 2013 the company started to charge on my credit card 33.00 usd each month. I ‘m not spotted me , I began a serious illness that lasted long. I am an individual , I live in France , I do not know how to contact my card could be taken. I ‘m just preview two weeks ago . I sent emails , I have very evasive answers . I never signed a contract I do not know this company. What do you think ? I do not know what to do to get a refund . thanks for your help
Sorry Nadine to hear your story.
If you have not paid with your credit card to this company, then go to your bank and ask what they can do.
But if you signed up to hosting some time ago (or some other services with that company which might be even with no fee for the first month or so) then you may be just charged for that service each month.
Thank YOU for your hard work!! I really appreciate it!! (I think I have also referenced your link in one of our blogs.)
There is something really strange going on at EIG!
You can see our blogs about EIG here:
Have you ever seen the picture of Tomas Gorny?
You could be his brother!
Are you connected or related to him in any way?
Thanks for your input, ClickyBuzz! You are doing a good job putting some information on EIG together!
As regards Tomas Gorny, I’m not related to him in any way 🙂
Well, that’s good to hear :>) – and thank you again for ALL your hard work on this EIG topic!!
No problem!
Additional information: SiteLock, the website security company is also owned by EIG. This is disturbing…
PS I see that there are other comments on SiteLock further down on the comments than I had previously read. There was information on the purchase of SiteLock by EIG a few months back, but I cannot find it now.
Thank you Don for your input.
After your comments I’ve looked deeper and have found that EIG indeed controls Sitelock with 55% of shares which in fact can be considered as owning from a management perspective. I’ve added SiteLock to the list and the reference (source).
Thank you for the list.
I would like to know how is possible for a web hosting company appear in ? 🙂
Hello Esteban,
Thanks for your question.
It is the list of the hosts that I’ve picked out after in-depth analyzing reviews, feedbacks and opinions of hosting professionals, as well as using myself. It’s my personal recommended list. The best hosts as regards their quality and price which I’ve come across close enough. I’ve used or still using some of them for my websites.
There are many other great hosts apart from my recommended list, but these are the ones which I am fond of.
Thanks for doing all the research and compiling this list. I’ve recommended my clients to some of these hosts in the past and will no longer do so knowing they’ve been swallowed up by EIG. Good work, Michael and thanks again!
Thanks Khanh for your comment.
I’m gland you’ve found the list useful!
Glad you think so.
Do you know anything about Newtek, a USA company? (Also known as I notice they have ads on TV, so that means they must have a larger emphasis and budget on marketing than the companies you recommend here.
Hi DR, thanks for your comment.
No, I’ve not heard of it yet.
By the way, I do NOT recommend the companies you can see in this post.
Thank you for this list, I wish I had read it before I signed up with – their downtime and lack of support has cost my business at least $1000 and probably more. I’m now looking for a new host and I will be sure to avoid any of these other EIG companies.
You are welcome Rob.
I have a recommended hosting list here (if you have not seen it yet). Feel free to ask any questions.
Thank you for posting the list. I am moving from an EIG acquired host. The trend with the host follows the usual EIG acquired course. Good company great customer service, EIG acquires, customer service goes out the window, horrendous server performance, etc. Your list helped me avoid moving to another EIG owned hosting company. You have saved me hours of headaches and lost customers. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thanks Dave for your comment.
I’m glad I could be helpful for you.
The EIG companies recently started promoting SiteLock. SiteLock is a scam. They tell you “Your site has malware – call us to fix this”. Prices are outrageous of course.
I got two of these today. I asked for proof or details.
I checked the site with Wordfence and a malware scanner – Clean.
Second site is where it got interesting :
The site was moved to a new VPS host 2 months ago
The ‘site’ is an empty folder
I was sent a ‘sample of the code’ found in the folder.
Add to this :
I am not and never have been a SiteLock customer
SiteLock offered to ‘Reset my password’ – for a non existent account
Hostgator allowed their ‘Partner’ to scan my websites – That’s illegal (You can’t get to the Hostgator site from ‘outside’ as it is now hosted on my vps) so this was an inside job
The ‘Malware’ simply does not exist
The domain is not even on an EIG server
Each email is another pack of lies
YES, I have the proof to back this up in court.
More interesting tales (NOT my site)
Thanks for your comment, Graham
is ownedhas some tiesis controlled by EIG.And there’s no surprise they squeeze money out of customers.
Their bad ethics is not a surprise either.
(edited: 2015-12-30)
SiteLock is claiming they’re not owned by EIG, although I’ve seen different statements on the internet claiming they are. Where are you getting your info, would like to know?
Right Nathan.
SiteLock is not owned by EIG (at least I can’t confirm now that it is owned by EIG), but definitely has some ties with it (as well as it can be easily seen that SiteLock is promoted on many EIG hosts).
Anyway, I don’t like it.
Thanks for your input.
Update: SiteLock is controlled by EIG which can be considered as owning from a management point of view.
Hi and thanks so much for going to all this trouble. I was with Arvixe a few years ago and just got a billing today against an account that no longer exists. EIG must be scraping old customer lists to do this. No nice greeting either just a simple “We’re going to bill you for… blah blah”. My response is “good luck with that”.
I had learned of EIG when I was still with Bluehost years ago and I was very disappointed that those staunch mormon owners sold out. Mojo marketplace then killed my sites and Bluehost went to the dark side. What next now? I wonder. Fortunately not everyone sells out to “big brother” even if threatened. Still, Intuit web sites is a real surprise. They host Credit Unitons and Banks and that gives EIG free access to those customer lists. That is very bad news and explains some recent hacks here in Arizona. I’ll now be sharing this info locally.
