This Is The Last Newsletter Email For You… From This Address

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I had a temptation to make a complete click bait title so that you don’t miss this post 🙂

But in fact, I just wanted to say that I’m changing the way you will be getting newsletter emails from me.

I have been using Feedburner as a delivery service for sending my newsletter emails to you. Unfortunately, Google closes this service. So I’m moving to an alternative – And if everything goes as expected, the next email from you will get via the new service.

What does it mean for you?

Basically nothing. But please be aware that my newsletter emails for you will look different than now (including different email titles, and the content inside the emails)

Do you have to do any actions?

I hope no 🙂 You will continue getting newsletter emails from every two weeks or so, i.e. two times per month.
But if for some reason you notice that you stop receiving the emails, please let me know with a private message or simply write to my email: researchasahobby (at) google (dot) com, and I will sort it out.

Thank you very much for being my subscriber!

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BTW, I respect your privacy, and of course I don't send spam, affiliate offers or trade your emails. What I send is information that I consider useful.

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  1. Just subscribed to newsletter, I would love to hear from you. Thanks

  2. TBH you kinda made a click-baity title, so it’s not just the temptation. Sad to hear about Feeburner.

    • Oh, Jordi, I thought that adding “…from this address” in the title would sufficiently smoother the click-baity taste of using “the last email”. Sorry to cross the line.
      In fact migrating to another newsletter service provider really made me nervous. And I had been procrastinating with migrating till the very end (Feedburner stops fully functioning in July).
      Newsletter subscribers are the most loyal readers of my website and I did not want to touch it if it worked fine.
      After all, thank you for being my subscriber and sorry again for disappointing you to some extent with the title.

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