Due to limited time, I am no longer actively adding new content to this website. Additionally, previously published articles may not reflect the most current or accurate information.
Thank you for your understanding.
Regards, Michael
P.S.: You can contact me by email (researchasahobby_AT_gmail_DOT_com), though responses are not guaranteed.
Hey, it’s great you’re here! Look below what you can get from this website.

Meet Raah, the symbol of He is an online researcher, open-minded and friendly. Btw, he loves hiking and even more extreme leisure.
Main idea
The main idea of “Research as a Hobby” is to truthfully analyze resources and tools and discuss business mindset to help you (a small business owner, a business-minded blogger) to avoid pitfalls of internet marketing fluff and move beyond the obstacles that are on your way.
My motto is to help people, share knowledge and be truthful.
You can spend hours and hours doing your own research from scratch or you may just look here if I have already done the research you need. Simply subscribe to free updates and get the condensed knowledge to your inbox.

That’s me. Nice to meet you! Raah and I are close friends and we share the same passions.
What I can do for you
I share my researches of resources and tools with you. I am driven by a good portion of my researching perfectionism supported by 10+ years of working experience in a software development field and data analysis. Also there is a little critic angel inside me who helps me search for good stuff in the web and dig deeper into the things that an average blogger does not do.
My researches are useful if you apply the information that I share with you and if you take actions.
The internet is overcrowded with content. I enjoy to filter out bullsh*t and a marketing fluff.
I find and analyze the useful stuff so that you could act, not just read.
Why I created this website
- I help you by explaining technically difficult things about website-related things in a simple language without losing the important details. This allows you solve issues on your website and improve your website without being a technical person.
- I input more order in the marketing niche of the Internet, so that you could save huge amount of time and money achieving your blogging and small business goals.
- I enjoy finding valuable tools and sources of information, analyzing it, structuring it, synthesizing it and picking out the most useful things out of it.
- I utilize my research passion in a very useful way in an informal form like this blog.
- I started this website as a hobby project (that’s why you see a word ‘hobby’ in the name of the website).
- I do my best so that my research hobby and passion could be helpful for you.
- Hosting. Too many bloggers advertise hosts, too little bloggers do care about the people to whom they recommend it. I do. You can read my best articles on it here. Also, blog posts analyzing hosts, learn how to choose a host, and my recommended hosts for different types of users.
- Website Security. Making this topic much easier for you and helping you protect your website very efficiently and with as little efforts and investments as possible. You can read my best articles on it here. Also, there are my blog posts on website security.
- Website backups. My best articles on it are here.
- Making your website faster. My best tutorials and practical researches on it are here. Also, blog posts on this topic are here.
- Email marketing. I reviewed in-depth a tool of my choice here.
- Working on your website. Technical things made easy for a non-technical person. Avoiding breaking your site, moving to HTTPS, cloning/migrating your site, adding interactivity etc. The best tutorials are here. And the blog posts are here.
- Marketing tips and getting rid of illusions. Don’t let them fool you. My best articles on it are here.
I help people as much as I can in the comments on my blog or by email messages (contact form).
My readers appreciate what I do and I’m very proud of it.
What exactly you can find now on
The research articles and tutorials on the following topics:
Thank you for reading it to the end and I welcome you to step aboard! Subscribe in the form below and don’t miss new updates.
I’m always happy to see you visiting my website, using the results of my free researches and getting help from me.
See you!
BTW, I respect your privacy, and of course I don't send spam, affiliate offers or trade your emails. What I send is information that I consider useful.