Again, thanks for all this info. I will be dropping by occasionally and will contribute if ever I can.
Yes, Wil, it’s a big frustration when something you have been with for years goes downhill.
A lot of people hate EIG for this.
Thank you for your input and I’ll be happy to see you on my blog.
I just found out about EIG today and somehow ended up on your page. Thank you! Your list is so helpful…and there I was thinking bluehost and hostgattor were competing for clients…. What a shame! what a sham!!
I haven’t seen any mention of Siteground as a recommended host. Is there something I should know about them? I’m a newbie and I’d like to use WordPress to build my sites that’s why I’m considering them…. but it seems like they are affiliated with Whoishosting and too many “ads” recommendation about siteground coming from that site. I’m lost and have been researching this web hosting thing for some time now and I’m getting exhausted. I need to get my site up and running in time for Christmas to enable me push a few product and most importantly company awareness.
I live in Canada, my client would eventually be global (and probably mainly in Africa for one of my sites.)
I plan to start with mostly company info pages, blog pages, and a few merchandise with shopping carts.
Would you recommend Siteground? if not, what comes close? What company can I trust that would support WordPress and won’t drive me crazy?
I’d truly appreciate your response.
Thank you so much!
Hi Chikoy,
Thanks for your comment.
SiteGround is well-advertised hosting, because they have better marketing or/and bigger marketing budgets than other hosts. But it’s definitely better than EIG.
However, what I recommend for sure is here.
For clients in Africa, I’d recommend hosting with data center in Europe for better connection by cable.
For clients worldwide, data center location is not important, just choose high-quality hosting.
For site with shopping cart choose not only reliable hosting, but which is also paying additional attention to security. A great choice for that and not expensive is EuroVPS, which I use myself for this website. By the way, their data center is in Europe.
Whatever hosting you choose, consider protection for your site, especially for your e-commerce site.
Hope this helps!
Thank you kindly! I’m grateful. I will look into your recommendations.
No problem, Chi!
I never knew that so many Brands were under EIG! :O
Good work bro…
There are more things in heaven and earth, Antony,
Than are dreamt of in our philosophy. 🙂
Thanks for the comment)
This is amazing, I saw a Tweet about it and had to look it up. I just started my own web host earlier this year called thats designed to be completely different and this is a huge help in seeing what to avoid, especially thanks to your reviews on them. 😉 I have no idea why companies will say customers first when that is clearly not what they are doing.
Thanks Anthony for your comment.
Good luck with your hosting!
Thanks! 🙂
Thanks Michael. You’re helping a lot of people through this list. I was one of those people who got burned by Arvixe’s sale to EIG. Thanks to your list I was able to see that GreenGeeks is not owned by EIG. Before getting an account with them I asked if they were associated with EIG at all and they assured me that they were not. I told them my sorry tale about Arvixe and they told me they were picking up a lot of new customers from those fleeing Arvixe. In the end I chose GreenGeeks because their commitment to renewable energy makes me feel better, and also I figure that people with that kind of idealism are less likely to sell out to corporate vampires.
Thanks Michael, you’re a life saver. I’ve referred many people to your site and this list in particular.
Miriam, thank you for your comment and spreading the good word.
Glad that you’ve found a hosting that works for you well.
Anyway, green energy and realibility & ethics of hosting are not connected with each other.
FatCow (see my article about it here) owned by EIG are also fans of green energy.
But after all, of course, it’s great if a good hosting cares about environment.
Be careful with the Reseller Plan of GreenGeeks. This plan has no backup tools, BoxTrapper and other functions. Only realized this after migrating 7 domains. They charge US $ 5.00 for each full backup per domain, but I was offered (and accepted) US $ 15.00 for a backup of all at once. I have started to migrate to the A2 Hosting.
But I must state, the GreenGeeks Support Team is very good.
Marcos Bocca
Thanks Marcos. I didn’t realise GreenGeeks charge extra for backups, though it doesn’t affect me personally. I keep a complete copy of my site locally, on my hard drive, and I back that up myself from time to time. This means if anything goes wrong with the remote copy I can easily upload my local copy to the damaged site or to a new one. It also makes it easier for me to test changes before I upload them to the remote site.
It helps that I run Linux on my own machine when the remote host machine runs Linux. You can run into small, annoying inconsistencies if you run Microsoft Windows locally and the host runs a Linux server (as most do).
Thanks Miriam for sharing your experience.
I see you are more experienced user than an average person, and you surely know what you do.
By the way, my story with backups had several stages. First I used to make backups locally to my computer simply via cPanel backup wizard tool. Then to automate the process and use a cloud I used a free version of Updraft plugin (I share my tutorial here) and then to get more freedom and comfort I finally ended up with very handy and universal solution CodeGuard (my choosing thoughts are here).
Thanks for your comment, and I will be glad you to comment more on my blog.
P.S.: nice drawings you make!
And your writing reminded me Clarke’s Childhood’s End to some extent.
😀 Thank you Michael. I’m delighted you like my drawings and I’m very flattered you’d make any comparison between me and one of my heroes, Arthur C Clarke. I’m very grateful. I’m not really completely happy with that story. I should rewrite it when I work out what it is that bothers me about it. 🙂 If you ever want reading material my 26 short stories, 6 novels, and 4 plays are all free to read on my website. You are most welcome to enjoy it.
