Daydreaming with Seth Godin – All Marketers Are Liars, part 6 The table of contents for the whole series is here. This is the sixth part of daydreaming with discussions about Seth Godin's bestseller book “All marketers are liars”. Have a look at the previous part where Seth Godin defines his own truth and says about promises. This post is about trust, manipulation and … [Read more...]
Seth Godin Lied in the Title of his Book “All Marketers are Liars”
When I read Seth Godin's post I had a strong feeling as if Seth had been pushed by marketing community or by some other forces to change the title of his book "All marketers are liars" to a less sharp (or less "creative" as Seth says) to please the people who have not read the book. Well, I have read the book, and changing the title would do the work partly to reduce the negative feedback … [Read more...]
New Definition of Truth by Seth Godin
Daydreaming with Seth Godin – All Marketers Are Liars, part 5 The table of contents for the whole series is here. This is the fifth part of daydreaming with discussions about Seth Godin's bestseller book “All marketers are liars”. Have a look at the previous part where Seth Godin says how stories in sales make wonders. Disclaimer: Everything written is this post is not true, or better to … [Read more...]
How Marketing Lie Makes Wonders in Sales
Daydreaming with Seth Godin – All Marketers Are Liars, part 4 This is the fourth part of daydreaming with discussions about Seth Godin's bestseller book “All marketers are liars”. Have a look at the previous part where Seth Godin justifies lie. The table of contents of all discussions is here. Disclaimer: Everything written is this post is not true, or better to say, it is a story. Please … [Read more...]
Can Be Marketing Lie Justified? Seth Godin Says Yes.
Daydreaming with Seth Godin – All Marketers Are Liars, part 3 This is the third part of dreaming discussions about Seth Godin's bestseller book “All marketers are liars”. And there is a previous part where we discuss how Seth Godin attracted readers to his book by cheating. And here is the table of contents. Disclaimer: Everything written is this post is not true, or better to say, it is a … [Read more...]
Daydreaming with Seth Godin – All marketers are liars – 2
This is the second part of Daydreaming discussions about Seth Godin's bestseller book “All marketers are liars”. And there is the first part. Disclaimer: Everything written is this post is not true, not real and just a reconstruction of my and Raah's daydreaming. Although both I and Raah had the same dream, we tend to think it was all real. Moreover, Seth Godin, the author of several … [Read more...]
Daydreaming with Seth Godin – All marketers are liars – 1
This is a part 1 of … [Read more...]
21 Marketing Secrets From People Who Made $8 mln in 96 Hours
Let's assume you have a product. And here are the marketing secrets how to launch it with a series of 4 videos. Don't worry if you don't have a product or don't feel like making videos. This post is about universal secrets that you may use. I have gathered them from MindValley's fresh insights here . How these guys did it. They used the sequence of 4 videos. The best days to … [Read more...]
Only 2 Clicks to Know What Web Hosting is Used for a Website
This is a short but useful post about how to find out what web hosting is used for a website. This information may be used as appendix to the article series about choosing a reliable web hosting. Finding out where a website is hosted may be useful in many cases. For example, a web hosting reviewer claims that they themselves use some web host and they says it is so cool. In fact, it is easy to … [Read more...]
Web hosting research teaser with funny pictures and nice music
I have encountered absolutely free great music resource (Dan O'Connor's compositions at and felt like making a short presentation of my article series about web hosting research featuring one of the fantastic Dan's music composition named "I'm Gonna Go". Here is the video: If you know great websites with really good and professional music … [Read more...]