Hosting Performance Contest – June 2016 Roundup (Devil’s Dozen)

Here's the fifth Monthly Hosting Performance Contest Roundup for June 2016! I've been testing the devil's dozen of hosts in a non-stop manner the whole month and will show you the results right away. The competing for the title of the best hosts was pretty tough this month with four new hosts added in the Contest! By the way, you can find the latest roundups here and the performance tables … [Read more...]

Hosting Performance Contest – May 2016 Roundup (9 Hosts On The Radar)

Here's the fourth Monthly Hosting Performance Contest Roundup for May 2016! I've been testing 9 hosts in a non-stop manner the whole month and will show you the results now. By the way, you can find the latest roundups here and the performance tables and charts here. This time I've added two more hosts. One of them is very-well known InMotionHosting and the other one is also well-marketed … [Read more...]

Hosting Performance Contest April 2016 Roundup

Here's the third Monthly Hosting Performance Contest Roundup for April 2016! I've been testing 7 hosts in a non-stop manner the whole month and will show you the results now. By the way, you can find the latest roundups here and the performance tables and charts here. This time I've added 3 more hosts. I knew that two of them are great hosts. And the third host is well-known, from the … [Read more...]

How much money you can earn by blogging. Per-visitor view and strategic advice.

Intro I've written this article to counterbalance and to add to those many implied motivational blog posts called 'income reports' that you can find in the Internet. They tell you how much money you can earn by blogging or how much this or that blogger already earned. Although big income numbers achieved by ordinary guys and gals can be really driving you in a positive way and pumping up … [Read more...]

Hosting Performance Contest March 2016 Roundup

Here's the second Monthly Hosting Performance Contest Roundup for March 2016! I've been testing hosts in a non-stop manner the whole month and will show you the results now. By the way, you can find the latest roundups here and the performance tables and charts here.   Intro As you may already know, I've been monitoring the performance of some of the best hosting providers I know … [Read more...]

Try this to develop your business and blogging creativity with pleasure and no efforts

Business success nowadays, including success in blogging, in many ways is about creativity and intuition. Read this and see the images I've got for you below and you can get one more piece of the "secret sauce" of success that may unblock your blogging creativity. Source image used in the title: It's Your Creativity What Makes Your Next Blog Post Popular Your next blog post … [Read more...]

Hosting Performance Contest February 2016 Roundup

Here's the first Monthly Hosting Performance Contest Roundup for February 2016! Hosts have been tested non-stop during the whole month and here are the results. By the way, you can find the latest roundups here and the performance tables and charts here.   Intro As you may already know, I've been monitoring the performance of some of the best hosting providers I know. In short, … [Read more...]

How to clone website for testing: the easiest way for free

Intro In this tutorial I’ll show you how you can clone your website for testing purposes very easily and for free. You don’t always want to make changes on your live site until you make sure it doesn’t break anything. For example, you need to install a new plugin or theme. But you will want to check it out if it works and how it looks like before applying the changes on your live site. … [Read more...]

Cheap Web Hosting Support: How Bad Hosting Support Can Be

  I'd like to share with you a piece of my experience with cheap web hosting support. It was bad but also funny. It's the sort of support that I wish you never have with your host. If you know how bad a technical support can be, then you may want to choose a cheap web hosting more carefully. Also, I've got a little freebie for you (look at the end of this post).   After reading … [Read more...]

Top Hosting Affiliate Programs: Dirty Bloggers Secrets Revealed

Intro Top hosting affiliate programs offering the biggest affiliate commissions in the industry are very attractive for many bloggers and website owners. The bloggers may promote not very decent hosts. But it does not bother them much because they get good affiliate money. That's why recommending better hosts is often not what they are interested to do. In this post I'm uncovering this dirty … [Read more...]