I’m not really very capable… I just kind of fumble my way through. 🙂 I’ve always preferred to keep local control of all my pages, so I hand-write the HTML in a text editor — it’s why my web pages load almost instantly, even on slow internet connections — and I upload and download using FTP, preferring the commandline “ftp” Linux command instead of fancy programs because it gives me more control. I live out in the Australian bush so my internet connection is very slow and I need to make best use of it that I can.
I didn’t know cPanel could backup to your local computer.That’s very interesting. I avoid the cloud because I don’t completely trust it. It depends on other people taking care of the data. I’d rather just know I am responsible for it. But maybe I’m worrying over nothing. I followed your link to CodeGuard, and I must admit it does look very interesting. Thanks for the link.
Miriam, thanks for your detailed comment.
I totally understand your thoughts on security and keeping everything under your own control. I think cloud storage allows also to diversify risks of data loss, but I keep a local copy of my data on my PC too.
As regards writing, I think I understand you being not completely happy with your work. Many artists, writers and composers can’t even look at their works after they are done, whereas others do enjoy them very much or even treat them as masterpieces 🙂
That’s a good point, Michael, about keeping an additional copy on the cloud. It makes sense. I have to admit I’d made the mistake of thinking cloud vs local backup, when it can be both.
I don’t think I’ll ever be completely happy with my pictures or my stories. I keep altering and (I hope) improving them. For example, I just uploaded an improved cover of “Companions” a few minutes ago.
Miriam, improving is a good thing. And we all need to do it. However, I always try to find a balance between perfection and progress (not always successfully though 🙂 ).
That’s true. It is so hard sometimes knowing how to improve something. At times it is obvious. At other times it seems impossible to fix something we’ve made that feels badly flawed. In the end all we are is the good we leave behind. You have produced some very good things. This list above is especially important. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve referred people to it. (Just this morning I pointed another person to it.)
Thank you Miriam. I really appreciate your input. Feel free to contact me if you need any advice on something I can help you with.
I recently requested a restore of an archive (My backup got corrupted). I was informed that one restore a month is free, additional they do the charge. One other thing, they only keep archives from 24-48 hours.
Thanks, Rick, for sharing this information.
It’s always a good idea to know the backup policy of your hosting in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.
Moreover, even if your hosting create backups of your website, it does not mean that you are covered. Hosts do not take any responsibility if your backups are corrupted or a hosting failed to create a backup recently. You can read it in hosting’s terms of service.
However, full managed hosting like this take more careful approach to creating backups. But even in this case it’s a good idea to have a copy of your website backup somewhere else. It’s just a game of mitigating the risks.
Thanks for the information Marcos.
Great work on the list and keeping it updated – there are a few of them around now, and it’s very important to keep spreading the word like this. Nobody who wants their website to work reliably should ever host with an EIG company. It’s just setting yourself up for a lot of hassle and lost business.
I get asked for hosting suggestions a lot because I work in the field, and at this point I usually send people a link to a list like this one; “whoever you plan on signing up with, just check whether they’re on this list, and stay away if they are.”
I’ve had some private websites hosted at Arvixe for the last 3 years – they were never a high-performance or high-availability host, but always had excellent customer service, especially considering their low prices. Everything started to go downhill a few months after the EIG acquisition, reportedly due to a big migration of all customers to an EIG server farm, and cleverly, the concurrent layoff of most of Arvixe’s support staff. Suddenly, there was no live support anymore, or only after several hours of waiting in a queue. If you managed to reach someone, they tried their best, but were obviously unfamiliar with the systems and processes (presumably EIG people who replaced fired Arvixe staff). And when the discussion boards were overrun with disgruntled customers asking to know what the f*#& was going on, EIG simply deleted the entire forums. Class act! They still didn’t remove the link from the front page, though…
I have since evacuated from Arvixe (domains to Namecheap, hosting to A2 Hosting – very happy with both) and I think/hope a majority of active customers have done the same, or are planning to. I just hope most of them find the necessary information to avoid ending up with yet another EIG host.
Thanks Daniel for your comment and sharing your story.
Arvixe’s clients have lost their peace of mind (and often their patience) after the company was acquired by EIG.
Removing forums was a nice move 🙂
I am another victim of the Arvixe migration – down for days at a time The biggest issue I have with them though is the lack of communication – my servers go down and are not listed on the outage sheet (maybe its too crowded). Would think a big company would know better. I realize that for $6 a month they wont go out of their way to communicate with me, but how hard is it to post a down notice.
Great article here – info I could not find elsewhere. Surprised to see how few alternatives there are for Windows hosting plans. Will be checking out your recommendations – thanks.
Hi Dano,
Sorry to hear your sad story with Arvixe.
Indeed, windows hosting is not that widespread as linux hosting.
You may check out LiquidWeb for windows hosting, but they are not cheap.
Hi, thank your for compiling this list, now i understand why Arvixe sucks since Sept 2015, i was an arvixe customer since 4 years and now arvixe is useless, servers going down all the time, no response from support, a server could be down for months and nobody does nothing. Very sad.
Hi Hector,
Glad you found the list useful.
In case you think of moving, I have a list of the hosting providers I personally recommend –
Feel free to contact me for advice if you need.
Hi, I saw your page when I was searching for another domain hosting company. I originally started with, until the service took a noticeable dive in quality, and then I switched to Arvixe, which has fairly recently had a STEEP dive in quality — my email has been completely down since October 23rd — yes a full week! — and here is what the “hidden” outage page says (I say hidden, because it is not on their main status page, but was in a link one of their techs finally emailed to my Gmail account):
Emergency Migration: marten to Dallas145
Posted: 6:44 pm EDT 10/23/15
Updated: 10:45 am EDT 10/28/15
Maintenance Start Time: 6:00 pm EDT 10/23/15
Estimated duration: 3 days
Status: In Progress
We wanted to alert you to an urgent migration. A series of performance and stability issues on the server “” have prompted an emergency migration to new hardware in order to improve service quality for customers housed on this system. We expect the migration to take 24-72 hours. We cannot provide a more accurate time line on the migration due to the continued performance issues impacting this system. Further updates will be provided as the migration progresses. We appreciate your understanding and patience during this migration.
UPDATE As of 13:44 EDT 10/26/2015 We do apologise but due to technical issue we were forced to stop these migrations. Migrations will be started shortly and more information will be provided here.
UPDATE As of 10:43 EDT 10/28/2015 This migration is still in progress, we will update you as we know more.
Even though it’s a personal domain account and not a business, this is absolutely ridiculous. My “understanding” disappeared sometime around day two. So I am going to use your list to avoid anything EIG in the future. They’ve burned me for the last time.
Thanks again!
PS I had to put in my Gmail address, since my personal email is still down.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for sharing your experience.
Yes, Arvixe’s acquisition by EIG has been bringing a lot of suffering to its clients.
Feel free to contact me if you need any advice or assistance.
By the way, absolutely no problem with your Gmail address 🙂
Are you sure 000webhost is owned by EIG? Hosting24 confirmed that they own 000webhost so unless EIG owns them and is hiding that (like always) then 000webhost wouldn’t be owned by EIG.
Do you have some announcement somewhere that we can confirm this? I’m asking as 000webhost has sufferered a security breach.
Thanks for your comment. Indeed, I can’t find a reliable proof of that now. So I’m removing it from the list.
This is a very useful information, I didn’t know about EIG before, my sites now hosted with Arvixe, the server down everyday sin oct 2015, I will consider to move my sites to other non EIG hosting service company, thanks guy for the great info.
Yes, Arvixe has been affected very badly with EIG acquisition.
Feel free to let me know if you need any advice about moving your sites.
I have been with them for almost 3 years to host my site. Since, EIG acquired their business, my siteup and down like roaller coaster, their support become very worst. I read many users complaints on forums and I see this post:
I switched to ASPHostPortal last month and hope everything works great!
Thanks Chris for your comment.
Hope your new host will work well for you.
Apparently, they just started migrating Arvixe customers while leaving us with useless and inaccessible web sites.
Well, that was quite predictable. Once EIG acquires a hosting company, serious issues start sooner or later.
Perhaps, it’s a good time to change hosting.
I was thinking StableHost; however, I got a question for you: What about InMotion Hosting? I know it’s not on the list, but I read some good things about it. It would be for a reseller account.
I have not had direct or indirect experience with InMotion hosting, so I can’t say go or not go for it.
But if I worked in EIG acquisition department, I’d think of buying out this company 🙂
True Story!
I forgot to add a question: The ones you recommend are less likely to get acquired by EIG? If so, why?
When recommending companies, I try to take into account the possibility (as I see it) of their acquisition by EIG. But it’s not the main factor I’d say. Because EIG can buy out a company offering a great deal to the owner(s) and theoretically any company (especialy one that focuses on shared hosting) can become a part of EIG.
So, I want to say that the bad signal after all is not the possibility of being acquired by EIG, but the fact of acquisition.
Also, the companies I recommend have comparatively smaller marketing budget and less aggressive marketing strategy compared to EIG (it’s based more on my opinion, because I have no access to all financial documents). It makes the companies I recommend to be much more ethical in sales to new customers and in up-sells (if any) for current customers.
Also one of the points to consider is the affiliate commissions offered by a company. If the commissions are too high for the hosting industry with small prices, it means that the clients are more likely to get ripped off after they buy initial not expensive hosting service.
So I tend to recommend companies that do not offer high affiliate commissions if their prices are small or average. It’s just an additional factor that is likely to mean more quality for clients for less money.
However, none of the points above are the final verdicts or single strict recommendation that should be taken ultimately into account. All points should be taken into consideration in total, looked at from all angles at the same time. It’s all about compromise between prices, customer support, performance, reliability, marketing and customer satisfaction. It also depends on the company strategy.
Hope it helps.
It indeed helps. Thanks again!
No problem!
I heard inMotion (from a sales rep I’m communicating with) that the employees own the company. I don’t know if this is a factor in whether or not they are prone to or not prone to buy out, but it is a factor as to why they cost a little more and provide better customer service.
I hope IMH will not be bought out. I just thought that if I were EIG, I would definitely think of acquiring them 🙂
Thanks for your comment, Rick!
By the way, if you mean the list of recommended hosting, it’s not the complete list of the best hosting. It’s the list that I personally recommend, and if a client who was referred by me has unresolved troubles with the hosting, I personally participate in rectifying the situation.
Point taken. Thanks man!
Always my pleasure!
Good article, thanks.
“Nope, Dreamhost is not a part of EIG. At least not yet”
Yes, At least not yet.
I was migrated early when EIG bought out IPOWER; migration under the guise of a “control panel upgrade”. Having survived that migration, I investigated, as you have, and learned of EIG’s gluttony. Mainly out of concern of yet another buyout I took a different tack and simply stayed at IPower. Which host will EIG buy next? One will never know. But it might be the new host you’ve just migrated too! I do believe there may be some internal competition amongst the various internal EIG brands. I remind support, when contacting them, that I understand their situation.
So if you are technically aware you can survive with EIG. Perhaps the IPower “group”, being very large in the first place (700,000 sites), has done better in the EIG environment.
Thanks Rob for your comment.
My opinion which is not unique mildly speaking is that EIG cares much more about its shareholders than about its clients. There are other much better hosts than EIG brands.
Competition between EIG brands is a fake competition to make clients go from one EIG brand to another in circles 🙂
EIG brands are under one stock company EIG. It means that whatever EIG brand you choose, your money will go to the same shareholders 🙂
So I’d not suggest anyone staying with EIG or using their services.
Migrating from EIG can be also a pain. That’s why I suggest choosing hosting companies that use cPanel control panel which is the standard in shared hosting industry. cPanel makes it very easy to migrate from one cPanel-based host to another. You don’t need to have tech skills for that. And your new host does the migration for you for free in most cases. But many EIG brands including iPower use vDeck control panel, which prevents you from moving anywhere else.
Anyway, if you’re satisfied with your current services at EIG, that’s fine.
Thanks for the list Michael, I was with HG and dumped them a month ago + got refunded because of the many issues.
I think EIG’s big ‘masterplan’ is to end up with fewer host companies, and they will start fresh again. Otherwise it doesn’t make sense. One thing is sure, meanwhile they screw up big time.
I am now looking for a new host, possibly the one you recommended; EuroVPS or Hawk Host, maybe A2…
I am nervous 🙂
PS: I’ll tweet your page in a minute.
Gino Bumbalo
Thanks Gino for your comment and your tweet.
It’s interesting what future EIG is preparing for us 🙂
I’ve been using EuroVPS for three years and HawkHost for two years and can recommend both of them. But I have not used or analyzed A2, so can’t say about it.
Thanks for the recommendation Michael, you have a very nice and informative website.
Have a great day!
Gino Bumbalo
Thsnks Gino,
Have a great day too!
Feel free to contact me or comment anytime 🙂
First of all Michael thumbs up for raising a voice to let people aware of this circus and I can’t thank you enough for shedding a light on this atrocious debacle that EIG has turned out to be.
I am not a big fan of one company owning too many brands. Most cases, this looks somewhat deceptive and because the real idea is just basically trying to dominate the market, once they achieved it, they wouldn’t care about their services anymore. Just a recent example, servers and phone services for JustHost, HostGator, BlueHost and JustHost were all affected in a recent outage because they were all on the same EIG network.
Since EIG mostly hide when buying out the smaller companies, most customers are unaware that EIG owns their favorite hosting company, at least it was like that until the record breaking outages of the last year made people more aware. 12/31/2013 EIG Outage: BlueHost and HostGator Crash After EIG Outage
04/16/2014 Another EIG Outage: Major HostGator and BlueHost downtime all day today due to router issues at the Provo data center:
05/19/2014 Another EIG Outage: EIG clients hosted on servers at their Provo, UT data center experienced up to 8 hours of downtime.
Personally, I had been subjected to a hamster on the wheel lifestyle, running with no end. Unknowingly hopping from Bluehost to Arvixe to Small Orange to EIG to more EIG!
I had a long running relationship with Arvixe in particular prior to all this mess and it’s no wonder this is the one that affected me the most 08/11/2015-Huge problems on Arvixe without proper explanation, the migration of servers without proper notice.
The meltdown of frustrated Arvixe users on twitter proved just how bad things can get.
And finally, a downtime that lasted nearly a full day affecting millions of customers worldwide.
You couldn’t reach any customer service, pure disaster. While it’s true web hosting outages can happen to any web hosting company, it is rare to happen on such a large scale.
At the time of this conversation, I know at least 70+ hosting companies owned by EIG. But the fact is, they can’t buy them all, and meanwhile I have found refuge in TD Web Services and by the look of things, I plan to stick here for a while, no hype, in house servers, full customer support and the uptime is amazing.
Thanks Alec for your feedback and your opinion.
I agree with what you say.
It’s great to find a good hosting and stick with it while it remains great or until it’s bought by EIG 🙂
ARVIXE IS THE WORSE Web hosting Company !!! – 5 NEGATIVE Stars
The worse web hosting company ever im a new customer not even 1 month old domain and site, and all the sudden without warning the service is gone! 2 DAYS AND 4 HOURS Later my website is still DOWN no control panel no nothiing and all you get is the same automated talk , its a nightmare bunch of incompetents dont even know when its going to be back online , and then they go around and delete posts from the forum when people complain about it! grow up Arvixe this is not a service provider its a scam!
So i advise you to stay away from them and also this list of providers since its all controlled by the same people…/
thank you for NO service Arvixe!
click to find out how Arvixe “don’t” work
#Arvixe #Webhosting #Scam
guess i should have found your site before signing up with them ! >.< , great list and research work
Thanks for sharing your feedback.
I hear a lot of bad feedback about Arvixe since it was acquired by EIG.
If you are still within money-back period, then don’t hesitate to change your host.
You’re welcome to look at my recommended list here (if you haven’t already) –
thank you Michael , and yes im still within the money back period , i am waiting for the control panel to get back online and retrieve my work because i was there for so little time and was still working on the site and stuffs dont have a full back up >.< my bad , and yes im moving on most probably to one of your recommendations "StableHost" , i hope its good and dont have this kind of issues 🙂
Regards Gamer
Gamer, I hope you will retrieve your data back soon.
I use StableHost for one of my sites for more than two years and have not had any reasons to regret about it. I have not ever even submitted a real support ticket. Although there was one two years ago (not a StableHost issue really) – a hacker or a malicious bot tried consistently to brute force my website and I contacted support to have a look at it. At the same time I added a ‘deny/allow’ rule in my htaccess files. The support immediately checked my account and the .htaccess rules I added and they confirmed that I did everything correct, and they advised some further actions. After that the malicious attempts stopped and I confirmed that the issue could be closed then.
By the way, the .htaccess little useful tricks that helped me are in this article (just in case you or anyone else need it) –
Hi Michael,
What about Digital Ocean’s VPS plan? This is not in the above list.
Hi Avadhut,
Thanks for your comment.
DigitalOcean is not an EIG company, and from what I know it’s not bad.
Thanks for the info, glad to know that my favorite hosting provider like : wpengine, digital river . .isn’t a part of EIG
Yes, Ronan, not all hosting providers belong to EIG, fortunately 🙂
Amazing list. They built an empire.
Thanks Esteban. Glad you found it useful.
Thanks for creating this list Michael. I was wondering why Wikipedia removed them. I am sure EIG pressured them a bit because they didn’t want any of the host with real bad rep’s associated with the lessor evils.
iPage & Fatcow both tried to scam me for thousands dollars, Twice! Now I make sure that any time someone needs hosting I will direct them to avoid any EIG owned hosting company.
Thanks again for this great list, i’m sure it will help lost of people.
Thanks for your feedback, Ulterios.
I think there had been sort of Wikipedia editors’ battles – the list of EIG hosting companies (not full though) appeared and disappeared and then appeared for some time again. But finally EIG’s side has won I guess (predictable result 🙂 ). That’s why I decided to keep an independent EIG hosting list on my website here.
You are most welcome and thanks again for this list. I think it will benefit many people, especially those who had a bad experience with another EIG company as I had. That way they can check and know what they are getting into before they find out too late.
I appreciate the list and the effort you made to help others. 🙂
Thanks very much again for your kind words 🙂
Hello Guys,
The most worse hosting company on the earth is Please do not utilize their hosting either it will be last hosting company on the Earth. Their customer support looks great till you purchase any plan from them. Once you will be their client you will feel that you are are the most idiot person on the Earth. Tye will keep you on ticket and on Live chat but do not solve your problem till you weep.
Be-careful by such a cheap company.
Yes, it’s a sad experience, Khurram. Hope you’ll find a great company instead of it.
Thanks for your feedback.
Yes sir this is really very sad experience. I have not any option far the time. Their are spreading false information that they have Special Magento Hosting which and your store will be accessible super fast. Far the its access is super slow. I have nothing to bear the disgusting service till i get new hosting in next few months when i will complete my store.
I will never forget your advises about selecting to chose the new hosting. I am really despair by their poor attitude, customer support and services. They always pose that they are about to migrate their server which is their common lie for all. I will advise to all never purchase long term hosting plan from anyone till you test their services.
I’d been working with Magento for about three years, writing scripts for reporting and doing other back-end stuff 🙂
It’s a quite a resource demanding piece of software I must say that requires Magento-specific optimization on DB level. Sure you know all of that.
If you are still looking for a good host, you may contact these guys and let them know your requirements (mention Magento, estimated traffic etc) and tell them you don’t want to be disappointed and ask them what they can offer you. They are professionals with very good ethics offering their services for a modest price.
Another great alternative that I’d recommend from my knowledge for using Magento is this respected company. They are generally pricier though.
Hi Michael, thank you for your “great” post! It clarified me why my arvixe account is become recently, a sort of nightmare. Result: all of my websites are currently unreachable, the arvixe support answered me that the “server migration” is still going (the significative news is that nobody from arvixe informed me about the fact that a server migration was scheduled!). I will move all my websites on another, non “EIG” web-hosting service (thank to your article), in the next days…with the hope that it will not be acquired in the next future by EIG!
Hi Lu, Yes, I understand your pain. It’s bad that Arvixe did not warn its clients that there would be a server migration (so unprofessional!). It makes me think that maybe it’s not server migration issue but simply a severe downtime connected with EIG management/servers environment. Either way, it’s a good idea to move.
Great article!
Wish I had seen it before I signed up with Arvixe. They’re having major server issues and long downtimes right now (August 2105, see, but hopefully they’ll get their ducks in a row.
Unfortunately, you can add another couple of EIG acquisitions to the list:
Verio and Site5 (see
Thank you Sasha for your comment and information about Site5 and Verio acquisition.
EIG goes on conquering the hosting world 🙁
I updated my article and gave credit to you (if you have a website, I’ll put a link to it – just let me know if you want)
Thanks michael for information.
dreamhost is EIG hosting companies too? i see comment above (Nilantha)
Oops, I guess I missed your comment Marlin, sorry.
Nope, Dreamhost is not a part of EIG. At least not yet 🙂
And thank god for that. For now 🙂
Yep 🙂
honestly, I’m so glad I came across this site. to think I almost signed up with bluehost. thank fuck I didn’t after reading USER reviews. thank you for sharing this invaluable information for people, like me, who don’t know what they’re getting themselves into.
That’s exactly the point why EIG is not respected among people who know the hosting thing. Typical users usually do too little research and fall for marketing that EIG is actually strong at. So instead of going to a reliable hosting provider, people end up with overpriced EIG (especially some of its brands) that is advertised here and there.
You probably should note that Zoneedit is no longer affiliated with EIG (Endurance) in any way. They were purchased by EasyDNS Technologies Inc. prior to August 6, 2014.
Thanks Joe. Edited.
Newbie here, thanks for the research , it is matter if web server close to the website visit area right , I can’t seem to find ant list that show web hosting server location, Actually I ‘m looking web hosting that have server close to SF BayArea, CA, any list suggestions ?
Hey Joe,
Location matters a bit, but it’s not the first factor that should be taken into consideration when choosing a web hosting provider.
Ideally, the closer location, the quicker ping. But it’s just one of the factors for your website download speed. Far more important factor is web hosting overloading and overall proper server management.
For instance, close server location can give you an advantage of less than a second or so.
But correct server management of your hosting can give you a faster speed by several seconds and much more uptime in general.
Moreover, if you have a typical website or blog (and not sort of multimedia storage), server location is not that important as reliable web hosting.
For example, my website is hosted on the cheapest shared plan in the good hosting company in Europe, although most visitors are from US. But when I compare my site speed with many others hosted in US or wherever, I see that my site is faster than most of other websites.
So my advice is simply ignore the server location, but focus on choosing a good hosting company first of all. And if there’s a choice of server locations in the hosting company of your choice, then that’s great – ask the hosting provider for advice and they’ll recommend the server for you.
I deeply thank-you and admire that you published this article. Thank-you for your hard work.
Years ago I steered clear of EIG and deliberately went with a local green hosting company (Hostpapa). With the internationalization and expansion of Hostpapa, their decline in speed, service, technical support and redirection away from a green business model has placed me in the market again for a new hosting company… Your article is exactly what I was looking for.. Like you said, the moderators of Wikipedia are deliberately keeping us in the dark.. by you publishing this article, you have undermined their denial of information. Thank you thank you thank you…
Affiliated commissions and inaccurate reviews is what stains the hosting industry. For this I thank-you for your other article, “Reliable web hosting to recommend”. I will look into the shared hosting companies you recommended.
I appreciate your kind words very much.
My website is not as popular as Wikipedia, but even so I do what I can to make the online world a more truthful and transparent place.
From what I’m currently seeing from HostPapa’s service offering and pricing, they look to be just another EIG host too. It could be that it is another company that they acquired and then migrated to the same model as their other hosting sites. The main difference I see is that with the current USD/CAD exchange rate, Canadian companies would save significantly by using the HostPapa services rather than those hosted in the US.
That said, I couldn’t get a straight answer on chat about where the servers are physically located. Most Canadian companies are choosing a Canadian host with the expectation that their site is actually located in Canada.
Hi Luke,
I don’t have any information if HostPapa belongs to EIG. But anyway, there are many bad hosts that can be on par with a typical EIG hosting.
If you are on your way to find a host, you are welcome to check out my recommended list.
Feel free to ask me any questions.
Thanks for your comment!
Thanks, Michael – outstanding job.
Looks like i won’t be going with bluehosting after all 🙂
Also great to see you prepared to put forward some recommendations for hosting sites.
Much appreciated.
Hey Sam,
Good decision.
Feel free to ask me anything if you need help.
I honestly cannot say enough bad things about HostGator shared hosting. At one point — prior to 2012 — I was very pleased. Then June 2012, CEO and founder Brent Oxley announced the impending sale of HostGator to Endurance International Group (EIG). It has been a nightmare ever since.
In April 2014, a major network issue at the data center in Provo, Utah, affected EIG customers of Bluehost, HostMonster and JustHost, and took down many of the dedicated servers owned by HostGator customers. This was an apocalyptic event costing many businesses money and extended down-time. No concessions were made.
I preface my review with this: if you have 2 visitors per week, you’ll be okay with using a bad web host like HostGator. But if you run a growing site and business HostGator is worthless and will cost you down the road.
First, HostGator is always down! Not convinced? Checkout the hashtag #hostgatordown across social media — Twitter mainly.
I honestly got tired of my site going down. And while their marketing claims promise “unlimited” this and “free” that — keep in mind, nothing is unlimited.
They will throttle your site, prevent you from doing full cPanel backups (over 10GB) and worst of all at one point they’d pull down your site completely if a plugin is tapping out CPU resource intermittently without notice or recourse. Now they cache your site, but that’s still not ideal.
We ran a WP site that was completely optimized, used a CDN and WPSuperCache — and we optimized databases weekly — and still experienced numerous Error 500 pages and our back-end operating at a glacial pace. If it takes 60 seconds or more to load your wp-admin page there’s a problem.
Sadly, if you are uneducated about web development basics you’ll get taken for a ride with HostGator — as their support offers canned and scripted responses as to why your site is slow (and basically it’s your fault). They couldn’t piss on us and call it rain so they started lying.
Even when escalating an issue to a CS supervisor named Jason, I was told it was an administrative restriction that would be lifted soon and taken care of. The next day, to check his story, I called and elevated my request to a CS supervisor at HostGator named Chris, who confirmed no such restriction ever existed.
Meanwhile, HostGator’s customer support — at least 99% — is dumber than a box of rocks. They can offer no real solutions or help — only forward your ticket to an Admin — that takes light years to respond.
HostGator is a collective cluster … and this is coming from a successful business owner who rarely leaves bad reviews without giving a company ample time to redeem itself.
After HostGator’s continuous lies, slow hosting and lies I switched right away. It may seem daunting to switch hosting providers, but the fact that I sleep at night now is totally worth it. I’m no longer checking if my site has been down each morning.
I had to search high and low for a web hosting provider because most web hosting reviews are affiliate (paid). I found a honest and unpaid write-up on LiquidWeb, made the switch within 24 hours — no downtime and they migrated everything without a hitch. We ran into minor DB configuration issues which were promptly addressed.
I can never — with a straight face — ever recommend HostGator to any business owner or entrepreneur. HostGator is a monstrosity. And from what I hear from other business owners, anything owned by EIG (Bluehost, HostMonster, JustHost, and HostGator) is a nightmare.
Talk to developers before choosing HostGator — they’ll tell you the problem with companies like EIG. They oversell their servers and you end up with a slow site while HostGator blames you for it all.
I recommend having a third party monitor server uptime — we use SiteUptime. This way a HostGator rep can’t answer the phone and say “Your site is up now, I don’t see the problem?”
Also, sites like Pingdom are helpful to diagnose if it is actually a site problem or if HostGator servers are slow. They can’t argue with data. Meanwhile, GTmetrix will help you assess your site — because at times it may be your fault.
Keep in mind, with shared hosting you get what you pay for, but at a basic level they should be able to keep your site running and prevent your cPanel from taking more than a minute to load. Even their other products (VPS and dedicated) are poor — just read the (non-paid) reviews. Any review that offers a HostGator coupon is likely an affiliate (paid) review and highly biased since the blogger is compensated to say “HostGator is great!”
However, at the end of the day I will never use HostGator again and I will tell every business owner I know to stay far, far away. Funny, we don’t have any problems at our new web host — interesting how that works.
Thanks Allison for sharing your story.
I think your experience with EIG hosting is very typical.
I also had a ‘fun’ time when tried FatCow (EIG brand). Some time ago I was asked to do a simple test-drive of the hosting from a beginner’s point of view. I had a surprisingly bad user experience.
I believe that if people made at least a little research they would always stay away from EIG. But EIG’s effective marketing and generous affiliate commissions let it go further and further and continue conquering the hosting world, acquiring one company after another and turning them into money-making machines.
First, I thank you for this informative post.
I searched on Wikipedia to find the brands in EIG groups. They have removed it.
Many bloggers and website owners say “avoid from EIG Group companies”. But WordPress Recommends
Bluehost and Dreamhost.
Still, I can’t find a clear reason to Why they say to avoid from EIG group.
Can you expain that?
Hi Nilantha,
Thanks for your question.
EIG offers the biggest affiliate commissions in the industry. That’s the main reason really why WordPress and many other bloggers recommend them.
In a nutshell, EIG is overpriced, comparatively low-quality, over marketed, full of up-sells that are not really needed and apply not ethical and misleading way of treating their customers.
EIG is focused on inexperienced users, who can’t tell what is good and what is bad, what is needed and what is not needed. Such users buy their over-priced and useless upsells and experience bad hosting quality (as regards of speed, uptime) and technical support when it is more than just trivial stuff.
EIG have a big pool of stuff aimed at basic help for users. That’s why their online support is responsive, but not very useful (or takes a lot of time) to resolve more technical questions. And it’s not guaranteed that you will get the solution, too much often they just mislead you.
From a personal point of view, In very short, for the same price you can get much more better services and more reliable hosting.
In the beginning of this article above I put a coupe of links where you may find more explanations and thoughts about it.
And if you do your own research on the most respectable hosting web community, you will find out more professionals’ thoughts and opinions about EIG.
My own experience with one of EIG companies is described in this article:
From a hosting industry point of view, the dominance of EIG and their aggressive and semi-hidden way of acquiring independent hosting companies destroy hosting market by monopolizing it. It means for you as a client worse services for more money. Other good hosting companies are harder to find, because they do not have big marketing budgets, not advertised on so-called “top web hosting review sites” and just left to enjoy very small share of the market.
By preaching against EIG I make my own input in development of HEALTHY hosting market which is advantageous for consumers first of all.
I got it. Thanks for your explanation.
“EIG is focused on inexperienced users, who can’t tell what is good and what is bad, what is needed and what is not needed.”
That is true..
That’s why, almost every blogger recommend Hostgator, Bluehost or iPage for newbies.
Yeah, EIG is promoted very widely.
Hey Michael,
I happened upon your site here and am glad to see your list. I’ve just recently moved my website and domain to a NON EIG hosting provider. I was with the previous for several years but the speed was terrible. Also their technical info was slow and not very ambitious.
I’ve moved to A2 Hosting and although I have not been there long, I am very pleased with their prompt replies to any on my questions and the speed of my site is wonderful.
I will NOT go back to an EIG controlled service provider ever again! And there are many more reasons why I say that then I am mentioning. EIG is a devious monster, (I’m being conservative with my language and feelings here) 🙂
Hey George,
Thanks for your comment and congrats on your move from EIG 🙂
Yes, there are hosts that do their work much better and more thruthfully and ethically than EIG and even for a less price.
Thank you for digging into this more and sharing it on my EIG hosting article: The more information we can get out there the better. Thanks!
Hey Charles,
Thanks for your sharing your article.
It adds up to what people should know about EIG stuff.
Thank you for assembling this Michael. As you noted, them stripping the Wikipedia link has done buyers a big disservice.
Hey Kimberly!
The interesting part is that Wikipedia page about EIG did not contain many of the companies that EIG owns. But most well-known hosting companies it did contain, So yes, removing the list was the major trigger for me to do this research.
Thanks for your comment!
I used your post to set the ball in motion to get the wikipedia page patched (done) but your list remains more comprehensive for sure.
Hopefully the EIG hosting list will stay there for a long time.
Hi Michael ,
First this is a Great list Hosting Information Sites , Superb Work helpful Information , Post I like Its Thank You very Much For Sharing me , keep it up Really Great Staff ,
Hey Jassica,
I’m glad you found it helpful!